GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Speaking of taking the easy way out, why did they remove the ability for me to kill myself while inside of my yacht? I'm lazy and don't feel like navigating through my yacht to get to the door. Taking a cyanide pill is a much quicker and easier way out than trying to find the door when you're fresh out of bed.

It wasn't removed this update but I just remembered it.

I guess to deter people from using that ability in "Piracy Prevention"?
I was just minding my own business, buying hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of clothes while I can barely pay my bills (gotta keep up those appearances right?) when this asshole keeps bothering me. I finally had enough of it:

I guess to deter people from using that ability in "Piracy Prevention"?

But how would killing yourself give you an advantage in Piracy Prevention?
Reminds me of the time some 🤬 killed me while I was in a taxi...

I’ve just remembered there are AI taxis online. :dunce: It must have seemed like a neat little way to travel in the early days of multiplayer, but there really isn’t much use for them besides the mere novelty of being driven by an NPC. It’s surprising that no DLC vehicles have been given an “autonomous driving” mode.
Reminds me of the time some 🤬 killed me while I was in a taxi...
I remember one time I was AFK'ing in a public session in a taxi parked on the side of the road in Passive. Some prick thought it would be a fun idea to take cover behind it while he had 5 stars on him. The cops were unable to kill me but they did shoot the crap out of the taxi to the point where the engine was smoking and 3 of the tyres had been shot out.
Apparently the EWO changes are messed up. The intention seems to be that choosing EWO after being hurt by another player will count as that player killing you. However, this only seems to show the "___ has killed you" message on your end and the server/lobby still counts it as a regular suicide, k:d unchanged and all.

Correction: EWO does affect the k:d, but it only shows the "____ killed you" message to the person who killed themselves.

Either way, the changes only affects EWO. Killing yourself any other way still acts as normal.

gg R*.

Also, that revolver nerf has effectively turned it into a short-range heavy sniper. 👎
Ah, so blowing themselves up with a sticky or RPG doesn't affect their K/D only if they choose EWO from the interaction menu?!

I usually go passive when I travel in a taxi in public rooms, because your view is restricted as is the HUD information unless you go into the pause menu for the map. I use the taxi a lot. More than once a day on average. It's a great way to let my character make way back to the bunker/office after a sale while I go have a smoke or similar.

Yes, from what I have experienced the easy way out does not actually affect k/d. I tried yesterday to see if it would because I don't care about k/d. My role in shootouts is the decoy anyway. It's way more efficient if I draw the clowns out in the open and let @superstreet556 go to work on them than it is to combat them myself. :lol:
Have you changed crews btw? Can‘t find you to join the lobby in the members list :confused:

Nah, been on GTPL exclusively for the past two-three years. I haven't played with LSAT(my only other crew) active in a long time. Last night I had some whacky router issue where it would boot me unexpectedly from a room but would still be connected online and that didn't get resolved until after midnight last night, by which time I was tired and fell asleep. So my username would've showed online on the PS4 until I woke up and shut off the PS4 somewhere in the 330-430AM EDT area, yet because I wasn't actually in an online room there would be no session to find. Will probably open a room this evening in the 530-630P EDT time frame, although as always I have no idea when I will I have be active with a controller in my hand. Thursdays I usually have a room up most of the evening, and am usually on a bit later.
I was just confused because your name didn‘t show up in the list of the members either. But maybe I was just too blind :lol:
I think the member list only shows like the last 32 people to be online or similar. I have often found I can't even see friends in the crew list if they are not online, which happens if I try to send an invite while someone is resetting from 800, for example. Or the game was just being odd, as is also often the case. No idea.
I think the member list only shows like the last 32 people to be online or similar. I have often found I can't even see friends in the crew list if they are not online, which happens if I try to send an invite while someone is resetting from 800, for example. Or the game was just being odd, as is also often the case. No idea.
Yeah it showed 32 members and 5 or 6 were online.
Case cleared then, thank you Rockstar :lol:
Status update: getting a GB200 for reasons of having a road and a rally version means that, even with the assistance of my MOC and there still being plenty I'd want to add to the list, I now officially own too many racecars to have in a single garage.

I'm going to need an entire Office Garage combo just for racecars sooner rather than later. Please R*.
Played a little yesterday and felt uninspired by this new update. The races aren't very fun for me, and there is literally no other content. Hopefully the next one will give some reason for me to play. I thought about buying a bunker, but I don't really want to, and I don't want to buy something just because I have money to do so.
Played a little yesterday and felt uninspired by this new update. The races aren't very fun for me, and there is literally no other content. Hopefully the next one will give some reason for me to play. I thought about buying a bunker, but I don't really want to, and I don't want to buy something just because I have money to do so.
If you're not feeling anything of impulse then save your money for the next big update. Better to keep it for something you actually do want.
Care to explain?
Basically, when you're ready to sell a full bunker, quit and reload the game until the sale mission gives you either 3 Black Insurgents or 2 Phantom Wedges since there's not enough time to sell a max bunker with the other drops.
Marshall: +1 vehicle per 25% of stock. Can solo 1-2 vehicles. Off-road deliveries with hostile Buzzards.
Dune FAV: +1 vehicle per 25% of stock. Can solo 1 vehicle. Random deliveries in city & off-road, hostile cars.
Green Insurgent: +1 vehicle per 33.33% of stock. Can solo 1 vehicle. Random 5 drop-offs per vehicle, Merryweather hostiles.
Black Insurgent: +1 vehicle per 33.33% of stock. Can solo max available= 3. Simply drop each vehicle off randomly, possible 1 wanted star or gang members to avoid.
Phantom Wedge: +1 vehicle per 50% of stock. Can solo max available= 2. Always locates to docks or LSIA. 3 Star wanted level to avoid.

I believe the penalty, according to GTAF, is $7K-$10.5K lost per switch which is seen as acceptable for such a large sale & some offset it by playing a VIP mission and then retrying again. Of course, you're still encouraged to buy the supplies and offset them with I/E. I think it takes 6 full supply bars to max out the bunker? Or time frame, around 12 hours. Naturally, you do also need the first 2 upgrades as well; I take the risk not having security.

I used to to buy supplies, then I/E until it the supply bar was gone, and sell for $210K to guarantee a single vehicle. But, I'm attempting this route to make more of it in 1 go, than just selling for $210K every time as some have pointed out the lost opportunity when given a single Wedge doing this.

Well, this looks rather worrying. Quite a lot of people saying they got 30 day bans. Small amount of threads on the same topic on Reddit.
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I used to to buy supplies, then I/E until it the supply bar was gone, and sell for $210K to guarantee a single vehicle. But, I'm attempting this route to make more of it in 1 go, than just selling for $210K every time as some have pointed out the lost opportunity when given a single Wedge doing this.

Based on this spreadsheet, the numbers are very similar to the Coke business:

However, the idea of not using the Post-Op truck is pretty appealing.

I wonder if I'm banned...

..the Bunker is basically the Cocaine Lockup, but more convenient for solo players.

And, depending on your choices, slightly more expensive to start.
Based on this spreadsheet, the numbers are very similar to the Coke business:

However, the idea of not using the Post-Op truck is pretty appealing.

I wonder if I'm banned...
I still haven't decided if I want to start that up. I switched up I/E a bit by going back to stopping & fighting off the AI during source/sell missions than relying on the Cargobob 90% of the time. Takes more time, but that's time the bunker is running in the background all the same whilst I'm online.
doing Bunker stuff by yourself
I really need to get on finishing the guide, as this is going to be covered. Resetting a full bunker sale is going to hit you $32k each time. Small hit compared to failing to deliver a third or fourth vehicle.

I find that spreadsheet unfortunately to be somewhat misleading as $/hr means absolutely nothing unless you're sitting there waiting for it and hit sale the moment it pops up, etc. This has been detailed, and is also part of the notes I'm distilling in the other thread. It's been a little slow going as this site seems to kick me out while I'm editing a lot and I've lost work several times already. I digress, so anyway here's the details below. They will be presented a little more clearly once formatted into the other thread, and won't be as wordy once I remove all the babble.

I'll spoiler my overworded bit, and tl/dr at the bottom.

A Bunker with the staff and equipment upgrades(I recommend this immediately upon purchase of the bunker) takes approximately 11h40m to fill. Of course, that's also rather irrelevant as to hit that you must be johnny on the spot at your bunker exactly 150 minutes after each purchase of supplies, to resupply again. So don't pay too much mind to that.

With the above upgrades, the bunker will always fill at a rate of $1k per minute of product. This is not your profit(again, I don't recommend measuring anything in this game in $/hr in anything but overall averages, because nothing in this game takes a consistent amount of time to do repeatedly. I'm rambling, though. Why the $1k/min is important is so that you know how to properly time your resupplying and selling of the bunker. I'll get into that.

Of course, because the bunker(with above upgrades, from here on all #s will assume this) full of supplies will produce $140k in product(on the meter on your screen, aka local sale numbers), it will take 140 minutes to do so from the time your supplies arrive(NOT from when you purchase, but when you receive your text that it has been delivered.)

However, because the max single vehicle sale is $175k(again, on the meter, actually sells for $262k) you can do better than a single load of supplies for solo single vehicle sales. This is where knowing the $1k/min that product is created from supplies comes in handy. To hit that $175k reliably without having to sit round and be there right as the bunker hits $175k to sell before it goes over, I recommend the following;

Buy supplies.
Once you receive your text that supplies have arrived, take mind of the time and plan to return at exactly 28 minutes later to resupply again.
(Pro-tip, don't delete the "your supplies have arrived" text message so the in-game timestamp remains, and simply head back to your bunker ~12hrs(in game time) after you got the text. That's 24 minutes in real time, which leaves you ~4 to make it back to the bunker in time)
At the bunker, 28 minutes will cost you $15k to refill your supplies.
Now you can go off and do what you please, and the bunker will fill to no more than $175k. No babysitting, no running over the single vehicle sale limit, and still getting the most $ you can.

The above is going to gross you $262k, less the $90k you spent on supplies(and the fees when you login, ammo, etc) which will provide you with $182k in profit. This is the most efficient guaranteed solo method for the bunker.

As for doing the full bunker, here's the details.

One load of supplies creates $140k in product and takes 140 minutes to create. The bunker holds $700k in product max. That is exactly 5 full loads of supplies, which means 5 times 140 minutes to fill, which is 700 minutes in total, or 11h40m. This will sell for $1,050,000. If you get an unwanted sale and reset this as discussed, when you return the sale amount will now be $1,018,000 for a loss of $32k. Again, small price to pay compared to losing 1/3 or more of the product when failing to complete the delivery. I have done this myself, but can't necessarily recommend it to others in good faith, as sometimes you may reset 5 or 6 times to get a soloable mission(depends on bunker location, too) and then you're into real losses.

So, that's that. I'll detail this all a bit better in the other thread.

tl/dr; Best solo method;

Buy bunker and at least staff and equipment upgrades. Set to manufacturing, no research.
Buy supplies.
Once you receive your text that supplies have arrived, take mind of the time and plan to return at exactly 28 minutes later to resupply again.
(Pro-tip, don't delete the "your supplies have arrived" text message so the in-game timestamp remains, and simply head back to your bunker ~12hrs(in game time) after you got the text. That's 24 minutes in real time, which leaves you ~4 to make it back to the bunker in time)
At the bunker, 28 minutes will cost you $15k to refill your supplies.
Now you can go off and do what you please, and the bunker will fill to no more than $175k. No babysitting, no running over the single vehicle sale limit, and still getting the most $ you can.

Josh, the opponents are no different in bunker sales whether you have help, are alone in the room, or otherwise. They throw the same opposition at you regardless.

Now, if you are a badass there are other options. @superstreet556 and I did a sale with 3 insurgents with 5 stops each with only two of us, in a full public room. Whoever arrived at the next stop first called the buzzard and flew back to grab the last insurgent from the prior stop while the other fought the room off the other two insurgents haha. We completed it, under attack by Deluxos, and they took out one insurgent on the final stop. We lost 1 drop-off unit of the 15(3 vehicles, 5 stops each) while being constantly under attack and finished with a few minutes to spare. Probably 95% of folks would not be able to do that, which is why I try not to recommend things that I don't feel *most* players can successfully accomplish.
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