GTP - Your WORST 5 Films of All Time

  • Thread starter Famine
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The Batman movies. They are just silly.
Batman Returns is one of the greatest superhero movies of all time. It's beautiful to look at. Tim Burton in full-swing, the BEST comic book hero ever, played to a t by Michael Keaton (at the pinnacle of his career), and Danny DeVito's pathetic villain The Penguin. What's not to love?

People always say Spider-Man opened the floodgate for all these superhero movies to be made, but they always forget about Batman and Batman Returns. And the original Punisher movie with international superstar Dolph "Ivan Drago" Lundgren! Just kidding about that last one!
Anderton Prime
Batman Returns is one of the greatest superhero movies of all time. It's beautiful to look at. Tim Burton in full-swing, the BEST comic book hero ever, played to a t by Michael Keaton (at the pinnacle of his career), and Danny DeVito's pathetic villain The Penguin. What's not to love?

People always say Spider-Man opened the floodgate for all these superhero movies to be made, but they always forget about Batman and Batman Returns. And the original Punisher movie with international superstar Dolph "Ivan Drago" Lundgren! Just kidding about that last one!

Hmmm...Batman I Just good stuff. Very comic bookish but not totally off the wall. Batman Returns....Very not bad. But the pengin thing at the end was a huge stretch.

But yeah, Batman pretty much setup the rest of the comic book movies.
Been an interesting discussion thus far. I have to say that I really liked Contact, so disagree with Famine there. I will agree with him on Event Horizon though. I watched the whole thing thinking "Wha?".

But, my list is:

Armageddon (ghastly film with a dreadful plot, appalling special effects, no basis in physics, and oafish dialogue)

Natural Born Killers (118 minutes of vacuous narcissistic drivel. Actually, for this reason, I pretty much hate all Oliver Stone Movies, so use this as a placeholder for NBK, JFK, The Doors)

Independence Day (see comments for Armageddon above, but add in a hefty slice of American jingoism)

Spiderman (not even a Kirsten-Dunst-Wet-T-Shirt moment can save this risible movie. The flying seemed to ignore the properties of gravity, and Willem Dafoe should be beaten with a big stick)

The Sound of Music (If they just stopped singing and got on with telling the story, the movie would be over in an hour. And the songs are garbage. And the actors, are wooden. And if I hired a nanny, and she came down the drive singing and dancing to herself, I would lock the doors and windows)

Dishonourable mentions:
The Italian Job (first edition)
Pearl Harbor
Dirty Dancing (the original one)
Independence day and Armageddon. "Rated PG, may contain patriotic garbage" :)

The latest Dawn of the dead. Shaun of the dead was miles better, and that was a spoof.

The Lord of the rings films
. When i saw them i liked them.. but looking back i can't think how i managed to sit there for 3 hours a time watching them.

I'm supprised no one has mentioned Spice-world yet.. I havn't seen it but apparently it was embarrasing to watch..
Freeway Speedway
Life or Something Like It
Wing Commander
The Village(This one's personal)
The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour
Ah yes, The Beatles had some horrific films. But, I think they were so bad I actually enjoyed the ones I've seen! Almost like a Monty Python animation in that sense.

Scream 2 (too much into itself)
Godzilla -98 (what the **** is he suppose the look like this time)
Kickboxer 2 (no Jean Claude Van Damme=no credibility to karate action film junkie)
Barney movie (it sucks even if it doesn't exist)
Any of the Land Before Time films (save the first two. They were pretty good)

Of course, I've plenty of more craptastic films in the pipeline, but those ones spring to mind the quickest at the moment. I'll have more 'ya soon. Until then, take care, and make sure you see a shrienk.

The latest Dawn of the dead. Shaun of the dead was miles better, and that was a spoof.

Haven't seen Shaun of the Dead, but I loved Dawn of the Dead. You didn't take the movie too seriously, right?
Haven't seen Shaun of the Dead, but I loved Dawn of the Dead. You didn't take the movie too seriously, right?

I didn't care for the ending(remake), but I liked it too(original & remake). Just saw Shaun of the Dead, very funny movie, recommended.
Haven't seen Shaun of the Dead, but I loved Dawn of the Dead. You didn't take the movie too seriously, right?

I don't tend to take films seriously anyway, They're just a bit of fun. Dawn of the dead just diddn't seem to be able to hold my attention. :indiff:

But yeh, Shaun of the dead is a definate recomendation, even if you're not a fan of British comedy, it has been rumored to change peoples minds :P.
Armageddon (ghastly film with a dreadful plot, appalling special effects, no basis in physics, and oafish dialogue)

Natural Born Killers (118 minutes of vacuous narcissistic drivel. Actually, for this reason, I pretty much hate all Oliver Stone Movies, so use this as a placeholder for NBK, JFK, The Doors)

Independence Day (see comments for Armageddon above, but add in a hefty slice of American jingoism)

Spiderman (not even a Kirsten-Dunst-Wet-T-Shirt moment can save this risible movie. The flying seemed to ignore the properties of gravity, and Willem Dafoe should be beaten with a big stick)

The Sound of Music (If they just stopped singing and got on with telling the story, the movie would be over in an hour. And the songs are garbage. And the actors, are wooden. And if I hired a nanny, and she came down the drive singing and dancing to herself, I would lock the doors and windows)
I would agree with almost all of those, except I've never seen Natural Born Killers. The Sound of Music is one of the most overrated films in the world. I found it ridiculous even at 4 years old. I would also put Armageddon and Independance Day in the same area, although Armageddon was ten times worse, and was a complete horror to watch. I sat in pain in the cinema. And I don't see the hype in Spiderman. It's just another stupid action hero movie that really doesn't have much substance.

I would like to add to that list "The Hulk". What a horrible flop. In fact, I can't believe noone has mentioned one particular movie: Water World. Now that ladies and gentlemen, is one hell of a waste of film.
And I don't see the hype in Spiderman. It's just another stupid action hero movie that really doesn't have much substance.

Spiderman (not even a Kirsten-Dunst-Wet-T-Shirt moment can save this risible movie. The flying seemed to ignore the properties of gravity, and Willem Dafoe should be beaten with a big stick)

Why is everyone ragging on Spidey? It's a comic book movie! How can you take it seriously. It's not a drama or a suspence movie, it's a movie about an impossible comic book character. I don't get it. Nobody ragged on Batman, but yet we're going to give Spiderman a hard time? They're in the same boat. Granted Batman doesn't have super powers, but he's still just as unfeasible.

Spidey was fun to watch cause you got to see one of the country's favorite comic book characters doing his thing. Sure, there wasn't much "substance" but how is there going to be? It's a movie about a comic book character.
Spiderman (not even a Kirsten-Dunst-Wet-T-Shirt moment can save this risible movie. The flying seemed to ignore the properties of gravity, and Willem Dafoe should be beaten with a big stick)

Actually I thought the flying seemed quite real and that they did a better-than-usual job of modeling gravity. Certainly much better than the matrix.

Hulk was good with gravity for the most part, as was batman.

The people that tend to screw up gravity are movies like crouching tiger, which were going for that whole flying effect, and WB/UPN TV shows like Xena.

Also, I thought Willem Dafoe was very good as the goblin. He over-acted a little, but given that it was a movie about a comic book, I'd have been dissapointed if he didn't cheese it up a little.
I watched Spidey 2 on DVD yestarday. Pretty good, I thought. So did my doesn't-know-or-care-a-bit-about-comic-books wife. Tight, efficient screenplay that captured the central themes very well. Good action and effects. Good characters... though Dr. Octopus was a little weak. Sam Raimi is an excellent director and got some very good performances from the cast.

I think there is plenty of substance in the Spiderman story. Quite enough for a comic book superhero at least. What were you expecting? The English Patient?

:shurg: I thought The Hulk was quite watchable as well.

I think there is plenty of substance in the Spiderman story. Quite enough for a comic book superhero at least. What were you expecting? The English Patient?

:shurg: I thought The Hulk was quite watchable as well.


LOL, yeah really

The hulk would've been great! if they would've cut ten minutes from the front and about 20 minutes of that junk in the middle about his past. Then it would've been incredible. As it is, it was OK, but could've been so much better. Incredible CG though.
I watched Spidey 2 on DVD yestarday. Pretty good, I thought. So did my doesn't-know-or-care-a-bit-about-comic-books wife. Tight, efficient screenplay that captured the central themes very well. Good action and effects. Good characters... though Dr. Octopus was a little weak. Sam Raimi is an excellent director and got some very good performances from the cast.


I agree about the Dr. Octopus.

First "Spider Man" I didn't like that much, but after I saw the second one(I loved it), I thought it made a pretty good prologue to the part 2. They should've marketed it like "Kill Bill". I doubted Raimi after the first one, he's ok again in my book.
I haven't seen Spiderman 2, but I don't intend to. I'm not really into Comic Book movies either, but I still don't see the hype around Spiderman. Sure it's a comic book movie, but I think it could've been done better.
There is an all time "worse than anything that's been mentioned here already" movie out there.

Silver Dream Racer. :yuck:
Jimmy Enslashay
I haven't seen Spiderman 2, but I don't intend to. I'm not really into Comic Book movies either, but I still don't see the hype around Spiderman. Sure it's a comic book movie, but I think it could've been done better.

Well, if you're not a spider-man fan. Then it's easy to see why you don't see what the big deal is.

Can I ask a quick question? What recent movies do you like? I'm just wondering, seems like most of the stuff I like, you seem not to.
Really? I don't mean to. To be honest, I haven't seen any new movies for a while. I like a lot of older movies. But this is the Worst films thread, and I'm stating what I dislike. I actually do like a lot of movies, but it's not something I can pop off the top of my head at 1am.
Jimmy Enslashay
Really? I don't mean to. To be honest, I haven't seen any new movies for a while. I like a lot of older movies. But this is the Worst films thread, and I'm stating what I dislike. I actually do like a lot of movies, but it's not something I can pop off the top of my head at 1am.

That's cool. I was just wondering. I don't see many movies in theatres now myself. Mainly because they cost too much. But I do enjoy going ot a midnight showing every now and again.
Open water - purely down to the fact that the ending is absolutely dire. You watch the movie all the way through and she just decides to do that !!!

Lost in translation - watched the other day and nothing really happens in it, boring, boring, boring
I thought Dr. Octopus was really awesome. IMO they couldn't have cast him any better.

He looked the part and was suitably menacing. But his character arc was ineffectively rendered. I don't know if it was the screenplay, Raimi's direction or Molina's acting that was a little flat. I'd guess a little of all three.

The Doc's transition from gifted, noble scientist and loving husband to deranged monster was so superficial and so rushed, it was not at all convincing to me. I didn't really feel his pain when his experiment failed and he lost his wife. He had one sad moment when he thought about drowning himself and it really failed to make me care very much. Therefore, his madness was not compelling and his subsequent redemption had no emotional impact whatsoever. It was like, "oh damn, my life is over. Time to rob a bank! Oh wait, my bad, Spidey. You were right afterall. Time for me drown myself!"

It was almost as if Raimi wanted to hurry past what was going on with the villian so he can get back to Spidey. This is fine, but the decision really made the Dr. a simple plot device rather than a fully fleshed out character on his own.

It was like, "oh damn, my life is over. Time to rob a bank! Oh wait, my bad, Spidey. You were right afterall. Time for me drown myself!"


This is fine, but the decision really made the Dr. a simple plot device rather than a fully fleshed out character on his own.

At the same time, Dr. Oc felt more real to me and more internally conflicted than the green goblin.
He looked the part and was suitably menacing. But his character arc was ineffectively rendered. I don't know if it was the screenplay, Raimi's direction or Molina's acting that was a little flat. I'd guess a little of all three.

The Doc's transition from gifted, noble scientist and loving husband to deranged monster was so superficial and so rushed, it was not at all convincing to me. I didn't really feel his pain when his experiment failed and he lost his wife. He had one sad moment when he thought about drowning himself and it really failed to make me care very much. Therefore, his madness was not compelling and his subsequent redemption had no emotional impact whatsoever. It was like, "oh damn, my life is over. Time to rob a bank! Oh wait, my bad, Spidey. You were right afterall. Time for me drown myself!"

It was almost as if Raimi wanted to hurry past what was going on with the villian so he can get back to Spidey. This is fine, but the decision really made the Dr. a simple plot device rather than a fully fleshed out character on his own.


exactly. It was the transition that was too quick, then he flipped back just as quickly. And he didn't really seem tormented. Just kinda angry. OH well, nobody is perfect.
You guys are talking about Comic Book Movies, Spiderman movies have to be the best of the genre ( and X-Men I believe ) the worst for the genre, no questions asked is the Captain America Movie that came out of all time. 1991 was the year....I watched it in grade 7 or 8 and I can honestly say, after paying $2.87 to rent it, it was the closest I have ever felt in my life to being raped !
You guys are talking about Comic Book Movies, Spiderman movies have to be the best of the genre ( and X-Men I believe ) the worst for the genre, no questions asked is the Captain America Movie that came out of all time. 1991 was the year....I watched it in grade 7 or 8 and I can honestly say, after paying $2.87 to rent it, it was the closest I have ever felt in my life to being raped !

Xmen 1 was kinda weak, but Xmen 2 was much better. But as far as comic book movies go. Captain A and the first punisher have to be the worst ones.
Open water - purely down to the fact that the ending is absolutely dire. You watch the movie all the way through and she just decides to do that !!!

I liked that actress alot(wink, wink), but that was an pretty dumb ending.


Lost in translation - watched the other day and nothing really happens in it, boring, boring, boring

I liked it, but I understand what you mean.
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