The data comes courtesy of, which uses the ProfessCars model. According to the data open in another window right now, the best possible S2000 AP2 runs 6 seconds flat to 60 MPH, 14.6 to 100 MPH, and 154 MPH in the top end, while the best possible gen 4 Camaro does 5.2, 12.3, and 169 respectively. The 1/4 mile times are 14.4 @ 99 MPH for the Honda and 13.6 @ 105 MPH for the Camaro SS. This translates to a 42 yard advantage by the time you cross the line.
If you're considering buying an S2000 for purposes for which speed is important, look around for a Club Racer model. It does seem to have some advantage in the acceleration department, starting with a 0.1 second advantage at 20 MPH, and really begins to show a difference above 60 MPH, reaching each 10 MPH increment from 70-130 MPH 0.4 or 0.5 seconds faster than a non-CR 2009 S2000, though the times begin to get closer as they approach their identical 154 MPH top speeds. In the quarter, the speed advantage has only barely started to stack up, with the standard S2000 running 14.5 @ 98 MPH, 0.1 seconds, 1 MPH, and four yards behind.