GTAV - General Off Road Discussion | LS 4x4 Crew

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
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I was certain I had sent your invite, but I guess it either got lost or I'm just mistaken. I just sent a fresh invite.

My request to join still says pending. It's been roughly 72 hours since I requested. I'm seeing others get accepted ahead of me that applied after me. Please accept as I'f like to blaze some new trails with you all.

R* social club = Beaver_Mounter
The birthdate was left default 1/1/1900. I have that hidden now.

I guess while I'm waiting on being accepted I should ask what you all consider "trails". Do you all drive strictly on marked trails (hiking, biking, etc.) or do you travel up ravines/washes and dry riverbeds as well?
I'm sorry, but it's difficult to take you seriously when your 114 years old and I cannot say your PSN name out loud while my children are in the room. :odd:

I mentioned this to people yesterday regarding issues with previous meets. Maybe it would be best to actually speak to people verbally before you accept them into the crew. This could cut down on the immature people and possible trouble makers.

The birthdate was left default 1/1/1900. I have that hidden now.

I guess while I'm waiting on being accepted I should ask what you all consider "trails". Do you all drive strictly on marked trails (hiking, biking, etc.) or do you travel up ravines/washes and dry riverbeds as well?

You can find maps of the most common trails that we use on page 1, where you can download them.
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I can PM whomever my cell phone # if I truly need to "interview" for this crew. Kinda seems above and beyond, though.
I can PM whomever my cell phone # if I truly need to "interview" for this crew. Kinda seems above and beyond, though.
That won't be necessary. By "interview" we were suggesting meeting up online in GTA. Generally, we would use your GTP profile as a reference. You have no profile history, and your profile was created on the very same day that several GTP members were banned for AUP violations while they posted in this very thread. You must understand our concerns here. Seeing as you've caused no disruptions, I'll send your crew invite. Please treat other crew members with respect in this thread and online in GTA5.
Here are a few more pictures from yesterdays meet, we ended being a group of 6 which seemed to be a good number really. Everybody kept their distance and the only shooting that occurred was during an accidental gang attack.

We ended up hitting an extended Mount Chilliad trail which I was used in the past, not a super challenging climb but a longer and more scenic one. We then stopped off in Paleto Bay for repairs and pictures, a few of us then swapped cars. After that it was a trip round Mount Gordo, which I though would be challenging for the Sandkings and the obvious truck, but it was all fine.

I was quite impressed with the performance of the Cavalcade II.









The unused back up car. It would have been that horrible FQ2, but the taxi is obviously easier to get a hold of.

It's quick as well. I don't really mind it.

The fact it is quite quick is it's only redeeming feature. The styling looks like it was based on a cross between a beetle and a fish. It doesn't exactly turn or stop well, and it isn't exactly good off-road. If they weren't so common I'd probably burn every single one I see.
The fact it is quite quick is it's only redeeming feature. The styling looks like it was based on a cross between a beetle and a fish. It doesn't exactly turn or stop well, and it isn't exactly good off-road. If they weren't so common I'd probably burn every single one I see.
That's what the Rhino is for! :mischievous:
I have one in single player as michael. When its fully modified its probably the best handling suv I have driven so far
LOL. It looks like that dude is taking a leak on the tire.

Can you "hook up" a sandking to a semi like that, or is it just kinda hangin there.

I googled for some trail maps and found this site as the first entry. Looks like some good work put into the mapping, so I sent a request. It's been out there for days, and I've heard nothing. I don't recall seeing on the first page that you had to be a forum member. Is this a required step?
LOL. It looks like that dude is taking a leak on the tire.

Can you "hook up" a sandking to a semi like that, or is it just kinda hangin there.

I googled for some trail maps and found this site as the first entry. Looks like some good work put into the mapping, so I sent a request. It's been out there for days, and I've heard nothing. I don't recall seeing on the first page that you had to be a forum member. Is this a required step?
It's not required to be a forum member, but the crew did originate here so it does make it easier. The problem with the crew request system is that we've currently got over 100 pending requests sent to us and no way of knowing who is really active. If we just except them all, the crew would be full and we couldn't welcome any new members that are active. Give us your Social Club name and we'll be happy to send you an invite.

I didn't realize our thread came up in a google search for trail maps. That explains the sudden increase of new members.
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I didn't realize our thread came up in a google search for trail maps. That explains the sudden increase of new members.
Yeah, if you GOOGLE search "gtav trail map" it's the first entry.
That explains the sudden fame and influx of trolldom.
Should I PM you my info?


-Warning big amount of photos incoming-

FORBY FUN! -with some random and friends.

Met this awesome guy on GTAForums (PSN: alexfohsho) who was building custom Blazer quadbikes for people. Curious, I requested for a custom quad, and sure enough, he wasn't kidding. Here she is!


Here are the installed parts:
Armor: 100%
Brakes: Racing
Engine: Stage 4
Explosives: No
Horn: Stock Horn
Lights: Xenon Lights
Plates: Blue on White 2
Private Plate: 835LK4
Primary Color: Metallic Ultra Blue
Secondary Color: Metallic Black
Suspension: Stock Suspension
Transmission: Race Transmission
Turbo: Turbo Tuning
Wheels Type: Off-Road Nevis
Wheel Color: Black
Wheel Accessories: Custom Tires, Bulletproof Tires, White Tire Smoke
Now you might be wondering, why am I gloating about a custom quadbike? Well it's because why not share the love! Ever wanted your own custom Blazer? Now's your chance! Simply copy+paste the format above and change what you want on it.
Forgot to note that the guy and I have since then become great friends, and he's taking requests for you guys. Simply reply with what you want on it, and I'll notify him on GTAForums. Please note that in order to receive your custom quad, you must join his public lobby, scoop it up from Michael's house, and race back to your safehouse (good trick is to call Lester and hide your blip for a minute to buy you some time to avoid randoms).
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