GTP ORB Vintage Sports Car Series | Next Race Thursday @ 9pm

  • Thread starter JLawrence
Yeah, its not like we're going for a huge prize here or anything, I mean I believe we had settled on a Fiat 500 for the championship winner.
Man I hated, the RH tires the BMW is so on the edge with rear grip they just made it worse. I was running a second faster on the mediums. I'll have to see if I can tune some grip back in.
I've actually been tuning grip out of my Camaro, loosening it to try and get more speed. The thousands of miles I've put on 550pp and above Camaro's have got my tuning style a little messed up for our PP level. I'm coming around, though.

This is CAMjhr, Public Relations and Judging Administrator for the GTPlanet Online Racing Bureau. This is a notice that your series is now sanctioned by the GTP ORB, with consent from your organizer. Please check our thread for our official rules and regulations, and any questions you may have for myself or our founder, gogatrs.

Happy Racing,
CAMjhr, GTP ORB Admin

GTP ORB Rules/Procedure
1)The initial complaint will be heard by a single person. This person will decide who is at fault. If the accused or accuser feels that a biased or unfair decision was made, they can appeal to a panel of three judges who will make a final ruling on the matter.

2)Licenses can be used as a requirement to join a series, as well as a personal achievement. There are three initial licenses you can achieve: Amateur, Intermediate, and Advanced. For each level license there is a different time trial and series of 1v1 challenges you must complete. These become more difficult as you progress through the levels. In addition to these three, there are three more "A Class" licenses. To achieve an A Class license, you must first pass and achieve an Advanced license, and then you must have finished at least five races. This is to achieve an Amateur A Class license. To achieve an Intermediate A Class license, you must win at least one race, to achieve an Advanced A Class license, you have to have won at least five races. There is one final license that you can achieve once you have earned all others. This is the Super License which is gained when you have won a series championship.

3)Racing Schools will be an optional service that we provide. They will provide students with basic racing techniques and knowledge as well as help shave those last few tenths off of your lap times. We will have seminars and workshops that can teach students anything from tuning to drifting.

4)A series "Start Up Kit" will eventually be introduced. It will be a .rar file that contains various materials that aid new comers in starting up series.

5)After discussion on the topic of a unified points system, it has been decided that we will instead have two or three Suggested Points systems that will allow people to choose one that they like best. They are not required to use one of these systems, but it is recommended.

6)Instead of stars, we will use four tiers. Each series will be assigned to a tier by a board of three-five people based on the competitiveness and organization of the series.
Tier one will consist of the most elite series, while tier four will have series that have many issues that need fixing. A majority of the series will be in tier two and three.

7)The same judge or judges from the accident reviewal will decide on a penalty. This penalty could be anything from a points deduction, to a time penalty, to a simple warning, or in extreme cases: suspension and/or expulsion. These penalties will be documented and recorded to a public record.

8/9)These will be added at a later date.

This is sort of a start up thing that we have been discussing here, and because I thought it was just a good idea, and a good way to get this whole online thing organized I volunteered this series as a guinea pig group more or less. This will not effect the racing or the rules put down in any way.
I'm sorry and this is just my opinion but i dont think any good can come from an organization keeping tabs on us. We were racing fine the last few weeks and we have a great group of honest people who want to race just for the fun of it. We haven't had many collisions and if there were they were settled between the people involved. Besides that we dont have a bunch of a-holes in this series so why do we need an organization watching over us. Also whats up with these Licenses? Will we need them to participate in future race series?
Ive been following the thread that organized this, and I think it is a good idea for many of the larger series here at GTP. I agree that this series doesn't seem to need it, but that makes us a good test series for the new system.

They seem to be putting alot of effort into GTP ORB, and it really shouldn't effect our racing at all, so I certainly don't mind being the guinea pig for them.
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Don't worry Ford, I am one of the "executives" of the board there, and I promise there won't be any a-holes ruining our fun. The you don't need a license to participate, signing up effectively gives you the amateur rank. The idea is to be able to, with time, create one or two series that literally are only the best of the best.

Because of the caliber of drivers in this series we probably won't ever have to even worry about any incidents or disagreements, but things happen, and if we do have any kinda accident we will take it to the judges and let them sort it out. That way there won't be any reason to harbor ill will or animosity to another driver, or me who would have had to have been the judge beforehand.

This whole thing should increase the quality of the race groups, and will give you a good idea of what you're getting into before you even decide to sign up.
Ok sounds good i just didnt want an outside organization imposing rules on us or anything of the sort. I agree it should be for the more popular series even though ours is gaining popularity it still isnt large enough yet for a big sanctioning body to govern us. There are other Vintage races but those are maintained by Watermelon and others from our social group.
Ours has the most participation already. It may in fact be the premier vintage series for the time being.
Ok, to race in a group like this you don't have to take any sort of test, but we are going to set up a couple other series that are for the top level drivers. To get into those you will either have to have won a championship(s) or take the tests. That's really all there is to it.
Interesting...sounds kinda like 'prestige mode'...I like it.
Ok, to race in a group like this you don't have to take any sort of test, but we are going to set up a couple other series that are for the top level drivers. To get into those you will either have to have won a championship(s) or take the tests. That's really all there is to it.

now how will the test be performed? and what type of championship.? any race series?

sorry for the 20 questions!
ooo! Nice op thing, you're ORB certified tell me more what's that???
Haha Wardez. What should be included? You sir are the man thatknows these things. I expect you to make up for my lack of bureaucratic abilities.
Alright guys, as it turns out, I will be here for this weekends race, and it will be run exactly like the first two I hosted. Lounge opens at 6pm EST, Qualifying starts at 6:10, race at 6:30. The only change I am going to make is that after you set your hot lap you do not exit the track.

Also, a definitive date has been posted for the first race of the regular season.
Alright guys, as it turns out, I will be here for this weekends race, and it will be run exactly like the first two I hosted. Lounge opens at 6pm EST, Qualifying starts at 6:10, race at 6:30. The only change I am going to make is that after you set your hot lap you do not exit the track.

Also, a definitive date has been posted for the first race of the regular season.

cant make that date or the weekend after. summer vacation. looking forward to this weekends race
That's the worst date if you were trying to avoid vacations, that's labor day weekend.
"Drivers have until the final pre-season race to make a final pick for a car."

So do we make our final car pick before or after this weeks pre-race?
I'm debating on using the Stratos but would like to try it on course w/ other cars.

Might not make it this week again though-family thing this Sat.
Since there is such a large gap in the preseason to regular season I'll give it a week after Saturday's race.
I prob won't make it tomorrow either. Got a golf outing to attend. Stupid summertime, all this fun stuff to do outdoors instead of being cooped up inside playin' video games!
For those of you that can make it, I have an open lobby up now, and will be moving to my lounge at 6pm for the actual race.