Originally posted by Goomba
(The last two sentences were stolen from Penny-Arcade)
Wow, a PA fan and a WRX driver - if only you were a woman...
Ahem...anyway - I just got my WRX back after a month of downtime! To recap, I took the car in with a nasty bearing whine coming from the transmission. Dealership claimed the fluid had all been drained from the system and left empty. No warranty coverage, they said.
Well, the tech who initially looked at the car was apparently not up to the challenge, so a new tech was sought. He fought for 2 weeks with SOA, and they finally caved - full warranty coverage.
So, now I've got my car back with a new front diff, new 5-speed transmission, new clutch, new flywheel, and a new rear diff/transaxle assembly.
It's like a whole new car! Literally!

Anyway, big thumbs up to the dealership for coming through for me. I'm guessing the repair bill on this would have topped $7,500...