GTP Member's cars directory. What do you drive?

  • Thread starter Avenger803

Do you like your car?

  • My car is the best, much better than anyone else's!

    Votes: 476 34.8%
  • Yep, it always starts, doesn't cost much, and I like it.

    Votes: 564 41.3%
  • Well, it's kinda rusting, driving is kinda scary at times,doesn't look too good.

    Votes: 68 5.0%
  • It's in the junkyard, or will be soon.

    Votes: 13 1.0%
  • Car? what car?

    Votes: 245 17.9%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Goomba
Yup! I'm a biggins in ze pants! I wish.... But your car looks awsome.

cheers :)

Originally posted by Goomba
PS. I was the fastest stock WRX at the autocross. Edged out a SRT-4 all of the other WRXs and a BMW. :sly:

good to hear
Originally posted by Goomba
Yup! I'm a biggins in ze pants! Right now I'm looking at some Prodrive P1s and some tires. The tires are really giving me one hell of a time. I was thinking Kuhmo MXs. $120 a pop for one of the best performing summer tires. While it's probably more tire than I'll ever need, it's almost as cheap as going with some of the lesser performaning tires. So I'm almost saying what the hell.

I put some new tires on mine recently. If you're still running on the RE92s, I pity you. They are a horrid tire and should never have been put on a car of this performance level. I replaced mine after 25,000 miles (yeah, they were really bald) with Sumitomo HTR+ 225/45-17s on Rota Downshifts. The difference in the car is phenomenal. You'll think you suddenly purchased a sports car instead of a grunty sedan.

Hey! The car is still new, I just haven't had the chance! :D

I plan on getting some Prodrive P1s, and by the time I get the cash for those, hopefully I'll of found a set of tires that I want.
Yeah, the P1s are nice. They were my first choice. The Rotas were cheap (much much cheaper than P1s), so I grabbed them instead. They're only 17 lbs, so they're not all that bad.
Originally posted by AltF8
Yeah, the P1s are nice. They were my first choice. The Rotas were cheap (much much cheaper than P1s), so I grabbed them instead. They're only 17 lbs, so they're not all that bad.

I heard the P1s were heavy, like 21lbs or something. Some local Subaru guy chose the GC-06s over the P1s for his 2.5RS-T
Originally posted by Goomba
I heard the P1s were heavy, like 21lbs or something. Some local Subaru guy chose the GC-06s over the P1s for his 2.5RS-T

If I remember right, the Rotas I got are almost a spitting image of the GC-06s, for about half the price. I think there's photos of them on my car somewhere in this thread...I'll go digging.
Those are very nice. Did you put different springs on there, it looks lower?

I'm thinking about going with the Rotas too, it seems a lot of people are. The same wheels, but a whole lot cheaper.
Nope, no lowering at all. And, the rolling diameter is within 7mm of stock, so it's not any lower at all. The lower-profile tires I think help with that effect.
I'm not too keen on the TT, I se about 10 of them every day without looking.
true that. there are audis everywhere. my guess is they just got poular all of a sudden. the mecedes SLK is pretty sweet though. not a lot of those where i live.


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Again, not too keen, I think they are more of a posers car, where I live in Didsbury there are a lot of posers trying to migle in with the actors and directors and the like, there are plenty of normal people around, but it's the posers that get noticed although not always for the right reasons. I feel the same about the Porsche Boxster, I see loads of them too. Hairdressers cars all over the place.
I dont think ill be getting a car like a boxter anytime soon. but how do people who arent actors come up with enough money for a car like that? im not even that good when it comes to payments & whatnot, but we're talkin' a pretty expensive car for a hairdesser. oh well, just wonderin'.
Pfft. The guy who used to cut my hair (before I discovered the joys of the clippers and a domestic power supply) drives a Mercedes S600.

Audi TT, Mercedes SLK and Porsche Boxster are all the same type of car. For people who are all "style" and no substance. You want a quick drop-top? Get an S2000.
Originally posted by Famine
You want a quick drop-top? Get an S2000 [/B]
Spot on, the S2000 is not a posers car, it does the job, it looks good and it's supposed to be a blast to drive.
Originally posted by Famine

Audi TT, Mercedes SLK and Porsche Boxster are all the same type of car. For people who are all "style" and no substance. You want a quick drop-top? Get an S2000.

Mad! Have you driven a TT 225 or V6 convertible or a Boxster?! All style and no substance - you're crazy!
Originally posted by Famine

Audi TT, Mercedes SLK and Porsche Boxster are all the same type of car. For people who are all "style" and no substance. You want a quick drop-top? Get an S2000.

You know, I'd agree with all the of the above except for the Boxster. Its a good car. Its a good Porsche. It doesn't 'wear panties' and I think a lot of bad rep it gets is very undeserved.

They are very credible track machines and a joy to drive. Even the base 2.7. A little overpriced, perhaps, but still a car worthy of the badge.

Originally posted by M5Power
Mad! Have you driven a TT 225 or V6 convertible or a Boxster?! All style and no substance - you're crazy!
Famines right, you can get better cars thatn thoes, and cheaper too. People buy thoes cars to pose in, thats all they are, posers cars especially the TT, the Boxster is a good car, but it's for poeple that can't afford a 911 but are desperate to have a new Porsche, people that want others to believe they have more money than they have, that they are more important than they are. Ofcourse this isn't for every TT or Boxster owner, but it's definitely for the majority of them I see, and I see a lot of them.
Originally posted by M5Power
Mad! Have you driven a TT 225 or V6 convertible or a Boxster?! All style and no substance - you're crazy!

I am fully aware of the performance potential of the 225 TT and 3.2 V6 TT DSG, and the handling capabilites of the Porsche Boxster and Boxster S. That's not my point. The point is that for the most part the people who DRIVE and own them aren't aware of anything other than the fact they drive an Audi or Porsche - the typical owner UK owner is the businessman's wife. That's why I said "For people who are all "style" and no substance"."

The TT 225 Convertible is £29,825, the V6 is £31,475. The Boxster is £31,635 and the Boxster S is £38,635. No thanks.
Originally posted by Goomba
(The last two sentences were stolen from Penny-Arcade)

Wow, a PA fan and a WRX driver - if only you were a woman...

Ahem...anyway - I just got my WRX back after a month of downtime! To recap, I took the car in with a nasty bearing whine coming from the transmission. Dealership claimed the fluid had all been drained from the system and left empty. No warranty coverage, they said.

Well, the tech who initially looked at the car was apparently not up to the challenge, so a new tech was sought. He fought for 2 weeks with SOA, and they finally caved - full warranty coverage.

So, now I've got my car back with a new front diff, new 5-speed transmission, new clutch, new flywheel, and a new rear diff/transaxle assembly.

It's like a whole new car! Literally! :lol: Anyway, big thumbs up to the dealership for coming through for me. I'm guessing the repair bill on this would have topped $7,500...
Originally posted by AltF8
Wow, a PA fan and a WRX driver - if only you were a woman...

Ahem...anyway - I just got my WRX back after a month of downtime! To recap, I took the car in with a nasty bearing whine coming from the transmission. Dealership claimed the fluid had all been drained from the system and left empty. No warranty coverage, they said.

Well, the tech who initially looked at the car was apparently not up to the challenge, so a new tech was sought. He fought for 2 weeks with SOA, and they finally caved - full warranty coverage.

So, now I've got my car back with a new front diff, new 5-speed transmission, new clutch, new flywheel, and a new rear diff/transaxle assembly.

It's like a whole new car! Literally! :lol: Anyway, big thumbs up to the dealership for coming through for me. I'm guessing the repair bill on this would have topped $7,500...

Haha, what about Ctrl Alt Del, ever read that?

Thats awsome. Feel good to have it back?