GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Yeah the patch is out, hopefully my characters come back. :nervous: ROCKSTAR PLS HELP. EDIT: My characters are still missing after the patch. I'm gonna reload a couple of times and hope they reappear out of nowhere.

Have you tried logging in to the iFruit app to see if your character's cars are in the LS Customs 'app'? Mine are, I don't know if that's a good sign or what. I'm still too scared to log in...
Have you tried logging in to the iFruit app to see if your character's cars are in the LS Customs 'app'? Mine are, I don't know if that's a good sign or what. I'm still too scared to log in...

I didn't realise iFruit worked with online, cause I wondered why my custom plates weren't available for me. But that's actually a very good idea, cheers. Checking now.
EDIT: Oddly enough, the cars are there! Hm... this is so strange. However it only shows the cars for my second character, I suppose it can only show one at a time. But this is a good sign, I guess.
EDIT 2: UNLESS. It remembers the last cars you had and doesn't actually correlate to what's currently the case. I hope this isn't true.
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It worked for me for about 25 minutes then it booted me out, and I keep timing out when trying to find a session.

Also I have no idea how to invite people/join a friends session.
Still not working for me, time outs, infinite loading screens, disconnects, ...
Oh well, still loads of stuff to do offline
EDIT 2: UNLESS. It remembers the last cars you had and doesn't actually correlate to what's currently the case. I hope this isn't true.
I guess that could be it, but iFruit has to get the data from somewhere so I don't know why it would save the cars you had and not everything else about the character. My theory is that your saves are kept on the cloud servers, but if you try to log in and can't connect to the server (resulting in the create a character screen) you're already screwed. The reason I think this is because a) every time the create a character screen came up on the first occasion I lost my progress, the orange cloud save whirly thing came up and b) even though I kept cancelling that screen I couldn't access my first character at all, ever. Then I made a new one and that one loaded fine. I think to try and get around this I'm going to make a character on an alternate account, save, reset the PS3, try to log in and if I get that character back then my main character with around 6 hours of progress should load too, assuming the save still exists on the cloud server. If the alternate one doesn't load, I won't try to load my main one and if it does load but my main one doesn't, I'll assume it's lost forever. Funny how I've not seen one mention about players losing progress on the Rockstar support page, yet almost every PS3 player I've seen has had problems with it. Has anyone actually managed to load a saved character on PS3?
Ive made so many guys and lost them it isn't funny. Ive seen the opening cut scene 10 times now. I either cant get threw the tutorial before being booted or if I do and then my save is corrupt and it tells me I need to finish the tutorial to play with friends. :banghead: Then for no reason the guys I make just disappear. GTA V ONLINE SUXS.
I don't understand why online progress/characters can't be saved locally and linked to the cloud in exactly the same way that the offline stuff is.
My guy that I made two days ago is still here. I used him a lot yesterday and got to level 15, then loaded today and was only 11.
Really enjoying GTA online! Server issues have (so far) been leaving me alone and i've been able to start stashing away money toward some property. Out of pure luck i got my first bounty kill earlier, too. Someone put $9k on a dude and i was in SMG range :)
Well this is odd, no matter what car I'm in, I can only accelerate to third gear and sit low in the revs. If I go on the motorway all the AI traffic is overtaking me because I'm at top speed. Anyone else had this?
I guess that could be it, but iFruit has to get the data from somewhere so I don't know why it would save the cars you had and not everything else about the character. My theory is that your saves are kept on the cloud servers, but if you try to log in and can't connect to the server (resulting in the create a character screen) you're already screwed. The reason I think this is because a) every time the create a character screen came up on the first occasion I lost my progress, the orange cloud save whirly thing came up and b) even though I kept cancelling that screen I couldn't access my first character at all, ever. Then I made a new one and that one loaded fine. I think to try and get around this I'm going to make a character on an alternate account, save, reset the PS3, try to log in and if I get that character back then my main character with around 6 hours of progress should load too, assuming the save still exists on the cloud server. If the alternate one doesn't load, I won't try to load my main one and if it does load but my main one doesn't, I'll assume it's lost forever. Funny how I've not seen one mention about players losing progress on the Rockstar support page, yet almost every PS3 player I've seen has had problems with it. Has anyone actually managed to load a saved character on PS3?

Yeah but I think that the servers ARE loading up because yesterday, around 8pm, I tried to get online (after I lost my characters) and the servers were down and it showed a message BEFORE I got to the create a character screen. I'm starting to flat out think our characters are gone forever, unless Rockstar roll back or something (or they could unlock the last 3 characters slots and restore the characters there so they don't overwrite working ones).
And yes, I've also seen a LOT of players complaining about this issue with characters, and that's my problem with Rockstar at the moment; they won't say the problem is there yet every other issue is on the list. It's annoying and it's kind of like they don't know what to do about it. I'm worried and I might start a new character but I also want to wait too. Ugh.
Seems my 1st character is gone. Time to make a new one ugh :(. Or is cloud still down?
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I can't even download the latest update now, it just goes to a black screen after hitting X to start it..

I don't think I was destined to play Online :(

Waiting for the intro music to stop then accepting the update fixed it.
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Everything is good on my end. That update smoothed things out. Also I managed to solo on the Deal Mission and It Takes a Thief Mission. Those were incredibly difficult missions, but I was able to get through both. Now I'm up to Rank 10.