GTP vs. Wham - Last Year's Thread

  • Thread starter Daniel
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When did he wham you?
Are you ****ing ******** me.

I'm out! Some stupid commercial about some ****ing Christmas show.

Gotta be a record.


Can someone tag Daniel for me in the next post stating that I was whammed? He won't see the alert if I tag him in an edit.
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Third time's the charm.

My own music in car? (2013) Check.
Elevator radio off? (2014) Check.

Bring it on.


(v) to wham - to eliminate someone from the game
(n) Whammicide - when someone deliberately eliminates themselves in order to be free to hear the song for the rest of the year
(n) Whammassacre - when a large amount of people are Whammed at the same time, usually by a well planned assault
(n) Whambulance - a vehicle that transports victims of Wham! to the hospital
(n) Whamurderer - Someone who successfully Whams another user
(adj) Whamposter - A cover, remix or mashup of Last Christmas
(n) Whamvatar - The mark of the loser
(n) Whamble Pie - For the user who is Whammed despite pointing out their plan to avoid said song.
(v) MicroWham! - When caught out by a small snippet of the song only.
Thanks @Jimlaad43
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(v) to wham - to eliminate someone from the game
(n) Whammicide - when someone deliberately eliminates themselves in order to be free to hear the song for the rest of the year
(n) Whammassacre - when a large amount of people are Whammed at the same time, usually by a well planned assault
(n) Whambulance - a vehicle that transports victims of Wham! to the hospital
(n) Whamurderer - Someone who successfully Whams another user
(adj) Whamposter - A cover, remix or mashup of Last Christmas
(n) Whamvatar - The mark of the loser
(n) Whamble Pie - For the user who is Whammed despite pointing out their plan to avoid said song.
(v) MicroWham! - When caught out by a small snippet of the song only.
I was whammed multiple times last year, same as every year usually about the point where I think I've got away with it.
Am in, must try harder :odd:
It's not even November and there's already a Wham'd-list ? :nervous:

That doesn't bode well, but count me in for the next 2 months, hopefully. :scared:
Sing me up! @Daniel

Even though I should wait to sign up to enhance my chances of winning. :sly:
Kolio, you avatar thief. :P

Updated to post #84.
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Ill join too, I just can't press any links until Christmas without opening them in a separate tab with the volume off.
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