GTP's Worst 10 Movies... Ever!

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Top Ten Worst Movies I've Seen...let's see...

1. Redline (2007) - This movie was horrible on several levels. The only big name in the picture, Eddie Griffith crash a $1.5 million Ferrari Enzo for a charity event to promote the film. It saw the destruction of two cars that cost over $500,000 along with other exotics. The acting was so bad the only thing I remember about the movie were the crashes. It cost $26 million to make and only ended up raking in a pathetic 6.8mil. The guy that made it paid for the movie from profits from his crumbling loan company that ended up dying before then movie was released. NO ONE who saw this movie liked it.

2. GI Joe Rise of the Cobra - Ugh. Bad acting, bad story, pointless and redundant flashbacks...even the action scenes sucked. Crap, this movie was just craptastic.

3. Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon - The bad news is, this movie was made. And it features every faux pas you can think of...or close to it. GI Joe was still worse, though.

4. X-Men: First Class - Everyone loved this movie despite the blatant sexist themes throughout. I don't know why the women were there are at all? They didn't really do anything? And...WTF? Magneto cracked Emma's diamond form? But...IT'S 🤬 DIAMOND!

5. Superman/Batman Apocalypse - If only for the overprotective, incestuous Clark Kent. It was a little creepy having him lead his cousin around as if she were his girlfriend. Especially, since it was quite apparent she was a lesbian...and WTF did Batman do?

6. Battle: Los Angelas (new one) - yeah, I could only watch a couple minutes of this movie before I realized how bad it was and that I did not want to finish it.

7. Avatar - I knew this movie was going to suck when Sigourney Weaver popped up from a stasis tube. Also, Mr. Cameron, no one wants to see Sigourney Weaver nude. Avatar is essentially a live action, outer-space version of Fern Gully...only Fern Gully was good.

8. Ghosts of Mars - This movie starred Jason Statham and Ice Cube...has ANYTHING Ice Cube has been in turned out to be good? I mean...XXX 2 was crap...and that's the only other movie I remember seeing with him in it. He's not a good actor...why do people keep hiring him? He's not Ice T, he's Ice Cube. I know it's confusing, Hollywood, but...anyway, this movie was awful. I don't really remember why it sucked, I just remember it was so bad, I ended up using the DVD as a coaster so no one else would have to endure the torture of watching it...and I had the case and everything. I could've returned it, but it was just too horrible. It was also released on the heels of other Mars movies like Red Planet...I believe Ghost of Mars effectively killed the Mars genre for a while.

9. Crank - I like a lot of Jason Statham's movies...this pile of vomit, wasn't one of them. It was rather a pointless movie and not a very good plot of a full length movie. It wouldn't been a great Xbox Live game where the goal would simply to keep your heart rate up as long as possible...or a mini-game or something, but for a was rather....not good.

10. Fast Five - Okay...I just wish I could say we were done with this crappy movie series, but we're not. These movies were cool when games like Underground were out promoting street racing, but, now that the scene's got back to the track, there's just no direction for these movies and they're getting worse. Someone beat up the producer already.

Honorable Mention: Red Line - Hey, everyone remembers this crap-fest right? This films claim to fame was Eddie Griffin crashing the producers lovely Ferrari Enzo into a Jersey Barrier during a pre-production party where he let the actors drive his very expensive cars. Yeah, you know a movie sucks when the producer is dumb enough to entrust the actors with his $1million car. This movie also saw the destruction of a Diablo, a Porsche Carrera, a Mercedes SLR and several other expensive cars...and the acting and plot were awful.
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127 Hours? Seriously bro? Sure it ain't great, but there are tons of worse movies. :lol:

Oh and girls not playing a big role =/= sexism. I don't recall any lady folk in First Class making sammiches, which would really be sexist :P
Is this thread dead or...?

My top ten.
1. El Intremedio
2. Pet Cemetery
3. Bangkok Dangerous
4. Spy Kids 3D
5. Happy Feet
6. Shoot 'Em Up
7. Bridge to Terrabithia
8. Date Night
9. 2 Fast 2 Furious
10. Highlander: The Source

I saw some post The Prestige in here, I have no respect for them at all now.
Well, you listed Pet Cemetery, so you have no credibility. Although, you also listed some acknowledged terrible movies, so maybe that one is just taste. Heard that Happy Feet is a great movie, though I have no interest in seeing it. And I think Bridge to Terabithia is pretty good, too, though I also haven't yet seen it, but I'd like to.
Well, you listed Pet Cemetery, so you have no credibility. Although, you also listed some acknowledged terrible movies, so maybe that one is just taste. Heard that Happy Feet is a great movie, though I have no interest in seeing it. And I think Bridge to Terabithia is pretty good, too, though I also haven't yet seen it, but I'd like to.

Explain why Pet Cemetery is a good movie please.

If it's supposed to be a comedy, then I'll take it right off the list. :P
Well, it's dated, so you have to keep that in mind. But it's one of the best King horrors out there. Maybe I was only 16 or so when I watched it, but it was pretty freaky, zombie babies are scary! No, not in anybody's top 10 lists, but not a bad movie I don't think at all.
Well, it's dated, so you have to keep that in mind. But it's one of the best King horrors out there. Maybe I was only 16 or so when I watched it, but it was pretty freaky, zombie babies are scary! No, not in anybody's top 10 lists, but not a bad movie I don't think at all.

The King movies are based on his books right? Maybe the book is better...

But the storyline is pretty bad, things seem to happen just so that the linear plot can advance in a predictable manner. It's not about special effects or technology though. It also is riddled with inconsistent acting; sometimes it's rather believable, mostly it's just bad. But again, I'm not sure that the acting is the issue. It's hard to act a part well when the character is forced by the script to do dumb and illogical things.

It was totally worth the $5 though. lol
127 Hours? Seriously bro? Sure it ain't great, but there are tons of worse movies. :lol:

Oh and girls not playing a big role =/= sexism. I don't recall any lady folk in First Class making sammiches, which would really be sexist :P

The women don't have to make sandwiches for it to be sexist. That would be much more blatant sexism, true. A LOT of movies really are sexist in that the men end up saving the day and the women end up being weak and being all weak in the knees for the guys. GI Joe did this to the extreme 'cause the two women in the movie became pretty much the exact opposite of the characters they started out as. And all they did throughout the movie was order people around and fight with each other. In that since, it suffered from not being a R-rated movie 'cause then the girls would've ripped each other's clothes off and it probably wouldn't have sucked so much.

But X-Men First Class was pretty bad, as well. Mystique complained and cried the whole time (which isn't anything at all like the real Mystique), the dragonfly lady didn't do much but get naked, Emma hardly said a word, was mainly Sebastian's pet, and her diamond form was useless 'cause somehow Magneto can crack diamond. (which, again, isn't anything like her comic book counterpart.) Seriously, the women were useless and had no real...MOIRA WAS AMERICAN for crying out loud...what American names their kid "Moira"?

The male characters were all done well, the female characters...yeah the producers didn't really care about them that much. It was a sexist movie...which, from my experience reading the comics and stuff, isn't at all what the X-Men universe is. I mean...a woman depowered 90% of the world's mutants. A woman is leader of the X-men currently. A woman defeated Mr. Sinister...Seriousy...I rage quit X-men first class.

As for 127's on my list because 1. The guy thought it would be a good idea to write a book about himself stuck in the middle of the desert for 127 Hours. And 2. Someone else thought it would be a good idea to make a 2 hour movie out of it. WTF? Why not just sell the idea to "I shouldn't be alive." They have lots of stories like that.
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7. Bridge to Terrabithia

Damn you, made me go and watch this to be sure. Zooey :drool: but otherwise, looked like it might be good, New Zealand backdrop was great (though clashed with American accents), but ultimately WTF! Did the neighbor girl
really have to die? she was the 3rd best thing about the movie after Zooey and NZ...
Very hard to hear any message from this movie, and story ended up being weak. But pretty, so I'd give it a solid 5/10. So, yeah, sucks, but still not in a 10 worst list. And funny, it gets a 7.3 at IMDB, so maybe to an 11 year old boy, this movie is great...
After reading several peoples list i have noticed one thing. most people have listed movie they didn't like not bad movies.

Now I maybe nit-picking but there is a difference.
The 10 worst I've seen (except number 4).
1. The Road

WTF? How can this top anyone's list of worst movies ever? Especially when you consider that you though twilight was better. :ouch:

Top Ten Worst Movies I've Seen...let's see...

1. No Country For Old Men - It's LONG, a weak storyline and ends too quickly and feels like a big waste of time in the end.

Again, whether you like it or not, hardly a candidate for the worst film ever.

Too close to the new year celebrations to make a complete list, but I'm going to throw potentially the worst film I have ever seen in at number one right now.

Natural Born Killers.
That movie "rubber" was pretty bad. I know who ever made it wasn't trying to make the best movie of all time, but still...
WTF? How can this top anyone's list of worst movies ever? Especially when you consider that you though twilight was better. :ouch:

Again, whether you like it or not, hardly a candidate for the worst film ever.

Too close to the new year celebrations to make a complete list, but I'm going to throw potentially the worst film I have ever seen in at number one right now.

Natural Born Killers.

Ummm...I think I can make the same argument with Natural Born Killers. Some people might think that's the best movie ever. "The Worst Film Ever" is relative. Seriously, people, this is all opinions. These are all films people didn't like, which is what makes it a candidate for the worst movie ever. If you toss out one person's opinion, you have to toss out EVERYONE'S.

Seriously, my response from here on out whenever someone tells me "your opinion sucks" will be "Yours sucks harder," or "So does yours."
Ummm...I think I can make the same argument with Natural Born Killers. Some people might think that's the best movie ever. "The Worst Film Ever" is relative. Seriously, people, this is all opinions. These are all films people didn't like, which is what makes it a candidate for the worst movie ever. If you toss out one person's opinion, you have to toss out EVERYONE'S.

Seriously, my response from here on out whenever someone tells me "your opinion sucks" will be "Yours sucks harder," or "So does yours."

Yeah, well you can at least try to think outside of your own opinion.

For example, if I was basing my list entirely on opinion, it would probably be nothing but romantic comedies from many years ago. Personally, I hate those kind of movies, but they do actually have some quality to them. They could be great for what they are, too bad I hate whatever it is that they are.

Just a thought. And yes, I disagree with the inclusion of both of those Cohen brother's movies. I agree that they're slow, but not every movie needs to be a non-stop action sequence with no actual substance to it.
Yeah, well you can at least try to think outside of your own opinion.

For example, if I was basing my list entirely on opinion, it would probably be nothing but romantic comedies from many years ago. Personally, I hate those kind of movies, but they do actually have some quality to them. They could be great for what they are, too bad I hate whatever it is that they are.

Just a thought. And yes, I disagree with the inclusion of both of those Cohen brother's movies. I agree that they're slow, but not every movie needs to be a non-stop action sequence with no actual substance to it.

Okay...So...what, you want my to hunt down some critic's opinion on movies and list those? Why? I don't care what critics think. And, I don't know what else you can base things like this off of. It's all opinion. A movie doesn't do well because it sells a lot of tickets. It does well because people like it. I mean, look at GI Joe. That movie sucked, but still sold a lot of tickets. Does that mean it was a good movie? No. The entire success of a movie depends upon opinions.

And I never said a movie has to have non-stop action to be good did I? I just said, I don't like Cohen brothers movies because they're long and boring and anti-climatic to the extreme. I've watched several movies that were long and boring and good. Inception was long and boring and good. Lord of the Rings was long and boring and good.

And, once again, it's my opinion, I don't care what you think about my opinion 'cause if I did, it wouldn't be MY opinion. And if you have a problem with my opinion, shut up and deal with it.

This is an opinion based thread. Why are you guys arguing about opinions in an opinion-based thread? I am done with this argument.
Okay...So...what, you want my to hunt down some critic's opinion on movies and list those? Why? I don't care what critics think. And, I don't know what else you can base things like this off of. It's all opinion. A movie doesn't do well because it sells a lot of tickets. It does well because people like it. I mean, look at GI Joe. That movie sucked, but still sold a lot of tickets. Does that mean it was a good movie? No. The entire success of a movie depends upon opinions.

And I never said a movie has to have non-stop action to be good did I? I just said, I don't like Cohen brothers movies because they're long and boring and anti-climatic to the extreme. I've watched several movies that were long and boring and good. Inception was long and boring and good. Lord of the Rings was long and boring and good.

And, once again, it's my opinion, I don't care what you think about my opinion 'cause if I did, it wouldn't be MY opinion. And if you have a problem with my opinion, shut up and deal with it.

This is an opinion based thread. Why are you guys arguing about opinions in an opinion-based thread? I am done with this argument.

Argument? Well if that's what you're doing, fine.
I wasn't bashing your opinion at all.

I won't bother rephrasing what I said, it wasn't a command, just a suggestion...

Lastly, I don't see what's so wrong about a discussion of opinions. I've seen people post some of my favorite movies as the worst ever. I don't want to change that they think it's terrible, I want to know why. If it requires breaking down the entire movie and plot to describe what makes it terrible, then so be it. I like reading too.
Ummm...I think I can make the same argument with Natural Born Killers. Some people might think that's the best movie ever. "The Worst Film Ever" is relative. Seriously, people, this is all opinions. These are all films people didn't like, which is what makes it a candidate for the worst movie ever. If you toss out one person's opinion, you have to toss out EVERYONE'S.

Seriously, my response from here on out whenever someone tells me "your opinion sucks" will be "Yours sucks harder," or "So does yours."

I don't recall ever saying your opinion sucks. Calm down.
I don't recall ever saying your opinion sucks. Calm down.

WTF? How can this top anyone's list of worst movies ever? Especially when you consider that you though twilight was better. :ouch:

Again, whether you like it or not, hardly a candidate for the worst film ever.

Too close to the new year celebrations to make a complete list, but I'm going to throw potentially the worst film I have ever seen in at number one right now.

Natural Born Killers.

Well, you didn't come right out and directly say "your opinions suck" but you certainly implied it.

I wasn't bashing your opinion at all.

Yeah, well you can at least try to think outside of your own opinion.

Sounds like you're bashing my opinion to me.

Neg, I will let you off the hook though. You at least took my opinion into consideration.

But, I've got a good question...why not at least No Country? I mean, everyone is always saying they disagree and that both No Country and True Grit were good movies, but I have yet to hear a good explanation as to why they're good.

Then again, I guess including a movie because it's boring isn't right. So, I revoke both of them willingly. But I will vote, then, that Red Line gets at least mentioned. Terrible movie with the added destruction of beautiful cars to the injury.

I'll have to think about the other replacement.

Besides, that I stand beside my other votes.
Sounds like you're bashing my opinion to me.

Neg, I will let you off the hook though. You at least took my opinion into consideration.

But, I've got a good question...why not at least No Country? I mean, everyone is always saying they disagree and that both No Country and True Grit were good movies, but I have yet to hear a good explanation as to why they're good.

Then again, I guess including a movie because it's boring isn't right. So, I revoke both of them willingly. But I will vote, then, that Red Line gets at least mentioned. Terrible movie with the added destruction of beautiful cars to the injury.

I'll have to think about the other replacement.

Besides, that I stand beside my other votes.

Not bashing, just suggesting you might try to see it another way before making the list. Once again, suggesting. It might yield interesting discussion or results. The tone of that comment obviously didn't come across as I intended. Sorry.

I happen to like them myself. Yes, opinion. lol But I like them for different reasons than I like most movies. The Cohen brothers tend to take stories that are more real, closer to home than most movies, and make something good out of them. It reminds me that not all interesting stories are pure fantasy. Some of the best tales, ones that mean the most to any individual, are ones that don't have an epic climax or intense drama or action sequences. Real life can be very interesting in its mediocrity as a fantasy, simply because it could actually happen. Now I wouldn't go so far as to say that both these movies are perfectly realistic, but the main protagonist doesn't repel bullets and the antagonist isn't bent on world domination... :P

It's also interesting to note that the three main characters in No Country (the protagonist, the antagonist, and the Sheriff) never actually meet each other during the course of the movie. The closest they ever get is during a gunfight/chase sequence.

Another movie by the Cohen brothers, Fargo, was one I don't think all that much of. It also follows a slow storyline. Kinda interesting, but I just couldn't get past this...


And as I said before. I've got nothing against your opinion, if you think those movies are some of the worst movies you've seen, then I encourage you to put them on the list. I just happen to not think that they're bad movies despite some of the main gripes about them. :)
Fargo was good.

Anyway, I replaced No Country with Redline 'cause that was just an all around terrible movie. 127 Hours got replaced with Ghosts of Mars, 'cause that was movie that just shouldn't have been made, and True Grit got replaced with Crank...'cause it's just Jason Statham running around for an hour and a half. Crank also ends up having an anti-climatic ending since you already know that he's going to live. You don't know how, you just know. I guess it would be a good "get high and watch this" movie...but, since I don't do drugs...👎
I don't watch tons of movies but by far the worst movie I've seen in recent memory was, The Other Guys.
Very bad acting, Wahlberg and Ferrell just didn't work well together. Wahlberg movies I usually like a lot so maybe this was a disappointment for me more than a bad movie. I didn't think any jokes were funny and they tried to go for a story line I think but I must have missed it. A really bad movie and tops the list of worst for me anyway.
I thought the other guys was good if only for the fact that Dwight Johnson dies at the very beginning.
I concur, though I disagree with you on the Johnson part-they would've never gotten a chance to do any of the things they did if it wasn't for Jackson and Johnson's characters dying.

One of the worst movies I've seen recently was, and I know I'm going to take a crapload of crap for saying this, Super 8. I just plain didn't like it. It could've been something great, but no, it had to be
an alien. The government doesn't want these people to see it, blah blah blah, so they cover it up blah blah blah, the alien kills people blah blah blah, and in the end the hero talks to the alien, and it understands him so it goes back to where it came from, blah blah blahbitty blah. Nothing was really special about the movie, everything turned out perfect-he got the girl, saved the world, whatever. And it wasn't even scary! Some aspects of the movie seem a lot like ET. And is it just me, or did that thing's face resemble ET's a little bit?
One recent movie I can think of is Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I went to the theaters to see it and I didn't like it at all. I guess I was excepting something totally different. I've seen the the 2001 remake and I enjoyed that a lot more. It was corny but I enjoyed it more then I enjoyed the recent one.
Top Ten Worst Movies I've Seen...let's see...

1. Redline (2007) - This movie was horrible on several levels. The only big name in the picture, Eddie Griffith crash a $1.5 million Ferrari Enzo for a charity event to promote the film. It saw the destruction of two cars that cost over $500,000 along with other exotics. The acting was so bad the only thing I remember about the movie were the crashes. It cost $26 million to make and only ended up raking in a pathetic 6.8mil. The guy that made it paid for the movie from profits from his crumbling loan company that ended up dying before then movie was released. NO ONE who saw this movie liked it.

2. GI Joe Rise of the Cobra - Ugh. Bad acting, bad story, pointless and redundant flashbacks...even the action scenes sucked. Crap, this movie was just craptastic.

3. Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon - The bad news is, this movie was made. And it features every faux pas you can think of...or close to it. GI Joe was still worse, though.

4. X-Men: First Class - Everyone loved this movie despite the blatant sexist themes throughout. I don't know why the women were there are at all? They didn't really do anything? And...WTF? Magneto cracked Emma's diamond form? But...IT'S 🤬 DIAMOND!

5. Superman/Batman Apocalypse - If only for the overprotective, incestuous Clark Kent. It was a little creepy having him lead his cousin around as if she were his girlfriend. Especially, since it was quite apparent she was a lesbian...and WTF did Batman do?

6. Battle: Los Angelas (new one) - yeah, I could only watch a couple minutes of this movie before I realized how bad it was and that I did not want to finish it.

7. Avatar - I knew this movie was going to suck when Sigourney Weaver popped up from a stasis tube. Also, Mr. Cameron, no one wants to see Sigourney Weaver nude. Avatar is essentially a live action, outer-space version of Fern Gully...only Fern Gully was good.

8. Ghosts of Mars - This movie starred Jason Statham and Ice Cube...has ANYTHING Ice Cube has been in turned out to be good? I mean...XXX 2 was crap...and that's the only other movie I remember seeing with him in it. He's not a good actor...why do people keep hiring him? He's not Ice T, he's Ice Cube. I know it's confusing, Hollywood, but...anyway, this movie was awful. I don't really remember why it sucked, I just remember it was so bad, I ended up using the DVD as a coaster so no one else would have to endure the torture of watching it...and I had the case and everything. I could've returned it, but it was just too horrible. It was also released on the heels of other Mars movies like Red Planet...I believe Ghost of Mars effectively killed the Mars genre for a while.

9. Crank - I like a lot of Jason Statham's movies...this pile of vomit, wasn't one of them. It was rather a pointless movie and not a very good plot of a full length movie. It wouldn't been a great Xbox Live game where the goal would simply to keep your heart rate up as long as possible...or a mini-game or something, but for a was rather....not good.

10. Fast Five - Okay...I just wish I could say we were done with this crappy movie series, but we're not. These movies were cool when games like Underground were out promoting street racing, but, now that the scene's got back to the track, there's just no direction for these movies and they're getting worse. Someone beat up the producer already.

Honorable Mention: Red Line - Hey, everyone remembers this crap-fest right? This films claim to fame was Eddie Griffin crashing the producers lovely Ferrari Enzo into a Jersey Barrier during a pre-production party where he let the actors drive his very expensive cars. Yeah, you know a movie sucks when the producer is dumb enough to entrust the actors with his $1million car. This movie also saw the destruction of a Diablo, a Porsche Carrera, a Mercedes SLR and several other expensive cars...and the acting and plot were awful.

There are some bad movies in that list for sure (although the lack of females in a prominent role in X-Men is a result of the period of the film. I thought they went to an unrealistic length to try to be PC actually). Also, kudos for mentioning Avatar which was definitely not one of the worst films ever, but had one of the worst plots for sure. Still I think most of these movies have some redeeming qualities to them. There are some really terrible movies out there....

Star Wars Episodes I and II
Big Lebowski
Napoleon Dynamite
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Love Actually
The A-Team Remake
The Expendables
Star Trek V
About a Boy
Event Horizon
Final Fantasy Spirits Within

I could probably find more, there are soooo many terrible films. I'm not even familiar with most of the older ones either.
Regarding "The Other Guys". I agree it wasn't a good movie. 10 worst status, no. If you've seen as many movies as I have, there are just way too many that are worse. It did have some funny lines. For example when Mark Wahlburg comments on Will's Prius: "I feel like we're literally driving around in a vagina." I think of that every time I see one on the road and it makes me laugh.

As for Ice Cube, I tend to agree that if his name is on the poster I probably won't like it. The only exceptions are "Boyz n the Hood" (which by now is dated, but was an epic movie when it was released) and "Three Kings". Watch those two movies regardless of Ice Cube being in them.
Comments in-line...
Star Wars Episodes I and II -- ehh, not great, but i've seen worse
Big Lebowski -- matter of opinion, this is on my top 10 greatest list
Napoleon Dynamite -- again matter of opinion, probably in my top 20
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button -- totally agree
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull [COLOR="Sienna)"]-- totally agree x 100[/COLOR]
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom -- bad compared to I and III but not a "worst" contender
Love Actually -- chick flick, therefore goes into the "if you're not a chick you won't like it" bucket.
The A-Team Remake -- agree it was bad, ruined one of my favorite childhood tv shows
The Expendables -- totally agree x 1000, can't believe they are making a sequel
Star Trek V -- ehh, take it or leave it
About a Boy -- haven't bothered to watch
Event Horizon -- agree, i did not enjoy this, nor will i ever watch it again...and i love sci-fi flicks.
Final Fantasy Spirits Within -- haven't seen it
Red -- not worst ever, but didn't live up to my expectations...certainly better than expendables though.