GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Since release, there hasn't been a substantial add-on to the Heavy section (which isn't the Rail Gun). My suggestion: the game needs a flamethrower, bad.

I would pay all my bubble money for one.

You would be put at a severe disadvantage. At close range, you would just get killed in one or two hits from a shotgun, and at medium-to-long ranges, you'll get cut down by assault rifles and LMGs.
Before we say it's a useless thing and make me go to the corner to say it's obviously a bad idea, let me think of a few good things..

- It'll probably destroy a car quicker and much more safely than an RPG up close.
- You can burn the ground and spread mass wide panic (or mark territories/space without use of a sticky/proxy)
- If I can recall a program on Discovery, flamethrowers are actually more silent than a silenced bullet shot.
- Aim upwards and you can have the flames climb buildings and clear short rooftops... which is weird.
- If I can recall a program on Discovery, flamethrowers are actually more silent than a silenced bullet shot.
It would be silent until you burn somebody and they start running around screaming :lol:.
If R* put in a drop and roll animation that would be glorious.
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3 words @CallmeDan : "Flamethrower only deathmatch":cool:

4 words: Those missions are cancer.

Before we say it's a useless thing and make me go to the corner to say it's obviously a bad idea, let me think of a few good things..

- It'll probably destroy a car quicker and much more safely than an RPG up close.
- You can burn the ground and spread mass wide panic (or mark territories/space without use of a sticky/proxy)
- If I can recall a program on Discovery, flamethrowers are actually more silent than a silenced bullet shot.
- Aim upwards and you can have the flames climb buildings and clear short rooftops... which is weird.

With GTA, it's all about which guns have the shortest time to kill, not which ones look the coolest.

I can potentially see the flamethrower being extremely broken, with the flames going through walls and killing players on the other side.
With GTA, it's all about which guns have the shortest time to kill, not which ones look the coolest.
Thats a little unfair I think. We dont say the same for all the cars that arent fastest in class. GTA is about variety and I think a flamethrower would be a great addition. I take your point about it breaching walls though. Perhaps that is the reason it hasnt been added already. I mean the musket and marksman pistol are only there for novelty reasons really because if you miss with that one shot and your opponent has any other gun, you are dead.
While hunting the purple and yellow Sentinels, have one of each now, I encountered a glitch. I drove the purple one in, and drove a standard Vigero? out, and I found the yellow one whete I found the purple one, near Tequila's. I swapped into the yellow one, drove to my garage and the Vigero was there again! I duplicated it without doing anything! Dumped it of course because the yellow XS needed space.

But maybe someone can do something with that glitch?


6 yellow and 2 purple. :lol:
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Remember the MP to SP car glitch? Now I wonder...what if I did that glitch with a car fitted with liberty city horn? Since it isn't available in sp...
Where are you guys selling cars for more than 9k?

...Los Santos Customs

Instead of making a garage full of them could you not just find one 1 by 1 then gradually make a lot of money ?

The modded cars spawn at a specific time, so if you saved a bunch of them, you're almost free to sell at any time.

View attachment 498991

Remember the MP to SP car glitch? Now I wonder...what if I did that glitch with a car fitted with liberty city horn? Since it isn't available in sp...

It should carry over, I'm pretty sure the Lurcher now in Trevor's garage still has the Halloween theme horn.
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Instead of making a garage full of them could you not just find one 1 by 1 then gradually make a lot of money ?

You can, and that is what I do, as I'm not willing to sacrifice my garage space to store them. I just sell them as I come across them. Sometimes I sell one every 48 minutes if I'm motivated, and sometimes I go days without selling one because I'm busy staring off into the sky.
We are playing the worst Prison Break heist ever.

You really need to find a good team in order to accomplish it . We had a all two levels 100 + ( one my friend ) and me. ( 65 ) then a level 49 joined . Then he crashed the velum. He actually crashed the VELUM , like , the slowest plane in the game , I mean , the lasers that chase you apparently aren't scripted to hit and go really slow anyway so he must have done something pretty stupid to crash it . Then he quit .
Can someone explain to me why it's always the Velum pilot who messes up Prison Break? They have the easiest job and the easiest plane to fly.
In my experience its because the person driving the prison van hits the plane or while the pilot is waiting on everyone boarding he gets shot and dies. Could blame the demo for rubbish protection but I think thats unfair.
Out of all planes , why the velum , if anything , the vestra or even a shamal would have been the best choice !

Also , bit random , but do you guys find in lobbies everybody just suddenly leaves and you find yourself in a solo session ?
I don't know, whenever I do it, one member of the prison team just keeps dying until he (rage)quits.
Usually the Prisoner because he thinks he can take on the world with a pistol, and then race to pick up all the armour and health packs.