GTP - Your WORST 5 Films of All Time

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Jimmy Enslashay
Forgot to add: Vanilla Sky would be the most confusing and frustrating movie to watch.

Confusing?... I thought it was pretty cut and dry.. I didn't find it confusing...

Lost in translation - watched the other day and nothing really happens in it, boring, boring, boring

The meaning was in the subtext... Quite a bit happened... You just weren't paying close enough attention to the right things (which isn't your fault necessarily)... However, I will concede that the film drags on a bit in some scenes... It was a bit slow for most... It just doesn't really bother me...

Here's my list (just off the top of my head)...

Scream (all of them) (pretty much any teen movie)
Pitch Black
Fast and Furious (both films)
Mario Brothers
Game of Death (the horrible Hollywood interpretation of Bruce Lee's unfinished opus)...

I could go on forever... The number of bad films far outweighs the number of good, unfortunately...

Delphic Reason
Confusing?... I thought it was pretty cut and dry.. I didn't find it confusing...
It was all over the place. I mean, I know they did it on purpose, but I think they over-done it. A lot of the times I couldn't remember something that happened which was crucial, or I didn't understand why something happened, etc. It wasn't done very well, and it seemed as if the editor just cut random pieces out and placed them everywhere.
Holes. This movie was ridiculously stupid and I only saw it because my friend wanted to see it, and it was her birthday. Just Terrible.

The Avengers. This movie came out a couple of years ago so some of you might not remember it. It made no sense. At all. Period. I took a nice 2 hour nap(one of the best sleeps I ever had).

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Holy crap this movie took an incredible concept and flushed it down the toilet. I walked out after the first ten minutes of it. crap.

Cold Mountain. Cold pile of crap. Three goddamn hours of the biggest flamer in Hollywood, Jude Law, walking around trying to get back home. Some people I argued with said it was a 'retelling' of Homer's "The Odyssey". The Odyssey kicked ass. This was garbage. Not to mention I saw it with a kid that couldn't pay attention to a movie screen for more than thirty seconds without seeing some sort of violence or sexuality.

Matrix 2. And while we're at it, the rest of that piece of crap trilogy. I mean, the first one was alright, but then the second one was bad. It got hyped up so much and then you leave the theater with the feeling of exteme hatred for those idiot brothers who directed it. Way to go, you ruined something that could've kicked ass. Man, that movie was almost as bad as gigli, in terms of the cohesion of the plot. I didn't include gigli in the list because there's just way too many movies that suck...this list would take forever.

Wow that was surprisingly liberating.
Holes. This movie was ridiculously stupid and I only saw it because my friend wanted to see it, and it was her birthday. Just Terrible.

The Avengers. This movie came out a couple of years ago so some of you might not remember it. It made no sense. At all. Period. I took a nice 2 hour nap(one of the best sleeps I ever had).

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Holy crap this movie took an incredible concept and flushed it down the toilet. I walked out after the first ten minutes of it. crap.

Wow that was surprisingly liberating.

I've got to agree with you about the movies. Avengers maid no sense. Sean Connery just appeared and disappeared at will. Man, it was horrible. And theLeague could've been fantastice...but it was very weak. Oh well....
Jimmy Enslashay
It was all over the place. I mean, I know they did it on purpose, but I think they over-done it. A lot of the times I couldn't remember something that happened which was crucial, or I didn't understand why something happened, etc. It wasn't done very well, and it seemed as if the editor just cut random pieces out and placed them everywhere.

LOL... No it wasn't all over the place... I take it you're not a fan of films with more abstract plot structures... The film makes complete sense, but quite a few people misinterpretted it (such is life)... Actually, In case you weren't aware, Vanilla Sky is a remake of a 1997 film from Spain, "Open Your Eyes" or "Abre Los Ojos"... The original was much better, I must admit... Cameron Crowe can be kind of a vain director, and it shows in his remake... However, the plot structure and subject matter is cohesive and explains the intentions of the original directors vision pretty well... I'm not a fan of Tom Cruise, and this film is not going to change my opinion of him...

I couldn't remember something that happened which was crucial, or I didn't understand why something happened

That's not the directors fault...

So, yes, it wasn't the best film ever made, but it did make perfect sense... You just have to pay attention and put the pieces together yourself...

See my earlier post regarding why Pitch Black is not without merit.

I did read it... I just don't agree that such things constitute merit...

The comic book style lighting and camera angles was a good idea, but the writing, character development (non existant), and acting, completely ruined the experience...

Cold Mountain. Cold pile of crap.

That's a big ten four... Cold day in hell before I ever watch that film again...

Delphic Reason
I take it you're not a fan of films with more abstract plot structures...
Not overly. I also didn't find the film's story very exciting at all, so the fact that I didn't understand it well could be attributed to the fact that I didn't really want to watch it.
Matrix 2. And while we're at it, the rest of that piece of crap trilogy.
I had no problem with the Matrix 2. I actually thought it was the best. I don't think the Matrix Trilogy was that great really, and I'm not a big fan of Sci-Fi movies, so I generally watched these films for the Special Effects and Fight Scenes. Thus, I liked the Matrix 2 better than the others, but overall it was a bit of a disappointment. Maybe it's also because I've seen the Matrix 1 too many times, that I don't like it as much as 2.
I've noted another glaring omission from the list thus far:

Driven. Oh. My. God. What an awful movie. The only good thing about it was the way they spliced real footage of actual ChampCar races into the film. But the film itself was turgid patronising tripe with virtually no basis in reality. Awful awful awful. Motorsport "Bible" magazine Autosport refers to it as a "horror movie".
I've noted another glaring omission from the list thus far:

Driven. Oh. My. God. What an awful movie. The only good thing about it was the way they spliced real footage of actual ChampCar races into the film. But the film itself was turgid patronising tripe with virtually no basis in reality. Awful awful awful. Motorsport "Bible" magazine Autosport refers to it as a "horror movie".

Already been listed...

Mean Girls: Holy...Crap...if you go into my room right now, you will see a dartboard with Lidnsay Lohan and Hilary Duff right in the bullseye, and this is the reason why. I hate these kind of girls in real life, hate them, therefore, I have absolutely no reason to like a movie portraying them. Some people have told me that Tina Fey from snl wrote the script, and that just made me want to kill Lohan even more. I would rather shove my hands under a hot iron than several times than see this piece of crap. Unless the dvd came out with a feature that let me hit Lohan with a stick over and over again. Man, that would rule

Saw: I had high expectations for this before i went to see it. Why? Cause I'm a friggin idiot. The only good thing this movie had to offer wait, my bad, everything about it sucked. Who would ever think a movie with a fat guy getting cut up with barbed wire would suck? And wow, the killer was a cancer paitient. You know, its a funny thing about a man with a terminal disease, and that thing is that the person is going to DIE. Therefore, how can you tell me that a man who is bedridden can have the time to elaboratly plan out people's deaths? oh btw, if any of you complain that i spoiled the movie for you, all i can say is "wow, you actually planned on seeing this, wow."

League of Extrodenary Gentleman: me and ebo#1 walked out of this within 5 mins. Heres my summation of what i saw: Sean connery stands around being stupid, talks to some random guy about NOTHING. Cue random bullets for NO REASON. And as soon as Dr. Jekyll came out as the hulk, and Capt Nemo wasnt the badass pirate i was expecting, i walked out, no wait, i ran out, and dropkicked the director as i left the theater, cause I'm cool.

Chicago: why not just wear a shirt saying " I'M GAY!!!" into the theater. Seriously. Some people say they went to see it just to make out with their girlfriends, i say its not worth it, it just isnt worth it. What is it about crappy theaters that inspire making out anyway, is it the smell of horrible popcorn and B.O. Or are they doing it just to spite me. And dont give me that "well its a dark and quiet place" BS. Turn off the lights in your house and get the hell away from me.

SWAT: this movie wouldnt have been so bad if they came out at the begining and said "this movie is Dr. Peppers *****, enjoy" and actually included some blood. There was an actual line saying just how much the love mcdonalds and dr pepper. At this point, i think it would have been more appropriate to show the mcdonalds M and a Giant Dr Pepper can screwing the universal globe in the south pole. It would have conveyed the same message, it just woulda been funny. ANd how can you not show the blood after you blow someones head off? that should be in the geneva code or something.

Also, anything with Jude Law, Hilary Duff, and 100000 others morons.

And now, the list of the top 5 movies which kick your ass:
1. Clerks
2. The boondock saints
3. South park, bigger, longer, and uncut
4. Dawn of the dead (resident evil, apocolpsye ruled too)
5. Army of darkness.
And now, the list of the top 5 movies which kick your ass:

3. South park, bigger, longer, and uncut

You think you're Maddox, but you're not. If you use the word "own", you probably live with your parents, and therefore, don't own anything.

And the South Park movie was fairly disappointing. Even for a South Park production, it wasn't all that funny.
League of Extrodenary Gentleman: me and ebo#1 walked out of this within 5 mins. Heres my summation of what i saw: Sean connery stands around being stupid, talks to some random guy about NOTHING. Cue random bullets for NO REASON. And as soon as Dr. Jekyll came out as the hulk, and Capt Nemo wasnt the badass pirate i was expecting, i walked out, no wait, i ran out, and dropkicked the director as i left the theater, cause I'm cool.

I agree, with a higher level of literacy, but if you left after only 5 minutes then you haven't seen the film. This also means you haven't read the rules in the first post. Please replace it with something you've actually seen.

Chicago: why not just wear a shirt saying " I'M GAY!!!" into the theater. Seriously. Some people say they went to see it just to make out with their girlfriends, i say its not worth it, it just isnt worth it. What is it about crappy theaters that inspire making out anyway, is it the smell of horrible popcorn and B.O. Or are they doing it just to spite me. And dont give me that "well its a dark and quiet place" BS. Turn off the lights in your house and get the hell away from me.

And you disliked the film because...? This seems to be a critique of cinemas, rather than "Chicago".

And now, the list of the top 5 movies which kick your ass

There's another thread for that.
Well, I've seen TONS of bad to awful movies, here are some i can actually remember:

Baby Boy = some ghetto movie about a 30yr old dude who lives with his mom and rides a lowrider bicycle.

Any Movie with Shaq in it.

Charlies Angels 2 (not that the first one was that great)

The Batman movies without Michael Keaton(well actually even Batman Returns was stupid)

And alot of other movies you guys mentioned. Like 2f2f 👎

But some of you are way too critical when watching movies I think. Their ENTERTAINMENT, no documentaries (and no, none of Moore's films are documentaries).

Why is it that so many of you listed StarWars2, and not One? Are you big JarJar fans or something? Gimme a break. Episode one was kids movie.... It was barely StarWars at all.
Ahh yes, I forgot about the two recent Star Wars movies. Probably the most forgettable movies I have ever seen, nothing ever happened in them! In fact, the only thing I can remember from either movie is the Yoda lightsaber fight. I was laughing my ass off at that!
One that was on the other night, The Wraith... I Don't think anything unpredictable or original happened at any point during the film..

YES! I forgot about that movie! The star was that really cool-looking Chrysler concept car from 1986. Dodge paid for the whole movie, about a car that destroyed other cars. The car was called the "Interceptor", and it made the driver invincible.

Well, every other car in the flick was a Dodge/Plymouth/Chrysler; unless it was the "bad guy", who had a Chevy Camaro, or some other Ford or GM product! My brother and I saw this one, begining to end about 15+ years ago, and we laughed at how the Interceptor avoided the Dodge Lancer, the Voyagers, and all those Reliants...

I saw the last one-third of the movie a few years ago, and the acting was quite terrible. At the end, a teenager creates the worst fake tears and sobbing I've ever had the misfortune of viewing. However, I can't say it's on my "worst" list, because I saw the movie for one reason...the car. And the car did not disappoint. And watching Pent-a-Star avoid the damage was quite humorous.
Rofl, this thread rules. I love a good chance to rag on crappy movies. I can't remember many horrible movies I see (I try and forget them) so here is a list of the ones I glanced over and hated greatly. :)

Worst of the Worst:
A.I. - OMG this movie is the most boring and dragged out movie I have ever seen
Waterworld - The most fake movie I've ever seen

The Rest of the Worst:
The Village
Dumb and Dumberer
Cabin Fever
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Die Another Day
Napoleon Dynomite - My friend went and saw this and thought it was hilarious so he told me to go see it. "It's exactly your style of humor!!!" he said. He lied to me. I think I genuinely laughed one time.
Vanilla Sky
Charlie's Angels (both)
The Village
Ahh I forgot about that one. Almost everyone that I know that has seen this only realised the damn girl was blind until around half way-to-three quarters of the way through, and apparantly (well, quite obviously) you're meant to know much before that. Also, it made no sense that the guy who was acting as the "beast" was actually doing it. Why was he doing that? Then the fact that he basically had powers to teleport anywhere in front of the blind girl.

Most people come out of the Cinema thinking "What?". Horrendous.

I forgot another, but I actually enjoyed it in a silly kind of way. The Transporter. I remember a friend and I watched this movie, and we couldn't stop laughing because we found so many flaws in it, that it was actually entertaining. We enjoyed the movie to see the flaws. :lol:

It was entertaining though, in a strange way.
Just thought of two more horrendous movies:
Once Upon A Time In Mexico

You'd have to pay me big money to watch either of those again.
I didn't see anything wrong with Identity. Sure, it wasn't a great film, but I didn't see the problem. I actually thought it was decent.
If you use the word "own", you probably live with your parents, and therefore, don't own anything.
Hmm, then I manage my car, do I? :lol:
Just thought of two more horrendous movies:
Once Upon A Time In Mexico

You'd have to pay me big money to watch either of those again.

I wouldn't say 'Once Upon a Time in Mexico' was one of the worst movies i've ever seen, but it was definately the biggest Disapointment.

I enjoyed Identity.
Double Dragon

Of course, it is a movie based on a video game, and we all know the track record of films in that category...

Delphic Reason
Double Dragon

Of course, it is a movie based on a video game, and we all know the track record of films in that category...


LOL, I forgot all about that one. It's too bad Marc Dacascos(sp) never got any decent roles. He played Jimmy Lee, I've always thought he was rather skilled.
Delphic Reason
Skilled in what???...


My bad. As a martial artist. At least as far as being on camera goes. Only the strong was fun and some stuff he did in "Drive" was amazing. By no means good movies, but I just thought that he's got some talent. He was also the main villian in "Cradle to the Grave" if anyone has seen that. :yuck:
Last night I watched the worst movie on the history of the planet: Big Top Pee-Wee. My jaw dropped at the stupidity and bad acting in this movie, and by far this is the worst movie I have seen. I swear I lost millions of brain cells each minute from this movie.
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