GTP Online Racing Bureau (GTP ORB) Now Hiring!

  • Thread starter gogatrs
That's basically what I was thinking of, but I would like to leave room for a third level in case we ever decide to organize a race/series for the absolute best on GTP.

That could be done as a stand-alone series called the ORB All-Stars (or something), would be organized directly by ORB Officials and be invite only.
Might be better done as spot races, once a month have an ORB organized mini-enduro of varying disciplines that's open to 1st and 2nd place finishers from ORB sanctioned leagues that month.

Could also do Race(s) of Champions every 3 months that are only open to 1st and 2nd place ORB sanctioned Championship finishers. This method is self-deciding so there wouldn't be any subjective opinions about who gets in because it's based on results. No hurt feelings or arguments. Also requires very little of ORB Officials besides keeping track of results.
Who would be in charge of actually watching these races?
A group of selected ORB Officials that have experience hosting a league or lots of league racing experience. A host/director has all the reasonability of making sure the race goes according to format and schedule as well as directing the drivers with clear instruction. Any ORB Procedure Reviewers will need to have plenty of previous exposure to these things, both good and bad, so they know what to look for and evaluate. There would probably need to be at least 3 or 4 Reviewers to accommodate varying schedules.
I third the serious/casual.
But as for letting anyone join, if their series is "out of wack" then we give them requirements to join us.
We require them to make the changes that will get their series back in wack for us to officially sanction it.
Alright guys, two things:
We have another series that would like to join our endeavor (BST V8 something, don't remember the whole name) and I've been approached with an incident to review. How are we going to go about accepting or denying the new series, and Cam since you're our thus-far-official judge, would you like for me to hand this off to you?
Wardez is working on a league entry/evaluation form but we're probably still a little ways from being ready to accept leagues. I think at the very least we should only accept a series when it's at the beginning of a new season so we can keep complete stats.

I also think incidents should only be reviewed by members who have extensive experience with racing GT5 online. There are many nuances that need to be considered and reviewers really need to know the in's-and-out's. There should probably be at least 2 reviewers for each incident so it can be evaluated by 2 sets of eyes and a decision can be agreed upon. This eliminates the scenario where somebody feels like 1 certain reviewer is ruling against them because of personal issues. That being said, we probably shouldn't be "officially" reviewing incidents until we're formally up and running. But we can give friendly advice.
As said before, JL, if it requires video, its all yours, if not, I'd love to do it. Did anyone tell FishHunters that he could join yet?
I have been asked by two people thus far to join and have told them both that I won't/can't grant them that, and they should either post here, or simply wait until we have the Google thing done.

And you have a point Stig.
I have been asked by two people thus far to join and have told them both that I won't/can't grant them that, and they should either post here, or simply wait until we have the Google thing done.

And you have a point Stig.

Yes, we also need more volunteers...
Because of the system we made on about page 5 of the thread. It goes on my word first, and then if other board members disagree or want to take a look they do that. I'm very sorry you heartily disapprove of every suggestion I've made in this thread. I'm trying to help, I thought I was doing so pretty okay until recently. If you would like something done differently, please give a suggestion. I'm open. I just want it to work and not have suggestions blasted whenever I bring them up. I'm fine with whatever.
I am also curious as to how you'll be able to judge without seeing the incident itself. I think just a quick description of your intended procedure here would be great.
Seeing as the original rules were set weeks ago, it may be a bit foggy, but as I remember it it went like this:

When there is a minor incident that is easily reviewable, I handle those since I've little experience with online racing, as pointed out earlier. If it is a close incident needing a closer look, the three judge panel of more experienced drivers would get those.

Sorry again, I really don't mean to the group back.
I am also curious as to how you'll be able to judge without seeing the incident itself. I think just a quick description of your intended procedure here would be great.

Yup, we'll have to come up with a Google Form for submitting complaints.
I could draw up a quick one right now...

It'll need:
[*]date/time of incident
[*]number of people involved
[*]PSN/Username of all parties involved
[*]Lap of incident/time into the race
[*]link to replay data (media sharing site like MediaFire) and/or YouTube video(s)
[*]brief, unbiased (if possible) description of incident
Because of the system we made on about page 5 of the thread. It goes on my word first, and then if other board members disagree or want to take a look they do that. I'm very sorry you heartily disapprove of every suggestion I've made in this thread. I'm trying to help, I thought I was doing so pretty okay until recently. If you would like something done differently, please give a suggestion. I'm open. I just want it to work and not have suggestions blasted whenever I bring them up. I'm fine with whatever.

I'm sorry you've taken it so personally, I've never meant any insult by anything I've said and try to say things as non-offensive as possible but I know things can always come across wrong in the Internet. It's all just constructive criticism meant to help and not insult or discourage. I have experience dealing with organizations (both real-life and online racing and have a college degree in management) so I'm just trying to share my knowledge where it might be beneficial.

But I did :lol: when I read your comment about not handling a review if video was involved. I just don't see how you could hand out a judgment without seeing the incident yourself, you can't just take people's word on what happened.

If somebody wants the ORB to review a racing incident they must provide video of the incident (if an ORB official doesn't have a saved replay) with a description of the incident and the parties involved. This should be submitted by the director of the league, not the drivers involved, and only if the diretor can't come to his/her own reasonable judgement.

If the director of the league does rule on the incident and the involved party(s) disagree there can be a direct appeal to the ORB but again, said parties are responsible for providing all evidence. The ORB will consult with the league director first to review the incident and initial decision as well as any other relevant info (past history between drivers, etc). This should be done with at least 2 ORB Officials to ensure impartiality. The ORB will then agree with or over-rule the original judgement and there will be no further appeals.

You want them to try to handle it amongst themselves first and only come to the ORB when absolutely necessary. Otherwise you'll be reviewing ever little bump and bang and he-said/she-said and nothing else will get done. 👍
I agree, and I totally understand. My internet is so slow, however, that I'm not sure if I will be able to handle the video reviews. If needed I can lose the judging head job and just write press release type things, since big words and grammar are kinda my thing. Whatever you guys need me to do, I can do.
I agree, and I totally understand. My internet is so slow, however, that I'm not sure if I will be able to handle the video reviews. If needed I can lose the judging head job and just write press release type things, since big words and grammar are kinda my thing. Whatever you guys need me to do, I can do.

You dont need video recordings mate. All you need is the race director to upload the race replay to megaupload etc. Then you just download and import to your ps3. As simple as that.
Like I said, my download speeds are really slow and would be a pretty big headache. That's why I wanted the initial non video review job. Like I said, others have shown to have enough experience to judge, I'll just let them do it if they want and handle my other job.
Like I said, my download speeds are really slow and would be a pretty big headache. That's why I wanted the initial non video review job. Like I said, others have shown to have enough experience to judge, I'll just let them do it if they want and handle my other job.

It wont take long to download. will it?. The files are less than 100mb. Considering that your speed is 100kb/s thats 1000 seconds (about 8 minutes) to download a 100mb file.
If needed, I suppose I could possibly do it. But you must also remember that I'm probably not the best candidate to judge after other members bringing to my attention that I'd need some (I have none) race experience to judge. I'm saying I'd probably hand this off for the betterment of the group, I'd cause a lot less confusion.
If needed, I suppose I could possibly do it. But you must also remember that I'm probably not the best candidate to judge after other members bringing to my attention that I'd need some (I have none) race experience to judge. I'm saying I'd probably hand this off for the betterment of the group, I'd cause a lot less confusion.

How did you change your gtp username? lol.
Magic ;) (you have to be Premium though, it isn't really magic). Since I'm releasing my head judging duties to someone (anyone who wants to that is capable, I have accepted that I don't have enough experience to head), I will take off my user title. I'm glad everyone understands! I'm still happy to write formal posts and anything else I can try.
I still say you can have a pretty high place in the judging section of this group, we just might have to enroll you in a small school of things to look for ;)
I personally have faith in you, but Stig is right, we want to have the very most qualified people we can doing this, which is why I haven't volunteered myself.
I agree. I should probably just be more of a dispute mediator or the like. I would need to stick to very basic problems. Without video :sly:.
I'm still ok to help out with incidents if need be. I've been in a few online champs as well as loads of online spot races. These ideas are coming thick and fast. I'm going to have to have a re read of the whole thread again to understand it all.
It would be cool if you'd be our promoter CAM. That means you'd go around letting people know what we're all about, recruit drivers and series from different boards and just give us a great image by continuing your nice approach to everything. Thanks for kindly stepping down from the head judging thing, it's not a big deal 'cause I wasn't planning on having a head position anyway, it would cause too much drama trust me

. If you do a good enough job promoting I'll make you an awesome ORB avatar with your name etched in it in an awesome epic way. Just remember you'll be recruiting, not accepting people or series. So you'll bring them to an ORB reviewer that will make sure everything about the series is up to par (regulations coming soon btw)

Well I've been away working on the definitive GT5 online guide. I've also been super busy as a racing steward in WSGTC. Here's a little bit of the kind of thing you have to go through as an admin for a major series with drivers from all over the world:

Quick stats -
53 PMs since last Friday's race
120 revisions made to our incident review form (Google docs)
17 hours of HD footage uploaded to Youtube displaying the race from two classes or racing of every single driver's entire race.
6 hours of going through the GT500 race confirming incidents and judging fault.
24 posts in our Secret admin WSGTC deliberation page we use to discuss penalties.
3 very angry people we're trying to cool down

It's a lot of work. It's not light duty taking the responsibility on of managing a series to the best of your ability.

I'll be back here soon with a lot more on big changes that are coming to ORB.


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