GTP Online Racing Bureau (GTP ORB) Now Hiring!

  • Thread starter gogatrs
Hmm, I may have to do something like be the first filter. My only data stick is full, no more room. I could maybe filter through and see which needed actual download?

The files are very small.
But there's like forty or so of them.
You could simply put the files that are on your data stick on your computer temporarily. Then put them back on the stick when you're done.
I personally think this is a brilliant idea. I'd be willing to offer up my series VSCS as a test group so to speak. As it stands we run as a bit of a cross between the SCCA, that you have mentioned emulating already, and the VDCA/SVRA that I run with personally. There shouldn't be much to contest in any of our races, but it may be a good starting point? And I'd be willing to help however I could with your board. I have a capture card so I could go back and record the trouble spots, if any, and send you those explicitly.
My computer is so old that my USB isn't compatible with it :guilty:.
My computer is so old that my USB isn't compatible with it :guilty:.

Then how would you get the replay data? lol
JLawrence might be able to help with that since he has a capture card...
How about I run the complaint service? Like a less intuitive stage that handles conflicts before they pass to the judges. I could deem whether they're just acting childish or have a genuine situation that needs reviewing 👍.
Then how would you get the replay data? lol
JLawrence might be able to help with that since he has a capture card...

I can upload to YouTube, or whatever.

But regardless, I really like the idea of this, though I didn't like the idea of "licensees." Though in theory it would be awesome to be able to put together, they simply wouldn't work without some form of add-on by Polyphony. Probation or suspension after incidents is probably the best alternative. Ie- when my father got together with a friend in his Merc he was put on the trailer and had 6 months probation, during which he was told if he had another incident he would have a 6 month suspension. Now I know that something so drastic wouldn't be necessary on Gran Turismo (VDCA only runs 6 or 8 events in a year, so it is fair there) but say something like a week or two perhaps?

This way newer players/members wouldn't have to jump through hoops to participate (I'm afraid that would discourage the expansion of this) but it would soon weed out the riffraff and leave only those that care to race instead of play bumper cars.
Sorry to go backwards, how big would a 30 minute race be in data size? (eg 30 mins = 300 mb)
A driving school would be cool, and it could give you extra points towards your license or something like that.

I call first enrollment :D
Love the ideas Wardez.
Do you want me to put you on the interest list for the board?
It seems that another website could be beneficial, but would also mean we're not working on GTPlanet as much, which means less publicity.

But a single thread would do.
However, it might mean we have to reserve quite a bit of posts.
Eventually, if this grows enough we could ask Jordan to give us another subforum.

I think that we should also have a points system that is used across all of the series.
Or have a couple for the series starter to choose from.
This way, we could track how many points each and every person has and maybe even create a leader board.

I think a social group is also in order where officials can discuss more private matters or new ideas.

Well the number of board members should be quite large. I'd say take as many as you'd be able to accept. By that I mean that not just anyone should be a marshall, we need extremely experienced GT5 online racing drivers and only those should apply.

Hmm... I didn't think about a universal points system. A leaderboard could work but there would need to be one for each level of difficulty for a sereis (the ***** star rating thing I mentioned)

A social group might be good for helping organizing but not as the actual home of the group as you said 👍

Oh I'm glad you like the idea. :sly:

So how many licenses will there be? Like any GT game and have the B, A, IC, IB, IA, and S. At least that's what I think there is in every GT game. Oh and an R for rally.

Or is this going to be a different license thing? More professional like with regional licenses such as North American Rookie License and Global Racing license as examples.

Licenses could be D [beginner] C [advanced beginner] B [expert] A [master] S [Super license, must have won a GTC sanctioned championship]

Motorsports en Ligne d'Association
Online Motorsports Association in french (like all good governing bodies :P).

This is going to need to be ironed out completely before any sort of body takes control as any little kinks along the way could sour the experience for some people or put the group in a bad/poor light.

I'm not sure how effective a driving school really is however but the time trial/1v1 race/pop quiz of racing rules idea would work alot better. Factor in prior experience and number of race wins/race starts/finishes and it'd give the organizers a better idea of where each person stands and this would be reflected in their 'license' (for which there should be a stickied thread in the Racing Series section with each and every persons license posted up.

Gran Turismo Cultivatori - GTC is what I came up with, your sounds cool but is a little too complicated. Mine's in Italian :D.

They would of course need a master database of licensees and their levels so that would definitely be in the home thread. But you got me thinking about something else. We have to make the application process seem., and be, easy as possible so we don't drive people away that are on the edge about racing.

Down the line it would be cool to see series that 100% license holders. In the beginning we have to figure out where non-license holders should stand when it comes to racing in a series sanctioned by this thing.
Maybe license holders get provisional or guaranteed spots.

1) 🤬 you. :P (I kid, I kid)

2) what if we took two or three series, who's coordinators have volunteered, to start with as an experiment. Then we could gradually add more and more.

3) I agree. After thinking about it, I think that the school could be something we offer. The licenses should be a series of time trials, 1v1, and maybe 1v3 races, as well as a test. Not a pop-quiz, the person should know that it's coming.

2) that's always a great way to start.

3) Schools would be nice, not necessary like you said though.
I'm really stoked on coming up with a license application process. We'll have to start it off by doing a time trial shoot out with a bunch of us organizing this thing going for the fastest time at the choosen track and car we use for the time trial (which will only be one, no need for more) to set a benchmark.

Well since I don't race in any series I would be able to judge whatever. Is why I wanted to in the first place.

If you haven't raced than what would qualify you to judge racing incidents? Most of the FIA officials in real life are ex-racers.

I just had an awesome idea, which I then realized is exactly what you are trying to do here, so count me as 100% in. 👍

We're talking about an online version of the FIA, or SCCA, or NASCAR, etc?

Did you miss my post? #31 :)
I watch racing and I know most basic overtaking rules, which is where most problems would arise. Hold your line unless you're going to pass, in which case it is your job to leave the racing line and reenter safely, not the slower cars. Like I said, I suggested that I would be more of a seeing eye for potential official reviews, a first line of defense if you will. I would then relay actual video reviews to the judges if the need was there. Make sense? 👍
I'd love to steward. I don't like to toot my own horn, but I think I could do a good job, so feel free to shoot me a PM if any help is ever needed with this.
Why not use the grading system the ACO and FIA use? Gold, Silver, Bronze and Platinum would make things easy to know who's had what experience and who'd be faster than another driver.
Maybe a 2 stage process for judging incidents.

When an incident is reported, it is assigned to a single judge. He makes a ruling.

If a person disagrees with a ruling, then it goes to 3 judges to decide. Majority rules and is final with no appeals.
Maybe a 2 stage process for judging incidents.

When an incident is reported, it is assigned to a single judge. He makes a ruling.

If a person disagrees with a ruling, then it goes to 3 judges to decide. Majority rules and is final with no appeals.

But won't someone disagree everytime?
Licenses could be D [beginner] C [advanced beginner] B [expert] A [master] S [Super license, must have won a GTC sanctioned championship]

What will be the deciding factor in determining the difficulties in any given series? I don't understand the point of using licenses unless you go about organizing series that build upon one another, like various Formula or NASCAR series. That is again a cool idea in concept, but is it a logical thing to try to implement? I think that trying to use that system may cause more problems with people wanting to race in say, LMP cars for example, when that particular race series has been graded for a A License , but they are new or only have a C License. I honestly don't think there are enough people that you could reasonably run multiple series for a player to step-up to the higher levels. I could be wrong, but someone has to play the devil's advocate here.

If you haven't raced than what would qualify you to judge racing incidents? Most of the FIA officials in real life are ex-racers.

I think that the judges should be required to have racing experience either in game or in real life. I personally wouldn't feel entirely comfortable having someone who isn't in complete understanding of the rules, in theory and in practice, officiating for any of the races I host. To me that's like letting a WWE ref call a boxing match, he has the general concept down, but doesn't grasp the fine points of what's reasonable and what's off-limits.
Why not use the grading system the ACO and FIA use? Gold, Silver, Bronze and Platinum would make things easy to know who's had what experience and who'd be faster than another driver.

Didn't think of that. I'm actually really familiar with those ratings. We'd have to tweak them of course. But it might work. We'll have to see.
Didn't think of that. I'm actually really familiar with those ratings. We'd have to tweak them of course. But it might work. We'll have to see.

Please elaborate... :D
Doesn't the FIA license system go mostly by experience?
Thanks for the input JL.

I think what the purpose of licenses should be only so people have a better idea of who they're racing against. Leagues or series would set a minimum license level but that doesn't mean that people won't be able to race where they want right away. They'll just have to work at getting a better license and they would be able to do that at any time.

And the ranks would be mostly with lap times. Say a benchmark time was 1:00. A platinum or A levek driver would be able to beat that time, Gold within 1 second, Silver within 2 and bronze within 4 sort of thing.

Also you wouldn't need to complete any series to move up in licence.

The series aren't given a license rating. They're given a separate "series difficulty" rating. Then it would be up to the organizer to choose what the minimum license level is to join.

It wouldn't be like iRacing. In iRacing any dummy can get an A license if they really wanted to. But here it would be a much more scrutinized process.
I think what the purpose of licenses should be only so people have a better idea of who they're racing against. Leagues or series would set a minimum license level but that doesn't mean that people won't be able to race where they want right away. They'll just have to work at getting a better license and they would be able to do that at any time.

And the ranks would be mostly with lap times. Say a benchmark time was 1:00. A platinum or A levek driver would be able to beat that time, Gold within 1 second, Silver within 2 and bronze within 4 sort of thing.

Also you wouldn't need to complete any series to move up in licence.

The series aren't given a license rating. They're given a separate "series difficulty" rating. Then it would be up to the organizer to choose what the minimum license level is to join.

That makes a lot of sense. I like that :P
Now hypothetically, if that was to be used, what track would be used for the time trials, and how would they all be recorded? Would a board member have to witness said time? Or would they have to run it in a qualifying session?
I like it. It sounds great. By the way where is Platinum in the standings? As Gold is 1st, silver 2nd and bronze 3rd. You know what I mean?
we need to distinguish ourselves from the WRS as much as possible so using the medallion system might get confusing for people.

But it's hard to come up with an alternative so I'm not sure.

Btw yes a top level license holder would be a champion.

The time trial wouldn't be one lap but a time trial based on consistency. So it would be the total time over 5 laps at a chosen track. A marshall would need to set up the online session for the applicant to try their run. The marshall would confirm the time and save the replay.
More on licensing:

So like I said, a license test involves a time trial, on-track race ettiquite exam involving an official from the governing body going through a series of pre-determined scenarios designed to test the side-by-side & nose-to-tail racing ability of the driver, and finally, I'm thinking that we might be better off without the little "pop-quiz" I was talking about but I'll spell out what I think it could be anyway; a short quiz to validate that the driver has good off hand knowledge of racing rules and procedures in the form of questions such as, "Q. What do you do if you've accidentally overtaken someone because you went off and cut a corner? Correct answer: slow down and let them overtake you. Q. How much time is added as a penalty for causing avoidable contact with another driver? A. fifteen seconds"

So, about the time trials.
They would be different cars and tracks that would go from easier to harder scenarios as you go up in level. They would all be something like 5 laps around the track in a car and you would be limited to only being able to try one license level per day. But if you were to complete a test successfully then you get a free pass to immediately try the next level up on the same day.
A driver would be able to start at whatever level he'd like - he wouldn't need to start at beginner.

The really fun part is coming up with car and track scenarios. Beginner could be something like 5 laps around Tsukuba in a 400pp car on sport mediums.
Top tier test (the one right next to the super or platinum license) would obligatorily need to be a touring car around the Nurburgring on racing hards.

Oh yeaaaa.
Not all series should have to run under this body, should be optional. My TOCA Series are already forming their own stewards association. It should be optional.
Not all series should have to run under this body, should be optional. My TOCA Series are already forming their own stewards association. It should be optional.

You should read through the posts. We've constantly stated "optional". There's no way we could force any one to use it.

WSGTC has a core group of 12 EXTREMELY experienced stewards but there's situations where an unbiased group could really help.
You should read through the posts. We've constantly stated "optional". There's no way we could force any one to use it.

WSGTC has a core group of 12 EXTREMELY experienced stewards but there's situations where an unbiased group could really help.

Agreed. As like an additional panel if anyone is really stuck or split, it would help.
I like this idea but I don't see how it could really work on the site. I'd be down for steward/Bernie if needed/wanted.:D

No, I'm not a corrupt 82 year old short man, but I could be corrupt.💡