GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
I'm not sure if the armored Kuruma is different since I've only driven the normal one, but I find when I take mine on dirt tracks it rolls really easily. Tried taking mine rallying across a few trails when I first bought it and ended up rolling at almost every corner.
This is true, the armoured one is heavier than the regular one. I try to double tap the brake and then use then handbrake to turn on thise types of roads. You can try mjne of you like. It has all performance mods, a spoiler but no suspension upgrades.
I hope the outage doesn't last too long because my daily objectives stands string at 11 now. :lol:
Same thing with freemode events and probably anything else that you can get money from (such as robbing stores and collecting bounties, although I don't know if these two actually give money to the VIP). I won criminal damage when I was a bodyguard once and almost all the winnings went to the VIP. I asked him to give me my money and he was more than willing to but it would only let him give a certain small percentage. I think he was able to give me something like $4500 or $7500 on top of the $5000 or so it didn't take out.

I accepted a Body Guard invite last night. He let me check out his yacht, and did one Hostile Takeover mission. He sent me his cut off 15 grand, even though I just sat in the helicopter. I disembarked on an inverted flying challenge and the VIP received about $4600. Then his VIP status ended right after the event. Most of the Body Guard duty I accept never amount to much.
The outage is still going. There's rumors of a DDOS attack (Damn Phantom Squad). Or a server failure problem.
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About time I got back after a 3 week hiatus being in the UK. I brought out the current Crew Color's unintended bad influence, and it appears past me has decided to do this.


I miss Gran Turismo and all, but still.. :sly:
There have been some odd things happening. First, I would call for my Savage... And it would be smoking right when I take off. Engine would cut out half way across the map. Happened 3 times. Then today, the mechanic couldn't deliver a car to me out at Paleto Bay. Next I was trying the Time Trial that starts on top the garage at LSIA, and would fall off my motorcycle. Now I was unable to get on the damn thing UNTIL the timer to get in a vehicle ran out.

The worse one was I couldn't control the Buzzard anymore, only move the camera. I had to bail and was able to call for another one.
About time I got back after a 3 week hiatus being in the UK. I brought out the current Crew Color's unintended bad influence, and it appears past me has decided to do this.

View attachment 498179

I miss Gran Turismo and all, but still.. :sly:

Self radio? How that work then?

Oh and as a newly promoted commissioner, sir, we're gonna have to impound your vehicle. Something about only one guy in this crew being allowed a Lime Green Porker lol
I got onto GTA for a bit there to do dailies but then I got stuck at a loading screen. I closed the app and now the R* servers are unavailable. Went to play AC Syndicate and every time I try to connect to the servers the game crashes. It's maybe on Sonys end but I can only play while not connected to the internet now.
I just tried to get online and I was told that you can only once transfer your account data.

Makes me wonder what happened last night.
R* had a hotpatch yesterday/last night, which I suspect is why R* services were slower to return after PSN was back up. Not sure if it was planned or they were taking advantage of the down time, but there were a few noticeable changes as soon as I got on last night. Traffic patterns changed, with traffic congested a bit in the denser areas downtown, and there were a lot more parked NPC cars in lots and garages. As well, draw distances for light bulbs at night seemed to increase, though to R*'s discredit the draw distance for certain objects was actually reduced previously from PS3 to PS4. On PS3 you could read the time on the clock atop the Bay Cities Guaranty Building in Santa Monica from Fox Plaza(Weasel Plaza) apartment facing West, but in PS4 you need to be within a block or two away for the clock hands to load.
I have to say, I'm extremely impressed by all of the lowrider (Not the cars from that update) crews out there. I was browsing pictures uploaded to just one twitter account (Although most of them were retweets) with dozens upon dozens of tastefully modified cars. Yes, you had the oddball here and there like a slammed Home Depot-orange Vapid Minivan, but everything else looked fantastic. Now I really wish you could truly slam your car at LS Customs instead of shooting out the suspension and removing bumpers/fenders. Even if the wheels poke out of the fenders some times, it will look good for the most part.
Problem is having stuff like that in the game looks sloppy on the developers part, which is why it probably won't happen.

:( You have a point there. I've seen quite a few online car shows, and there are always people who have the incorrect bullet hole locations on their cars. If someone's car gets heavily damaged for whatever reason (Glitched out AI, lagcidents, etc) and they need to fix the necessary damage, they have to bring their car to LS Customs (Which could take several minutes to get to), then they have to pay for all of the damage, shoot out the suspension again, and finally regroup. The whole process would be shortened if the option was there at LSC.
4 rounds of Rockets vs Insurgents with more than 8 players nets you some decent credits without getting boring.
Anyone have a Nightshade that I can drive for a few minutes? Preferably a fully modified one (talking performace mods here, I don't care what your's looks like) because if I do end up getting one it will end up getting fully modified.
Anyone have a Nightshade that I can drive for a few minutes? Preferably a fully modified one (talking performace mods here, I don't care what your's looks like) because if I do end up getting one it will end up getting fully modified.

Sure. Invite sent.
I hate how lowriders only sell for 10% of their value (before modifications) instead of the usual 60% for purchased cars.

Seriously? Does that include the "upgrade" you need to do before you can add everything onto it?
Seriously? Does that include the "upgrade" you need to do before you can add everything onto it?
The game considers the upgraded version to be a seperate vehicle. The car's value will be 10% of what you paid for the upgrade, plus the usual 50% of what you spent on additional modifications.

But, just in case I made a mistake, I'll check it again when I get the chance.
The game considers the upgraded version to be a seperate vehicle. The car's value will be 10% of what you paid for the upgrade, plus the usual 50% of what you spent on additional modifications.

But, just in case I made a mistake, I'll check it again when I get the chance.

Ugh. That's ridiculous.
Playing Capture 1 on 1 has got to be the most pointless and annoying game type in GTA.

Taking turns grabbing the bag and whoever is the first at the bag wins.

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