GTP Online Racing Bureau (GTP ORB) Now Hiring!

  • Thread starter gogatrs
Peter agreed to give it a shot as well.
And I suppose I can see what I can do too

I was thinking of something set up like what I'm working on in my two race series
Click the links and tell me if something like that might work out.
I love the way you do yours, which is why I asked you to get that part done for the Formula 1 Race, and why I only did what you see of my OP draft.
Peter agreed to give it a shot as well.
And I suppose I can see what I can do too

I was thinking of something set up like what I'm working on in my two race series
Click the links and tell me if something like that might work out.

That looks awesome, as well as nice and tidy.
Hmm, so can someone bring up the main remarks, as well as a short outline of what we have so far and the intended starting window?
Licensing etc
Submitting your race series for ORB sanctioning-different tiers(explaination)

anything else?
Nice graphic for the cars. You're welcome to use it btw. ;)

Ohh, I ought to have asked first, huh? Sorry, and thanks :)

Thread is still pretty dead. so please guys, spread the word for our race.

Anybody have anything good they'd like to share?
I've been ridiculously busy with school work, can only get worse I suppose. :/
I guess you could start by promoting the Japanese Grand Prix :lol:

I want to hold the first tests this weekend.
I'll help out. As long as this is up and running when we said it should be. Unless, you want to delay?
Well I'm glad I've found this, I've applied for membership as I myself was looking at starting something similar to this! You guys have put an awful lot of work into here so I'd rather help you out then try my own hand at it.

Might I suggest adding something though? Helping a group create promotional material using the cars and environments he/she wants. I was trying to start my own series (though I've gotten little feedback on it) and I was hoping to get a photo shoot with the cars I wanted to visually communicate the depth of the field, but I'm finding it hard to collect 12+ people who are willing to listen and also have the car collection readily available. I was looking to do some simulated grid starts that mimic real life shots.

I would also suggest promoting within the Gran Turismo 5 community! All promotional material, OP's and other posts should use in-game footage as opposed to real life images. Teams, Series and other things can also be sponsored by GT5 tuners and other GT5 related businesses. These should help build the gtplanet community! Focus on more than just offering quality races, we should offer quality races that tie everything together!

That being said, I'm here to help test, promote and report on all things ORB.
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I like that.

Honestly at this point it seems we're at a bit of a stand still, though the only thing keeping this from moving forward is the lack of an official OP, and someone who knows how to do it right (I woulda done it myself already if I was any good at that sort of stuff) I believe
I was just about to bring this thread up... mid-October and nothing coming. We need said OP. I can't really do anything in that field either. I don't have that "professional" writing style. Wardez, he's good at this stuff! :lol:

By the way, the idea is great. I really like and sounds like it could work.
I've been writing a fairly official looking rulebook for quite some time now and was about to put down a thread when I saw this! Would you like me to help with said rule writing?
Whoops, I thought this was some form of SCCA kind of thing. Disregard.
Well, I'll be willing to write an OP, but as with all things like this, we need to expect that the first time we finish wont be a final draft. You guys tell me what needs to go in it and I'll be happy to write something up like that. I have photoshop, too. So I can make pretty banners, unless someone else can do that and has experience and talent at it.

Here's my series that I am trying to start, what do you think of it's OP? The parts about DRC and Digital Racing Commission are references to the ORB-like organization I was trying to start.

Like I said though, if someone can give me some bullet-points, I'd be willing to do what needs to get done to get this ball rolling!

Also, while turbo's Flyin' Miata cup is a great start, lets try to market ourselves to some of the other currently existing racing series that fit what we want, what we like and what we are going for. That way when ORB drops, we can make a splash by immediately listing a few top-notch racing series that have chosen to put their lot in with us.

At the same time, I'll get in contact with Tuners and see if any will be interested in helping us out. While I feel their roles will become much bigger as we launch a few series' It would be nice to have some notable names in that section on our side. Same goes for any branded photographers.

One problem about me writing the OP is that my grammar has slowly gone to **** in the years I've been out of school, so as long as I can have some proof-readers then we should do just fine.
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I like that.

Honestly at this point it seems we're at a bit of a stand still, though the only thing keeping this from moving forward is the lack of an official OP, and someone who knows how to do it right (I woulda done it myself already if I was any good at that sort of stuff) I believe

My race, I had to delay it to this weekend, one, because I wasn't able ot make it, two, because I was unprepared still, three, because there were not enough entrants to have a race, and four, I need some ORB assistance. The demand for such a race is incredibly low. Hopefully Spec II adds something ot it all, but with F1 2011 to go have Japanese Grand Prix's in, GT5 F1 Racing seems to have fallen out of fashion.
My race, I had to delay it to this weekend, one, because I wasn't able ot make it, two, because I was unprepared still, three, because there were not enough entrants to have a race, and four, I need some ORB assistance. The demand for such a race is incredibly low. Hopefully Spec II adds something ot it all, but with F1 2011 to go have Japanese Grand Prix's in, GT5 F1 Racing seems to have fallen out of fashion.

I don't understand why you quoted his post, but you have to understand that you're asking for a small pool of drivers that had the money and the interest to buy a Ferrari F1 car to find the time and the enthusiasm to enter into your race.

You're also requesting the aid of an organization that, at this point from what I've gathered, is not yet functional and still in the planning stages.

You might have better luck if you make FGT's as the car of choice, but even then... you're right about the demand being low, so don't be disappointed! You did what you could!

ORB needs to come out of the box with at least two to three major racing series already under our wing, plus a brand new Series that's been built from the ground up under ORB specs and supervision and THEN once the brand gets around and only then(!) can we really expect to influence niche events like Ferrari F1 one-offs.
I have a suggestion for the Tiers by the way:

Tier 1 - ORB Sanctioned and supervised, using ORB spec cars, rules and points. Created and approved by ORB officials. Stats are tracked for accurate data on cars, tracks and drivers. Serialized

Tier 2 - Scenario 1: ORB Sanctioned and supervised, using ORB spec cars. May also use ORB Points or Rules. Created by ORB or external party, fully approved by ORB officials. Possible to be upgraded to Tier 1 pending success and approval. Stats are tracked for accurate data on cars, tracks and drivers. Serialized / Semi-Serialized / One-Off

Scenario 2: ORB Sanctioned and supervised, using ORB spec cars. May also use ORB Points and Rules. Created by ORB and thus fully approved by ORB officials. Stats are tracked for accurate data on cars, tracks and drivers. Semi-Serialized / One-Off ONLY

Tier 3 - ORB Sanctioned and partially supervised, may or may not use ORB spec cars. May or may not use ORB Points or Rules. Created by external party, partially approved by ORB officials. Possible to be upgraded to Tier 2 pending approval. Possible stat tracking. Serialized / Semi-Serialized / One-Off

Tier 4 - Scenario 1: ORB Sanctioned, lightly supervised, may or may not use ORB spec cars. May or may not use ORB Points and Rules. Created by external party, approved by at least 2 ORB officials. Possible to be upgraded to Tier 3 pending approval. Semi-Serialized / One-Off

Scenario 2: ORB Sanctioned, lightly supervised, may or may not use ORB spec cars. Uses ORB Rules or Points. Created by internal party, approved by at least 1 ORB official. Possible to be upgraded to Tier 3 pending approval. Semi-Serialized / One-Off

Serialized - 5 sequential events or longer
Semi-Serialized - 2 to 4 sequential events or re-occurring single events. Ex: Time Trial Tuesdays.
One-Off - Holiday, Endurance or Test events.


Tier 1: This is was either born as an ORB baby or it was a successful series that got upgraded to Tier 1 status (I foresee the Flyin' Miata Super Cup to be upgraded to Tier 1 status quickly). Each race is run by an event Promoter and has at least one event official to oversee the race as it runs live. Tier 1 is STRICTLY serialized events. Tier 2 is for ORB semi-serialized and One-Off events. Stats are tracked for participating drivers to determine who are better drivers overall as well as on specific tracks or in specific cars. Cars performance stats are also tracked so that accurate performance tweaks can be made in-between seasons. Driver performance being tracked is critical to ensuring that we do not levy restrictions on a certain car when it's clear that the driver is just plain fast in the vehicle no matter what.

Tier 2: Tier 2 is for what I'll call "Really good ideas". This is either the product of a single ORB official acting alone OR an external member OR was a previously successful event that is now joining the ORB family. In the case of an external party: Someone presents an idea that makes sense, has the charisma, talent and resume to run his event AND gets immediate full or close to full ORB approval will receive Tier 2 status. Tier 2 will also be used for Semi-Serialized and One-Off official ORB events that are the product of the ORB officials working together. In some cases, Tier 2 might influence car specs if the specs presented are similar or better than ORB specs. (Ex: Say Turbo brought his Miata Cup to us for approval and we either didn't have any specs for the Miata OR the ones we had were not used OR it didn't matter if they were changed... then we would either make his spec the official spec, or we'd allow him to use his spec in Tier 2 status.) Similar to Tier 1, events are run by an ORB or ORB-approved organizer and is officiated by an ORB official or volunteer. Statistics are tracked as well for similar reasons as stated above in Tier 1.

Tier 3: This is for what I'll call simply "Good Ideas". This is a series that has been brought to us and there are things we like about it but there are things that either need to be tested in depth (as in run a full season and then get back to us for T2 status) or things that the creator is stubborn about not changing. It might also be applied if it's hard for any ORB volunteer's to commit to time-wise. This is also for events that more than likely use non-ORB cars either completely or mixed with ORB cars. If things look good and if some terms can be agreed upon (ex: "Look, your series will be JUST as good if all of your cars are to ORB-spec, do we have a deal?") then it will be moved to Tier 2 status. Tier 3 does not necessarily have ORB officials or organizer's and may or may not be fully approved by the ORB board (ex: "We already have a damn Le Mans Series! It doesn't make sense that we have another one just because this one is multi-class!" "We hear you, Tom, but some of us like to run over GT cars in our Prototypes thankyouverymuch!") and thus will remain in Tier 3 status until the board approves Tier 2 status even if all criteria are met. Statistics are not tracked due to unreliability of officials attending, however drivers (if accounted for) can accrue license points to upgrade themselves.

Tier 4: These are for "Concepts". Short and sweet, these are easy to approve by only a few officials or even ORB members and easy to remove and/or forget about if they flop. They're permitted to run an OP with ORB branding to collect interest. If the series is successful then it is possible to be upgraded quickly. Scenario 1 details someone coming from outside of ORB and offering a simple idea. All he needs is at least two ORB officials to say "Yeah, go ahead." If the promoter/event is a flop then it's not picked up. Other officials may veto the approval with a unanimous vote to remove Tier 4 status from the event. Scenario 2 is if an ORB official has an idea, he need only gain at least one approval from another official to create a Tier 4 event. Again, the status can be revoked with a unanimous vote.

Ideas for Tier 4 events still need to be good ones mind you! And an officials decision to make a Tier 4 event should not be considered simple, easy or quick! It exists purely in the event that most of the officials disappear for awhile and we don't want to lose a good series to help build ORB. Again, Tier 4 exists to make the process of creating a series fast! It does not exist to make fast decisions to create a series!

Regardless of the Tier status, all events are at least offered the opportunity to have a proper OP, rules and have a shout out to volunteers for officiating. If an event is approved then any promoter has access to all of ORB's resources.
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Snaeper, what you could do if you decided to try and help us with an OP would be to post the rough draft here allowing the rest of us to "quote" it so the rest of us can tweak/make suggestions for it. I did like your series OP, though I think its slightly bland simply because of the lack of "bright and shiny" things :P

As for bullet points, check out our current OP in this thread and there is a rough scattering of what we have come up with, most of it in pretty specific detail.

Now, your tier system, I think it makes a fair amount of sense, but (and forgive me for not being able to quote it) there were a few very good ideas in terms of the tier system that would be worth finding and reviewing to combine with what you have proposed
I really wish I had time to help with this like I used to. I've been working on schoolwork literally more than 12 hours a day on average. I see that its coming along nicely, if you guys ever need anything feel free to ask :).
Snaeper, what you could do if you decided to try and help us with an OP would be to post the rough draft here allowing the rest of us to "quote" it so the rest of us can tweak/make suggestions for it. I did like your series OP, though I think its slightly bland simply because of the lack of "bright and shiny" things :P

As for bullet points, check out our current OP in this thread and there is a rough scattering of what we have come up with, most of it in pretty specific detail.

Now, your tier system, I think it makes a fair amount of sense, but (and forgive me for not being able to quote it) there were a few very good ideas in terms of the tier system that would be worth finding and reviewing to combine with what you have proposed

I was planning on posting rough drafts here to crowd-source some feedback from you guys. I'm practicing making banners and we'll see how good I can get at it.

I'll start on the OP today after work. With any luck I can have a rough draft done on the original deadline.

Example banners:


Those are pretty legit. Good work

What would be really cool with those would be to have them set up to be links to a list of the different styles of series or just the series themselves