GTDesigned: A Community Vision GT Project

We'll going to add a series of poll for 3 days, for now the layout

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Speaking of spreading the word around the globe, it gives a random idea inspired by Jeremy Clakson "fracas", a petition to get a permission from PD for our project.

Okay enough with my crazy idea. If we wanted to share our idea around the globe, I think it's best to start by sharing our thread to our local communities then.
As it's a representation of what GTPlanet users would like to see in GT6. If GTP wanted to get interest in the project they could just put a news post up on the front page. Anyone interested will be involved.
As it's a representation of what GTPlanet users would like to see in GT6. If GTP wanted to get interest in the project they could just put a news post up on the front page. Anyone interested will be involved.

Yeah, I though we could get a frontage article if we got a GTP staff member on side. Surely that would get the project known to all GTP members.
Indeed it would promote our project to whole community but i think it's pretty hard for us to get this project in the front page of the web since our idea well i admit haven't materialize yet (Yes it's "yet" it's still in progress) our best shot will be the community spotlight and till that time, we should get our thread as busy as possible.
I was thinking the point of the article would be to attract members onboard the project and have all involved from the start, again. We can then create a fresh poll with as many options as possible put on the table, to find out what GTP members want their Vision to be. Then we can call for concepts drawings based around the Vision or brief the polling will provide.
I wouldn't start a petition, because that kind of approach says to the public:
"We failed to be approved by PD, so let the democracy say the word."
In other words, petitions are used as a last result, because they are pretty desperate.
My own opinion...
Here's my 2 cents.

I can see difficulties with the poll/polls.
Depending on how you do it will depend on the difficulties is presents.

It would seem to me you should only allow 1 vote.
So without an incredibly long list of options covering all combinations, the poll may need to broken into sections.
eg. A poll for the chassis(size/shape/style), and a poll for engine/drivetrain.
(or broken down even further)

The forum structure may allow you to run mulitple polls in one thread, or you may need to run 2 or more threads.
But unless you're willing to cover all possible combinations in one huge poll, I'm not sure I can see how it can be done without allowing multiple voting, and therefore perhaps tainting the vote process.

So I would be using this 'downtime' to gather all ideas of what options will be in the polls, and see if you can get them up and running so there is a reasonable amount of time for people to vote.

Maybe even start a thread to collect everyones thoughts on possible poll options.
And then when you're happy with how the poll/polls will be structured, and you have all the poll options you think you need, you could have a chat with Jordan regarding the technicalities of running multiple polls (if needed), and then ask if he could perhaps post a news item highlighting the fact the polls are open.

It gives you something to start on immediately to get the creative juices flowing.
And then while the polls are open for a couple of weeks (or how ever long you deem to be appropriate), at least things are still progressing somewhere, as opposed to just continuing to question each other about what to do next and getting nowhere.

Sooner or later, provided you choose to continue this project, you will need to hold new polls.
And there's nothing stopping you from at least commencing that process right now.

Then when you have the poll results, they will give you a base to start working from while you wait to see what PD and/or SONY have to say about the idea.
And, of course, you've gained some ground in the design process during the number of weeks it takes for the poll process to run it's course.
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Guys, we just need to wait and share the news to people who care/ would care about this project.
For now, i do have a suggestion to keep as all within the project.
Name of our car.
I know we had our debates about this, and a lot of good and bad names came along.
BUT, let's try finding that one name that will just fit.
So let's get crackin'.
I got nothing for now, but i'll see later.
Well not much but I have been thinking about this project lately but honestly I'm somewhat worried that PD is too focused on GT7 to do this. I hope they do another round of VGT's for GT7 and maybe we can get our foot in the door that way.
Well not much but I have been thinking about this project lately but honestly I'm somewhat worried that PD is too focused on GT7 to do this. I hope they do another round of VGT's for GT7 and maybe we can get our foot in the door that way.

I hope so, yeah. Honestly i think Our deadline to get the permission is until the last VGT release really
So guys, how is everybody?
I hope you are all well, and that you are all patient and still interested in this project.

Los Cules asked a question on our Facebook group not long ago.

"Should we ask Jordan for the status of our project?"

I say yes, we need some information from the man above, to give us some directions
with our project.
So do you want us to ask him?
Basically Jordan told us to restart so we can create a car that accurately represents the Gtplanet
community. The thread has kind of gone stale since people won't join until there's official word but you're free to make suggestions, ideas, and submit designs

Anymore news ?
Well guys, contact has been made.
I have news which are the same.
Here are the messages:

Any news for our little project Jordan?
This isn't a question just about the greenlight for our project,
it's about giving some info to everyone on the project.
Many people are losing interest.

I don't have any updates, unfortunately. SCEA and Kazunori Yamauchi are aware of the project and the interest in it, but the proposal is still percolating with Polyphony Digital.

As I said in my last post in that thread, it will likely be a very long time before we hear any official word.

Ok thank you.
Wow, didn't realize that it's been only 4 months since you posted that.
I've could have sworn you posted that somewhere in 2014...oh well.

It's know, not easy making ideas for which you do not know
will they or not be used.That is way many people are walking away.
But, fortunately me and many others still have high hopes on this.

Again, thanks for the feedback.

So guys how are you? :D
The picture is here just to make you guys happy since we still have no word on the project, nor have we
made any new designs or sketches.

I know that you would rather be more happier if i posted some beautiful sketch for our car, but recently my graduation is keeping me busy.So anything from you guys?

So guys how are you? :D
The picture is here just to make you guys happy since we still have no word on the project, nor have we
made any new designs or sketches.

I know that you would rather be more happier if i posted some beautiful sketch for our car, but recently my graduation is keeping me busy.So anything from you guys?
Nothing yet.

I'm still lost as to what the format and design will be, seeing how we are going to be going back to square one of development.
Maybe we should rethink this VGT again.
We all (kind of) agreed that we will make a Kei sized sport car.
But, honestly i wouldn't be happy about that.
I would like if we all try to make a new type of vehicle, something fresh.
Steam needs to be made, and one way to make it is nuclear power.
Nice idea, but i wasn't referring to the type of propulsion.
I asked about the looks, i want us to create a new type of vehicle exterior

Of course looks are not everything.Try to find a new way on each part of the car.