GTP vs. Wham - RIP George Michael

  • Thread starter Daniel
This might be a fun story related to our own game war here on GTP so I'm going to share it. :)

Some of my GTP-less friends and I decided to put together a Wham! game of our own earlier today. We weren't sure how to go about it so I sent them here to get an idea or two. We ended up settling on using some of the same rules used here for it, only we extended them to include all versions of the song to try to make it more fun. We set a start time for the game to begin, which was 2:00 PM local time. I was due to go to a friend's house who wasn't competing nor had any knowledge of the game around this time. We hit the road after I got to his house to go somewhere with him and his dad. His dad was the driver and had the radio on a station playing nothing but Christmas music, and he's one of people who strictly believe that only the driver can and will be in control of the radio, so I was pretty much doomed.

Doomed I was, as at exactly 2:02 (right after our game began) the Taylor Swift cover of Wham! started playing. Then about an hour later on the way to another place I got hit by the original song. And finally hours later when we were in a restaurant I got Whammed again by a third version of the song. One of the rules my friends and I set was that we had to record in some way when, where and how we got Whammed and by which version of the song; we would all meet up somewhere everyday until the end of our game to hang out and share our Wham! status. Tomorrow we're meeting up at a mall and I am seriously dreading it. I more than likely got the worst of it today, and the mall is likely to play the song so I guess I'm not gonna be having a lot of fun tomorrow. However on the bright side this means that I can try to Wham! the others without committing Whamicide. We'll see how that goes. :mischievous:
Currently out in the lounge and the TV is set to a channel that's counting down best Christmas hits. I like to live dangerously.
Decided it would be a nice treat for the girlfriend to go to the Christmas carols. I knew the risk was high but was completely blindsided by just what went down.

While innocently walking down the Main Street of Adelaide, killing time and waiting for the event to start; I heard a noise that caught my attention. I turned to my left to see an open door to the police station and hear the dreaded sound being echoed through its corridors. No doubt about it, the force truly is on George's side.

Five years, five fails. Surely there is some law against whamming an innocent civilian :(
I was out as of Wednesday due to the radio suddenly playing it without warning. Then again yesterday.
I may not participate, but out of curiousity: would you be 'whammed' when a friend sings a part of the song?
only hearing the original music, or parts of it, by no other than Wham! gets you off the game

now about my situation, I went to the mal on thursday, for some house shoppping and so far no typical xmas song. but I have to go there tomorrow, and I hope I can get out safely
Nice try, twitter.
6 minutes from leaving work and the damn song just came on for the 3rd time, wooo I failed hard this year and two week left of work before Christmas breakup for a day.
Wham #2.

My brother played the song once he found out about this game. I laughed in his face and told him I already lost, but the damage was still done.
So... I was casually sitting in the living room watching some Simpsons and Plex when I found out I really wanted a pepperoni pizza. I'm down with a terrible cold and looked up my favourite pizza place. Found out they don't have a bank terminal and I was mildly annoyed. My girlfriends dad lives above us, (we live in his basement apartment) and he loves to listen to the radio. His radio is quite audible down here. While I was calling this boring pizza place (Peppes Pizza) I heard "Laast christmas....(...)" above on his radio... goddamnit! :ouch: :banghead: Guess I'm out....
So... I was casually sitting in the living room watching some Simpsons and Plex when I found out I really wanted a pepperoni pizza. I'm down with a terrible cold and looked up my favourite pizza place. Found out they don't have a bank terminal and I was mildly annoyed. My girlfriends dad lives above us, (we live in his basement apartment) and he loves to listen to the radio. His radio is quite audible down here. While I was calling this boring pizza place (Peppes Pizza) I heard "Laast christmas....(...)" above on his radio... goddamnit! :ouch: :banghead: Guess I'm out....
@Aki Ko Didn't happen last year so I think I'm good. Come to think of it I haven't heard the song in years. ;)

Famous last words quoted.

Warned ya, didn't I?
Last full week of work before finishing on December 20th and still barely going. Squeaky bum time.
Had another near hit yesterday, one of the teachers decided to have the whole "That's what I Call Christmas" album playing on Youtube and Last Chirstmas was on it. :nervous:

Still in it though as the video was already an hour in and Last Christmas according to the thumbnail was the 4th song in the list. ;)

Still, knowing that a music playlist holding a loaded WHAM! round is now likely gonna be played more often means i'm gonna be really up against it until school breaks up next Tuesday, after which it's only ads, drive-by whammings or Whamsassination attempts on here that'll likely get me. :scared: