Well, it's a screwy story.
I noticed suddenly a high-pitched whining noise at speed when the gearbox would get warm. Took it in, and they said the fluid had been completely drained - that makes for some serious problems inside the case, as you can imagine.
Well, there seemed to be no logical explaination for it. The last time I had the oil changed by someone else was 2 1/2 years ago - far longer than it would have lasted. I had gone 4,100 miles since I last changed the oil myself. The Subaru tech said it should have lasted 2 days, maybe even 2 weeks - but not 3 months. No leaks were found. So, there are only two explainations:
1. Someone stole my tranny fluid without me knowing.
2. The dealership found something else, didn't feel like paying for it, and made up this story.
Either way, I'm pretty much screwed - $4,500 for a new one.
I noticed suddenly a high-pitched whining noise at speed when the gearbox would get warm. Took it in, and they said the fluid had been completely drained - that makes for some serious problems inside the case, as you can imagine.
Well, there seemed to be no logical explaination for it. The last time I had the oil changed by someone else was 2 1/2 years ago - far longer than it would have lasted. I had gone 4,100 miles since I last changed the oil myself. The Subaru tech said it should have lasted 2 days, maybe even 2 weeks - but not 3 months. No leaks were found. So, there are only two explainations:
1. Someone stole my tranny fluid without me knowing.
2. The dealership found something else, didn't feel like paying for it, and made up this story.
Either way, I'm pretty much screwed - $4,500 for a new one.