GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
In the UK a $8M shark card costs £64.99 from the PS store. I would really be hard pushed to pay that considering what else if could buy.
For those doing Criminal Mastermind, read this. If there's a chance of someone dying, make sure everyone's ready to force-quit the game.
convert it to beers... is better judgement of its value

At that level you can convert it into other videogames.

GTA V is currently 40% off on steam for Midweek Madness - if you're on PC, it wouldn't actually be much more expensive to literally buy 3 copies for 3 friends so that they can do the Criminal Mastermind challenge with you.
Phew, close one!

As a resident of Paleto Bay it is important to know that the safest route out of town when you're being chased by 5 people is on the train tracks. Just watch out for trains. And make sure you leave enough time to get in front of the train and don't attempt it at a point where you missed crashing into the bridge by 2 inches.

Nope, it's like good behavior, doesn't cost the VIP to pay for his bodyguards (He'd get paid and it wouldn't take money from me). La Mesa Asset Recovery and Sightseeing are two that you can chain back to back pretty easily. Request the free Buzzard as VIP, use it for Sightseeing and then fly to the La Mesa LSPD (La Mesa has sports cars and pays the most of the ones I've done). Parachute out of the Buzzard so it blows up and you can request a new one at the end of the Asset Recovery. Then drive to the drop-off, have one person lose the wanted levels and the others (If you have any, you can do it yourself if you want) just drive the cars to the drop-off, and then run away. The guy who lost the wanted level drives all 1-4 cars into the Yellow circle. You may have to wait a minute between jobs (We rushed to get in one last job before my VIP ran out and I had to wait 5 minutes), but all in all, it's pretty good way to make money
Addition to this, it's best if you get into a Public session by yourself, then invite the up to 3 people you want to grind out money with, that way randoms don't **** your day up
I have no more motivation to play this on PS3 anymore.
Just sitting in my apartment with everything I want that is available on last gen.
I forgot I also play these Insurgent/Stunters vs. RPGs/Snipers LMS to keep earning money, and I've found that I'm pretty good at it.
Wait a second. You got the trophy by making a spawntrap deathmatch? How classy. :rolleyes:
Actually it was a team deathmatch on one of those parkour' know..."$1000000000000 & RP 10000000" BS...

I was just looking for a normal deathmatch, nothing more... but all I find is these parkour ones where the first one goes outside gets all the weapons and stuff...

Ether that or Insurgents vs RPG's, Insurgents vs gernade launchers, Insurgents vs jets...etc
They patched the glitch or bug or whatever you want to call it where you can get a topless Casco. And also if you own a topless Casco, your Casco will revert back to having a roof.

Well that really sucks. I really liked the topless Casco in my opinion. I wouldn't mind them patching the bug with the Casco being delievered topless upon purchasing it but reverting everyone's topless Casco back to normal? Really Rockstar?
Pardon me if this is a dumb question, but how on earth do you start your own gang/become VIP etc?

Not really a fan of the new update, Yachts are far too expensive, would be alright if they had the interior as seen in one of the adversery's but don't.
Pardon me if this is a dumb question, but how on earth do you start your own gang/become VIP etc?

Not really a fan of the new update, Yachts are far too expensive, would be alright if they had the interior as seen in one of the adversery's but don't.
Earn a million and then go to the Securoserv option in the interaction menu and there'll be an option to start your organization
Pardon me if this is a dumb question, but how on earth do you start your own gang/become VIP etc?

Not really a fan of the new update, Yachts are far too expensive, would be alright if they had the interior as seen in one of the adversery's but don't.
Have a million in the bank, and it's in the Interaction menu under SecuroServ