GTP vs. Wham - Last Year's Thread

  • Thread starter Daniel
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Whatever it is - I'm in.

Last Christmas, I watched Doctor Who
But the previous day, I got Whammed anyway

@Daniel, sign me up. I want to make it this time. Last year, I got Whammed by Jordan. Prior to that, I got cover Whammed a couple times. I think it was Ariana Grande, but I can't be sure. After that incident, I'm gonna try and make sure to never visit the front page of the forums with my sound on. Once again, I'll wish I could have brought protection. But after my experiences last year, the internet is the only place I'm worried about getting Whammed. Around this time, I usually only hear the usual Christmas music.
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Oh god. It's that time again...

@Daniel, throw me in the ring again. @Jordan may have got me last year, but I won't get GIT AGAIN.

I say that, but I'm actually in more danger participating in this year's game. The job where I work at has a radio that plays random radio stations at the back of the kitchen, and the closer to Christmas we get, the chances of listening to Christmas songs get higher... and so does my chance of getting Whammed. I'm going to get extremely salty if I get Whammed while being in the back.
In as always!

Survived 2012 and 2013, but was Whammed! in 2014. Feeling pretty confident about my chances...I get everything (including groceries) from Amazon so I never have to go into a store. Restaurants might be my undoing, though.
In as always!

Survived 2012 and 2013, but was Whammed! in 2014. Feeling pretty confident about my chances...I get everything (including groceries) from Amazon so I never have to go into a store. Restaurants might be my undoing, though.
Just try not to buy a copy of Last Christmas from Amazon.
Heard Whamnam Style on the radio.

There's never a better time to watch something on my YouTube Arena of... stuff!
It's too easy, I'm a recluse and I do not watch TV or listen to commercial radio, and I do all of my shopping online.

TBH, I cannot remember the last time I even heard any music relating to Christmas except when I play this CD for the fun of it, all of these so called 'special' times of year mean sod all to me. MEH! :yuck:
I'll give it a shot as it seems like fun. I have to say though, I stay at home quite often, out of the range of publicly broadcasted music, so I just might make it.
I Sui-whamed myself at 11.59pm on the last day of last year and failed spectacularly the previous two attempts. Maybe I'll make it all the way this time.

I'm in! :)
Definitely muting chat when I race any GTPer now :lol:
It was in a Skype group call before the Super GT race. :ouch:

Well, I guess I really don't need to dread about the inevitable day where it would've played over the loudspeakers in school anymore. :lol:

I am pretty damn confident thatI will never hear this song where I live, but damn browsing GTP can still be a big risk. Still, I'm in.
@1241Penguin has already commenced attacks on the Infielders. Premium members beware his link in the Ramblings thread!

Nobody is to be trusted.

Thanks for the heads-up. Right, nobody is to be trusted. The enemy is us.

Somewhere someone must be happy.

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