GTAV - General Off Road Discussion | LS 4x4 Crew

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
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They're not, you have to steal that one during a mission. It's the Merryweather Mesa. I think its "The Wrap Up" mission, you can steal it and save it in your garage.
Thanks!!! I was wondering if I had to steal one, but at I'm glad we get it from a mission.
Anyone up for some off roading tonight? Still trying to figure out how to use my own vehicles for it...
^^ I would join but it looks like the Cloud Servers are down again. If they're up by then I'll join ya with a lightly modified Dunerunner (Dodge Power Wagon)
Yet my supercars don't. What?

Usually, I take it to Sandy Shores and the beaches. That's what I always notice with the Sandking truck. The sides looks dirty after driving there but that's fine for me.
I noticed they only get dirty on the sides too. Not behind the rear wheels or anything and those kick up the most.
I noticed they only get dirty on the sides too. Not behind the rear wheels or anything and those kick up the most.

The windows usually get dirty, too.
The FJ Cruiser look a like is not too shabby at the rock climbing.

I got the game a couple weeks after release, so I'm a little behind most of you, but I finally got it. What a beast of a mountain climber.


I got the game a couple weeks after release, so I'm a little behind most of you, but I finally got it. What a beast of a mountain climber.

So that's the off-road version of the Mesa.
Wish we could have more than one. I want one of those open top versions.

I had to play the mission 3 times to get the open top. First time, the helicopter landed on it. Second time they were all hard tops.

Did you guys notice that if you switch the wheels on it that the tires get smaller? Kind of weird.
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This is great!! I have found about 8 vehicles in the game that are for sure 4x4 vehicles. I have the list written down at home and will try to post it sometime this week. Will be fun checking out some of these trails. I went off-road for a few hours yesterday.
Wish we could have more than one.

Now you've got me thinking... I wonder if it is posable to drive one strait to a garage and then go back for a second BEFORE meeting with T? I'll have to try that.
Hopefully Rockstar will make a DLC pack with more cars and modifications. Like the ability to strip a cat for rally.
What do you think about updating the first post with all the confirmed 4x4 vehicles? I found some sort of Porsche Cayenne look alike that was a beast offroad! I forgot the car list at home so I don't know the name of it.

Don't forget the Sultan (Subaru Impreza lookalike) is 4x4 and climbs very well even though its a bit low.
More a Lexus IS200 Look alike.
Stock it does look like the Lexus.
Once its modified it looks almost exactly like a Subaru Impreza. In fact its almost identical the the Sultan in GTA4. It even has the STI wing and STI hood scoop. And it is AWD. Not sure if the Lexus is AWD in real life.
Stock it does look like the Lexus.
Once its modified it looks almost exactly like a Subaru Impreza. In fact its almost identical the the Sultan in GTA4. It even has the STI wing and STI hood scoop. And it is AWD. Not sure if the Lexus is AWD in real life.

Correct myself I meant IS300, The Sultan RS is a high-performance two-door coupe variant of the Sultan, itself based on the First Generation 2001-2005 Lexus IS300. The massive rear spoiler is usually a stock feature on the Subaru WRX STi. The rear of the car is highly reminiscent of the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV.

Anyway im excited for Off-roading with you guys.
I think they just gave it the Subaru-like mods to help differentiate it from looking like the IS300 too much.
Yeah, the front looks like an Is200/300 and the back looks like an Impreza. At least from what I see.

Looks kinda like an Evo IV from the back to me:

Evo IV (the rear spoiler is different though, kinda looks like an Evo VII's)
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I think we're going to keep this a more realistic off-road (i.e Jeeps, etc) thread and not just a "everything with 4WD thread". Cars with 4WD can go in the Rally thread.
I think we're going to keep this a more realistic off-road (i.e Jeeps, etc) thread and not just a "everything with 4WD thread". Cars with 4WD can go in the Rally thread.
Oh okay. Sounds good. Oh I found the "Dodge" 4x4 truck someone mentioned. That one truly is a 4x4 truck. Not sure the name of it. List is at home.
Oh okay. Sounds good. Oh I found the "Dodge" 4x4 truck someone mentioned. That one truly is a 4x4 truck. Not sure the name of it. List is at home.

Is it the Ram or the older one?
If its a Ram, its the Bravado Bison, which is oddly classified as a van.
There's a Dodge Power Wagon ripoff called the Dunerunner, which by the way is an awesome truck.
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