R* had a hotpatch yesterday/last night, which I suspect is why R* services were slower to return after PSN was back up. Not sure if it was planned or they were taking advantage of the down time, but there were a few noticeable changes as soon as I got on last night. Traffic patterns changed, with traffic congested a bit in the denser areas downtown, and there were a lot more parked NPC cars in lots and garages. As well, draw distances for light bulbs at night seemed to increase, though to R*'s discredit the draw distance for certain objects was actually reduced previously from PS3 to PS4. On PS3 you could read the time on the clock atop the Bay Cities Guaranty Building in Santa Monica from Fox Plaza(Weasel Plaza) apartment facing West, but in PS4 you need to be within a block or two away for the clock hands to load.