GTP_Division 2 Members Meeting Thread

  • Thread starter Hun200kmh
Yeah, I think this would make more sense, & surely not hard to achieve.

Given that they already have TT style events in the offline progression, I'd think this would be the case.
Vaxen, indeed we are from all over the world, but asking everyone to say their local time, wait for replies and posting them would be time-consuming ... and probably not everybody would reply.

So, as an alternate way of solving the "different time zones" problem, I edited the first post, and it now begins with a text, coloured in red, that is a link to a page where all members can see their local time using UTC (it's the same as GMT) as a reference (look for current UTC and your current local time just under the map, to the right of your screen).

This way, if anyone wants to schedule a particular race and invite others, just set it to UTC/GMT time and all interested can verify how their local time relates to it.

Hope this helps!
Imagine a TT as a qualifier for a race, and used to give permitted PP levels for race participants... for example, 8 racers in a 750pp event... qualifiers are allowed to set their PP as follows:
top TT time: 745pp
2nd TT time: 746pp
3rd TT time: 747pp
4th TT time: 748pp
5th TT time: 749pp
6-8th TT time: 750pp

Bingo, you have a seeded grid. You also have a (very minor) built in handicap.
I don't like this idea at all. Why should you be punished for being faster? I say no to a handicap, we already got more than enought of that built in in GT5P. The damned RBE. :(

If you're faster, you're faster. The slower guys just have to learn to drive better!
That would be the idea.

A minor variation would be to allow the first qualifier to put their pp at 745 or higher, 2nd at 746 or higher and so forth. That would allow top qualifier to choose either a better start position, or higher PP -- just not both. Personally I'd take the better start position for spots 1-4 or so.

In the perfect world (full version, hopefully), we won't have to play games with PP to have control over the start order, but for now this is the best we can do.
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HI guy's, a1PAPAOSA....checkin in:D .I'ts good to meet all of you in DIV,2.And look forward to racing together with everyone:tup: GTrocks:):)
May I suggest that the simplest way to facilitate informal races between Div 2 members would be to add Div 2 "Friends" to your online PS3. That way whenever you go online you will be able to see who is there from Div 2 & where they are.

BTW: would someone smarter than me tell me how you add a message to your avatar eg. Suzuka .00 .15 .30 etc.? :dunce:
BTW: would someone smarter than me tell me how you add a message to your avatar eg. Suzuka .00 .15 .30 etc.?

Just select your own avatar on your PSN friends list, click on the triangle to bring up options and go to comments.

I'll also take this opportunity to say hi to my fellow Division 2ers. I see a lot of familiar names I've had great races with, so I definately feel I'm in the right place. Looking forward to having many more. 👍
GTP_PASM checking in for division 2. I have had a lot of fun with a few racers from this devision, and im looking forward to meeting a lot more fun and cool racers around here.

RACING.??...Is there any fellow DIV,2 RACERS looking for some ontrack ACTION??:DMaybe Fuji,430/GTR/Z06..s/t,00/,15/,30/,45...OR anywhere else that get's your pulse rate UP...!!!
Can someone smarter than me:dunce:PLEASE tell me how you guy's write "STUFF" along the bottom of your posts..:banghead: like GTP Division 2....OR ANYTHING....argh!:ouch::ouch:
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Go to my GTPlanet (above the page numbers at the top of page), Edit signature (found on the left hand side), your signature is that little thing below every post you leave.

I'm clocking out now, back tomorrow morning :)
Ren-Tec signing in

Good day to my fellow Division 2 racers, Many of you may have raced me already and many i know i have raced. A few of you are my friends which i will enjoy racing you via TT's and Online.

I can't say im a man of many words but i do try to keep a good clean race although i may give you a small bump here and there as im trying to keep close so i can pass. Play it to safe and you never get a chance to pass even on the straights.

hope to see you all on track soon.
Hi all, don't know if anything has been sorted out between us but, I would like to propose the following;

twice weekly we meet up for International Event, say Suzuka.
A weekend shift and a weekday evening slot of 2-4 hours to include everyone.
Single car type running standard pro set up.

To start off how about this;
Tuesday 23rd 8pm (BST) - 12am
Audi R8
Suzuka 750

pm me or post any prefered time/track/car
Hope to see you on track soon.
Hello Division 2!

As a new member, I'd like to say hello :)

It is great to be here. I had so many great battles with many of you. I hope we will have more occasions for some good racing.

Rafal (Zharul)
Hazaa! My time got me into Division 2. I wasn't completely happy with it, but it was the best I could do without getting too frustrated. I thought it'd get me into Division 3 at most.
As a new member, I'd like to say hello :)

It is great to be here. I had so many great battles with many of you. I hope we will have more occasions for some good racing.

Good to see you here Zharul, I remember your tag from a few good races back in 600pp around Fuji. Welcome aboard.
First off, I'm really proud to be in the same division with all of you. On a side note, is there a difference between Divisions 1-5 besides the name of the division and the names of the drivers registered there... I mean, it's obvious for Bronze, Silver and Gold subdivisions. I was just wondering if Div. 1 was faster than Division 2 and so on.
Hello fellow Division 2 racers, hope to race you all soon and meet you on the tracks!

Good luck for the races still to come and good results in division 2 !
(Pretty heavy start the first race event...)
Division 2 bronze (stoked!)

Not sure if I have the "goods" to stay in this div with all these fine drivers!
I guess as Sphinx said Event01 "will sort the men from the boys".

So bring it on - NZ out
May I be the first to say, where is the friendliness here, its all to quiet.

Ok i will ask a few questions.

What you guys racing and how many of you tune your cars or do you just use the DC tunes??.
I know i did at first but they don't seem to fit with my driving. So i have started tuning my cars myself to how i like them and i think iv not been doing such a bad job. My Evora and the Ferrari Cali tunes are my own.

Also i found it fun to jump in a Dodge Viper (can't remember which) with 773pp, i maxed the power with 85% weight and R3's tyres. Rear down force to 15 and i was away, no other tweeks at all and i found it quite nice to drive. Give it a try if you get bored and see if you can get it into the 1'38's or even better.

May I be the first to say, where is the friendliness here, its all to quiet.

Ok i will ask a few questions.

What you guys racing and how many of you tune your cars or do you just use the DC tunes??.
I know i did at first but they don't seem to fit with my driving. So i have started tuning my cars myself to how i like them and i think iv not been doing such a bad job. My Evora and the Ferrari Cali tunes are my own.

Also i found it fun to jump in a Dodge Viper (can't remember which) with 773pp, i maxed the power with 85% weight and R3's tyres. Rear down force to 15 and i was away, no other tweeks at all and i found it quite nice to drive. Give it a try if you get bored and see if you can get it into the 1'38's or even better.


Hey Mike -

I haven't had much time for prologue, I've been preparing for a GT4 LAN by running a couple series of my own over there. So I'll be a little hit and miss for the next 3 weeks or so, but then I'll be ready to focus all of my racing time and effort on GT5P.

So I'll try to keep an eye on this for now, but expect me to be a lot more involved in the coming weeks. 👍

By the way, I've grabbed tunes from a variety of sources, including DC, but I normally have to tweak them to suit me. I'll be working more of my own tunes once I'm running Prologue exclusively. 👍👍
Hey, Ren-Tec. Good to see some posts here. 👍 I've been doing the Ferrari event pretty much exclusively. (with the odd dip into the Beginners Daytona oval when I need a break :sly:)

I was trying to be competitive in the 512 on R1s (keeping it at least semi-real), but have finally bowed to presure and am now running R3s as the tuners suggest, and yes the 512 is faster around Suzuka on R3s.

My time on R1s was not wasted though. Nothing like trying to race with a little less grip to really learn how a car handles. 👍 The 512 feels rock solid now. :)

I usually tune myself, and then look at what the Garages are doing for any additional tweaks. DCs tune is usually more in line with how I like the car setup than TLD, but TLD has some good stuff too.
Im using R1/R2 if i remember rightly on my Ferrari Cali and i only lost one race the other day when the blue (jp) driver just drove me off the track.
I remeber we had soom good races and im glad to see you in our division 👍
Hi there coleagues!

Actually I am joining in the night, when I can NISMO event and Lotus Evora event as well...I am eager to see you guys in the track