GTP's Worst 10 Movies... Ever!

  • Thread starter Famine
1. The fast and the furious, all of them.
2. Tropical thunder.
3. Event Horizon.
4. Avatar.
5. Men who stare at goats.
6. Burn after reading.
7. I am legend.
8. Bruno.
9. Borat.
10. Inglorious Bastards.

Wait, you know this is a list of worst movies ever, not best, right? Just kidding, but I do wonder if you're trying to provoke controversy, since Men Who Stare at Goats and Borat are both insanely funny. To me at least. But I guess humor is a personal thing. I hate movies like Dumb and Dumber, but others loved that movie I imagine.

Other than that, it's fair to say Furious movies have never been great, but they're not really that bad. And Legend and Basterds aren't great either but they're pleasantly watchable.

Just makes me wonder what makes people put things on a worst movies ever list. For me it's usually horrible editing, especially of the script or direction for scientific accuracy (excepting fantasy elements of course).
3. Event Horizon.
7. I am legend.

Joking right? Agreed I am Legend wasn't per the book. EH? The only movie to ever scare me, I love it.

5.I, Robot

Really? I,Robot was a great extended, movie chapter of the book.

1) Bruno (Can't say I've seen the whole movie, was contemplating suicide 30 minutes in).

One of the funniest movies I've watched this year.
People here clearly havent seen enough movies if some of these make the list. Napolean Dynamite is a movie that only people who grew up in the 80's would get. Saying it sucks because you dont get it is like me saying the Twilight movies suck because i'm not a 12 yr old girl.

Men who stare at goats is one of the few movies listed that might make my top 10. Also on the list would be Broken Flowers, Bill Murray's attempt at a serious drama. Dont watch it, no matter how old you are.

Anyway, the lists i see are more along the lines of popular movies that the poster didnt get, rather than truely bad movies. Try watching some of the random crap available on comcast on demand or netflix and you'll begin to understand what a bad movie is.
Really? I,Robot was a great extended, movie chapter of the book.
No, no it isn't. That movie absolutely had nothing at all to do with the book, or anything that Asimov ever wrote. It was a generic "revolt of the robots" story, the antithesis of what his robot novels were about and the characters were all rock stupid, especially Susan Calvin which was inexcusable.
Joking right? Agreed I am Legend wasn't per the book. EH? The only movie to ever scare me, I love it.

A post-apocalyptic movie taking place years after New York has been abandoned by humanity that starts off with a five minute commercial for a brand-spanking new Ford Mustang GT is hard to take seriously, even if the later parts are convincingly decent cinema (one of the few Will Smith action flicks (post Bad Boys) that actually dips towards the respectable)...

It just ruins the tone. Now, it's okay to have hokey bits in a movie if the movie is meant to be hokey. The introductory scene of "A Knight's Tale" where the crowd sings "We Will Rock You"? priceless. But the first scene of "I Am Legend" is like starting "300" with a Rolex commercial.

Really? I,Robot was a great extended, movie chapter of the book.

As Hyakushiki says, it has nothing at all to do with the book. Asimov isn't just a Science Fiction / Fantasy writer, he's a crime/mystery writer. I, Robot shows this off splendidly, with psychological analysis, locked-room puzzles, logical conundrums and even murder mysteries. All revolving around the logical premise of the "Three Laws" and permutations of said laws. The only relation the movie had to the book is in the name of the female lead and the title. That's it.

Asimov's book, near the end, revolved around tolerance towards non-human intelligences (robots) and acceptance of them. The movie was a simple "oh no, killer robots" flick. It was absolutely execrable, and Asimov is probably turning in his grave...
Just because a movie doesn't live up to the book, that doesn't make it bad. It just pisses off those who actually read the book. Very rarely does a movie capture all aspects of a book. There are very few exceptions to the rule, like Lord of the Rings.

I Robot is a good movie for someone who didn't read the book. I enjoyed it and will watch parts of it when its on TV.

I Am Legend was probably a 2/5 star movie. Not great, but it kept my attention and i watched it to the end.

When a movie is bad, you usually turn it off and/or fast forward to the end to see what happened. Movies I fast forwarded because they were horrible:

1. Fighting (starring Channing Tatum and Terrence Howard)
-- The main character has no motivation to do anything. Fast forwarded most of it.

2. Nine (starring Daniel Day Lewis)
-- Slow and painful, fast forwarded last 2/3rds of movie and frankly never stopped to see what happened.

3. The Happening (M.Night's suspense thriller)
-- Here's a hint, nothing happens. Oooo, its the trees, i'm scared! Lame!

4. Streets of Blood (starring Val Kilmar)
-- I don't remember if I made it to the end of this one. I rated it 1 star in Netflix so it must have been bad.

5. Transporter 3
-- The first 2 movies were great action packed thrillers. This one was just unrealistic and gratuitous. All the supporting characters irritated me.

6. Copying Beethoven (Ed Harris)
-- A fictional movie about the Maestro with a bad acting job, all to set up one scene at the end which craps all over his legacy. Watch Immortal Beloved instead.

7. Stone (Ed Thorton, Bobby DeNiro)
-- The all star cast couldn't save this movie's slow and pointless pace

8. Rain Fall (Gary Oldman)
-- Typically any movie starring Gary Oldman is worth watching. We didn't make it 10 minutes into this one. Maybe its because all the characters look the same? I don't know. I couldn't figure out what was going on.

9. I'm Still Here (Joaquin Phoenix)
-- Was this supposed to be real, or a joke, i'm still not sure. I turned it off after about 45 minutes.

10. Alien Apocalypse (Bruce Campbell)
-- It's a B-movie. I was expecting campy---borderline comedic, like Evil Dead...but it was too horrible to withstand more than 15 minutes.

These, folks, are truly bad movies. I have nothing nice to say about them and would not watch 5 minutes of them if I ever accidentally saw it on TV and it was literally the only thing on.
1. The Never Ending Story II
2. Doom (Dwayne Johnson make)
3. The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift
4. Garfield
5. Along Came Polly
6. The Number 23
7. When Harry Met Sally
8. Star Wars 1
9. Star Wars 2
10. Star Wars 3

You think the 3 Star Wars and Tokyo Drift are among the 10 worst movies of all time? If you think they are bad then you are lucky to have not experienced the extreme lows most of us have.

1. The fast and the furious, all of them.
2. Tropical thunder.
3. Event Horizon.
4. Avatar.
5. Men who stare at goats.
6. Burn after reading.
7. I am legend.
8. Bruno.
9. Borat.
10. Inglorious Bastards.

I won't sit here and criticise people's taste but in my opinion that list has 5 brilliant movies in it. Did you not like Inglorious Bastards because of the subtitles? Seems the way for most :rolleyes:
1. The fast and the furious, all of them.
2. Tropical thunder.
3. Event Horizon.
4. Avatar.
5. Men who stare at goats.
6. Burn after reading.
7. I am legend.
8. Bruno.
9. Borat.
10. Inglorious Bastards.

Ok, to clarify.

1. Fake streetracing, with so-so acting.
2. People who aren't funny acting stupid isn't funny.
3. Lame Hellraiser in Space, could have been so much more.
4. If it's the first 3d you see, amazing, if not, not even worth thinking about.
5. See 2.
6. See 2.
7. Will Smith. Bad CGI. Weak story.
8. Austrian Borat.
9. Nothing shocking or funny to be found.
10. Brad Pitt doesn't cut it, story is lame, movie drags on and on and on, and then goes up in flames.
Really? Men Who Stare At Goats in your bottom 10, because "people who aren't funny acting stupid isn't funny"?

Seems like you missed the point of the film. Perhaps it was too subtle for you. Not to mention that you're deriding it for the same reasons as Tropic Thunder, which is a completely different style of film. Tropic Thunder is meant to be stupid and OTT, MWSAG isn't.

Whoever mentioned Taxi too, I guarantee you're referring to the American remake. The original, French film was roughly a billion times better.
I Robot is a good movie for someone who didn't read the book. I enjoyed it and will watch parts of it when its on TV.

I've read the book several times. I saw the movie as an extension or extra chapter if you like of what could have been in a book based on the 3 laws.

As Hyakushiki says, it has nothing at all to do with the book. Asimov isn't just a Science Fiction / Fantasy writer, he's a crime/mystery writer. I, Robot shows this off splendidly, with psychological analysis, locked-room puzzles, logical conundrums and even murder mysteries. All revolving around the logical premise of the "Three Laws" and permutations of said laws. The only relation the movie had to the book is in the name of the female lead and the title. That's it.

Asimov's book, near the end, revolved around tolerance towards non-human intelligences (robots) and acceptance of them. The movie was a simple "oh no, killer robots" flick. It was absolutely execrable, and Asimov is probably turning in his grave...

Although I can't argue with fact the sense I get from I, Robot is as if it is one of the many other tales using the same basis as the I, Robot book which has been written about by a very many authors.

I has the same themes and exposes the same flaws of a positronic operating system programme which are dealt with in I, Robot and puts a new take on it.

I feel it's a shame that Hollywood has to attempt to bring these stories to the masses as very generalised movies so that they can reach a wider audience. I realise that contradicts what I previously said but I have the feeling that if it was produced by a independent company with a real passion for I, Robot then it could have been a much better work of cinema.
Really? Men Who Stare At Goats in your bottom 10, because "people who aren't funny acting stupid isn't funny"?

Seems like you missed the point of the film. Perhaps it was too subtle for you. Not to mention that you're deriding it for the same reasons as Tropic Thunder, which is a completely different style of film. Tropic Thunder is meant to be stupid and OTT, MWSAG isn't.

Whoever mentioned Taxi too, I guarantee you're referring to the American remake. The original, French film was roughly a billion times better.

How did you hate Taxi?

And actually I haven't really seen any bad movies, and how is Tropic Thunder on there too?

One movie I would say is probably Bed Time Stories with Adam Sandler, but I won't complain
The only movie ive seen recently that was rubbish was transfomers 3. Not really any storyline, instead they devoted half the movie to destroying Chicago and the other half not doing very much.
Really? Men Who Stare At Goats in your bottom 10, because "people who aren't funny acting stupid isn't funny"?

Seems like you missed the point of the film. Perhaps it was too subtle for you. Not to mention that you're deriding it for the same reasons as Tropic Thunder, which is a completely different style of film. Tropic Thunder is meant to be stupid and OTT, MWSAG isn't.

Whoever mentioned Taxi too, I guarantee you're referring to the American remake. The original, French film was roughly a billion times better.

There are people who have a different taste of funny, you know.

There is nothing subtle about MWSAG, the point of comedy is laughter, and MWSAG just isn't funny. And different style? Look deeper. Same concept.

How ever, Taxi, the original, was pretty good. And that's pretty rare for a non-Hollywood movie, and I've seen a lot of non-Hollywood movies, as the public channels here used to show 2 or 3 in the weekend, at night.

Oh, and I didn't add B-movies, just because they are B-movies. Expect nothing, and then be pleased. 👍
Yeah I was talking about the American remake, I didn't know about the original til I looked it up, then it seems most films nowadays are remakes of something else. The movies i picked were ones I found to be too stupid to be entertaining even as a guilty pleasure which pulls me out of the story completely. If the only way to enjoy a film requires you have to turn off your brain completely and blindly accept everything the story tells you at face value and never question how ridiculous or nonsensical it is then the filmmakers have failed at willful suspension of disbelief.
Has anyone ever heard/seen a film called "Deep Evil"? Saw it on the telly a while ago and it was honestly a joke it was so bad.
The 10 worst I've seen (except number 4).
1. The Road
2. Wrong Turn 2
3. Everything Must Go
4. Twilight
5. Men Who Stare at Goats.
6. The Informant
7. The Happening
8. The American
9. Bad Company
10. The Box
If you mean Taxi 1, 2, ... yep

They were pretty good, the head chief of police always cracked me up :lol:
Yeah, I think Tom Servo is confused with the US remake. :lol:

The french movies were pretty darn good.
QF = Quoted For

I was referring to where you posted that it's rare for a non-Hollywood movie for being good.
Yeah... strange thing to say...

The original Taxi series is by and large much better than the Hollywood remake... even the worst of them (Taxi 4, I think? Went by like a bad sitcom episode...) is more compelling watching than the US remake.


I thoroughly enjoy Besson's action movies, too... as he's done excellent stuff there before going Hollywood (I loved Leon, because it had a lot of that same flavor).


There's a ton of good stuff coming out of Europe and Asia that you don't get stateside except as remakes.
I've yet to see Taxi as they haven't released the DVD over here. I lost count how many years I've been waiting to see that one. :crazy:

As far as foreign cinemas go, I've been digging the French & Korean cinemas lately, but really, so many good films coming out of everywhere in the world.

P.S. sniper338: WTH! Especially the #1 selection! :dopey:
I haven't seen alot of movies to be honest. Twilight sucked, though. Couldn't say enough about Epic(fail)Movie.

The Star Wars prequels can't touch the originals, but that's no reason to completely diss them.
1. The Happening
2. Halloween/II (Rob Zombie remakes)
3. Dragonball: Evolution
4. The Other Guys
5. Get Him to the Greek - Glad I watched this in school where we had a limited time. I couldn't have made it much longer.
6. Friday the 13th (2009) - Being a huge fan of Supernatural, Jared Padalecki is the only thing that could potentially make this watchable.
7. Splice - Ranks just below The Human Centipede in terms of psychological disturbance.
8. Snakes on a Plane
9. Talladega Nights
10. A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) - This one was tough to sit through.

For me, pretty much any movie Starring Will Ferrell is a given to be awful. I don't see how anyone can tolerate watching him.