GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Actually it was a team deathmatch on one of those parkour' know..."$1000000000000 & RP 10000000" BS...

I was just looking for a normal deathmatch, nothing more... but all I find is these parkour ones where the first one goes outside gets all the weapons and stuff...

Ether that or Insurgents vs RPG's, Insurgents vs gernade launchers, Insurgents vs jets...etc

You still have an unfair advantage because those players have no way of defending themselves.
no no don't count on me for that challenge, i will only bleep it up,

i suppose you don't know that expression, being the fifth wheel :? :D

Ok then. I 've heard of third-wheeling but not fifth.

I still haven't done that challenge. Although I'm pressed for time.... so I might not be able to do it.

You sure you don't want to try? It looks like we've got plenty of time, and this isn't the kind of challenge you want to rush.
You still have an unfair advantage because those players have no way of defending themselves.
Apart from a player who didn't own anything at all (the reason why I got the award), the other 3 actually owned weapons, armors and drove insurgents (I died numerous times, including times after this image...) and they actually had the advantages at the beginning and at the end...

Uhh...I think I better move on...
What is an organization? Did I miss something?

Yes indeed.

You can start an organization for 1 million and you can hire bodyguards to work for you.
Bodyguards are other players you can hire as muscle.

R* made it so that there's no wallet loss in hiring other players to do VIP-Bodyguard events in free roam, so joining one is pretty much a plus to your Online experience, more so with a pal.
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Anything you earn as a bodyguard in freemode(selling cars to LSC, robbing stores, etc) is sent to the VIP. You do get a $5k salary from the VIP awarded periodically(I think it may be a game-day but I haven't paid close attention) which decreases by $250 each time the VIP dies, even if it is of their own volition or killed by an NPC/gang fight/etc. In exchange you get access to a Buzzard, Turreted Limo, and a few others as well as your health regenerating faster and ammunition replenishment from the VIP. I haven't played much with it but I believe most of that is done through the interaction menu.

As a VIP, you can engage yourself and your bodyguards into various profitable tasks like stealing cars, picking up packages, and others. Some of these pay well(over $20k per player) and some of them do not. You can make over $100k per hour if your group is constantly engaged in activities, but you can make almost as much on your own anyway. It's a cool feature, but you're not really missing out on anything great in my opinion if you aren't part of a group.
Anything you earn as a bodyguard in freemode(selling cars to LSC, robbing stores, etc) is sent to the VIP. You do get a $5k salary from the VIP awarded periodically(I think it may be a game-day but I haven't paid close attention) which decreases by $250 each time the VIP dies, even if it is of their own volition or killed by an NPC/gang fight/etc. In exchange you get access to a Buzzard, Turreted Limo, and a few others as well as your health regenerating faster and ammunition replenishment from the VIP. I haven't played much with it but I believe most of that is done through the interaction menu.

As a VIP, you can engage yourself and your bodyguards into various profitable tasks like stealing cars, picking up packages, and others. Some of these pay well(over $20k per player) and some of them do not. You can make over $100k per hour if your group is constantly engaged in activities, but you can make almost as much on your own anyway. It's a cool feature, but you're not really missing out on anything great in my opinion if you aren't part of a group.
That's a great summation of what it's all about. Thanks Marcus. I wasn't interested in it all before hand but now even less so. I'll stick to my profitable freemode events.
Can you be a bodyguard and VIP at the same time?
AFAIK no. A VIP owns an organization while a bodyguard works for 1 and you can only be in 1 at a time AFAIK

Also when did bulletproof tyres get a price reduction? I thought they were 25k but just got them for my Schafter and it was $11750
It doesn't look like the armoured Schafter has the same level of protection on the windows, I may be wrong. Can you use grenades whilst driving the armoured Schafter? You can't when driving the Kuruma
You can on the Armoured Cog 55. Havent tried armoured Schafter.

Windows are also WAY tougher. Took 15 shots from a Carbine Rifle to shatter one
You can on the Armoured Cog 55. Havent tried armoured Schafter.

Windows are also WAY tougher. Took 15 shots from a Carbine Rifle to shatter one

Wow. :eek: I never expected to get bullet-resistant (not bulletproof) glass at any point in this game. This is exciting news. It looks like I'll be selling my Armored Kuruma since this not only performs better, but it's safer. This seems like an amazing personnel transporter.
Wow. :eek: I never expected to get bullet-resistant (not bulletproof) glass at any point in this game. This is exciting news. It looks like I'll be selling my Armored Kuruma since this not only performs better, but it's safer. This seems like an amazing personnel transporter.
I'm actually wishing I saved for an ormoured Schafter instead of the standard model. Also, why are the LWB vehicles so much more expensive? Like an 80k difference and the only difference I can work out is that the car is slightly longer
Well that really sucks. I really liked the topless Casco in my opinion. I wouldn't mind them patching the bug with the Casco being delievered topless upon purchasing it but reverting everyone's topless Casco back to normal? Really Rockstar?
It was never intended to exist in that way. Cars with glitched body styles tend to have issues with collision detection and such.
It doesn't look like the armoured Schafter has the same level of protection on the windows, I may be wrong.
The armored windows aren't invincible but from what I've heard, they will take a beating before breaking. The Kuruma only provides good protection from certain angles.
I'm actually wishing I saved for an ormoured Schafter instead of the standard model. Also, why are the LWB vehicles so much more expensive? Like an 80k difference and the only difference I can work out is that the car is slightly longer
Larger cars tend to be more expensive in general. They're just reflecting this in-game.
That gamemode looks ultra-broken. Who in their right minds thought a Karin Technical could go toe-to-toe with an Insurgent Pick-Up? :yuck:
You're better off using a motorcycle or the helicopter to find the target.

It is worth noting that the Technical does more damage than the Insurgent does, at the expense of having no protection whatsoever. If you can find the guy quick enough, it might be of some use.

@Custom878 - why'd you become a bodyguard for the guys harassing us?! :P

Edit: and as I type that, disconnected.
They paid well. :P
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