GTP_Race Event 03 - Discussion Thread

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GTP_mad94d Vs GTP_Superwally
Winner: GTP_mad94d

We didn't actually race but superwally handed me the win. Unfortunately superwally withdrew. Bad luck mate, all the best.👍:cheers:
Nice write up Heiko 👍

On the subject of the GTLM I caught him going in to dunlop he was all over the place didnt know what side to pass him.

Decided to go on his left but he came back across and made contact putting me into that square block that stops you dead :ouch:

As you can imagine there was quite a gap between me and Heiko now but I kept pushing and managed to close the gap after Heikos problems with the ferrari.

After pushing so hard to catch Heiko I managed to pass him approaching 130r only to cut the corner at casio and get a time penalty :dunce:

On the final lap Heiko ran wide going into spoon giving me a chance to go up the inside but I had to ease off due to us being side by side at the exit so I didnt punt Heiko off.

This gave heiko enough of a gap to maintain the lead to the finish.

Overall it was a fair race with the ferrari problems for Heiko cancelling out the time I lost to the GTLM

Great race Heiko congratulations 👍

Thanks for giving your side of the story, interesting to learn about the view from the other car :) And sorry, I forgott to put in that request for your side of the story, didn't mean to be inpolite...
Next race I'll def. record again... amazing how the incidents on different laps melt into one blurr even right after the race. Feeling it would not be easy I sat and did the wright up right after the race... only to find myself struggeling big time to put all what happened into order, but still got this and that mixed up, so thanks again for your input as well!
But for me at least the bottom line I got right: enjoyed an interesting race against a sportsman who doesn't waste time with if's and when's!!!
Cheers my friend! 👍
GTP_andrewyhy vs GTP_TheDoctor46 (Winner)

We had our race last night and with luck, we met up in the same room with our first try, together with a few others. GTP_TheDoctor46 (Luke) appeared as "OFFLINE [--]" for the race, luckily he told me this before we started re-positioning ourselves for the 30 seconds count down.

I started from P1 and took the lead entering the 1st corner. And from then on, we traded positions for quite a number of times along the first straight as well as the back straight. 👍 Unfortunately, we caught some traffic on lap 3 or 4, and there was an incident happened at the Spoon Curve. As there was another car entering the Spoon Curve at the same time, I tried to stay in the inside and I think Luke was braking a bit too late into that corner, I ended up being pushed out of the track by him. Luke stopped his car at once and waited until I recovered my car and we had our race continued.

Few laps later, Luke managed to pass an orange S2000 at the Degner from the inside, but I wasn't that lucky (and to avoid having any unnecessary contact with others), I slowed down my pace a bit and try to pass him later on. And thus, I had to follow that guy for about half a lap before I found a chance to pass him. This allowed Luke pulling off a gap of 3 seconds or so. From then on, I had to push harder to narrow down our gap. After a lap or 2, when diving into the Degner Curve, I was surprised to see his red Vette/Tuned facing towards me! :dunce: Maybe he pushed a bit too hard and ran wide into Degner 2. Because of that incident, I was again able to stay behind his tail and continue our intense battle. :dopey: There was actually another contact between our cars when exiting the hairpin.. that was a tiny touch (front bumper to rear bumper) from my Vette to Luke's back end. Other than that, the whole race was fast and clean. :D

At some point I tried to pass Luke from the inside into 1st corner, but failed to do so. :P Luke continued leading the race from then on and on the final lap I made a tiny mistake at Spoon, which I had to slow down quite a bit to save my car, Luke took the win of our race with a gap of 1+ second.

Congratulations to Luke! :cheers: Hope to see you again later on track. 👍
Good luck to everyone for the coming races. ;)

And I'm looking forward to Event 04. :lol:
I hope that the 2 races that neil and monoha not faced up to, count as a victory for me?

We'll have to assess each situation individually, but the 2 drivers with the best record in each group will advance to the next stage. Based on that, whether or not I awarded you wins for those races, you would advance to the next stage, along with Marooned.

We'll finalize everything once the deadline for this week has passed. 👍
Hey DJSkyline701,

I've added you to my PSN friends list and shot you a message on GTP and PSN for our race this week. I'm ready when you are. :)

Sorry to hear, Kartracer. All the best. I just lost a grandfather myself.
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GTP_Fuzzy (Winner) vs GTP_LinPark

The first race was the best 6 laps I've had ever had here in a GTP Event but unfortunately the host disconnected. Fuzzy and I had stayed close and exchanged the lead more times than I can remember in those 6 laps - all clean and smooth - even passing traffic went flawlessly - I remember one time we both passed a car at hairpin, me on the inside and Fuzzy on the outside without incident. Fantastic racing but we'll never know how that one was going to end. :(

I pinged drama-kyd in the chat and asked if he could join us because he usually hosts and I knew we could get this finished that way. He joined along with dranddad and a few others for us to try again.

Race 2 was a mirror opposite of our first try. At Dunlop on Lap 1, I made a horrible mistake. I punched the gas at the apex thinking I was in good shape and glanced away from the screen for just a fraction of a second. When I looked back I realized the backend had broken free and I was heading into the wall with Fuzzy fading off in the distance. Fuzzy was way out in front by the time I got things corrected. I did turn in 9.5 extremely good laps after that but there was no way I could've caught a driver of his level after such a rookie mistake like that.

Congrats to Fuzzy on the win!!! :cheers: If you ever need a teammate for a competition or just want to put in some practice, please reach out to me - you are a class act sir and it would be my honor to race with you anytime!

After losses to both Theewar and Fuzzy, the time has come for me to say goodbye in this Event I believe. Good luck to all still competing and may the OLR Admins look very closely at you Div 2 folks that survived round 1 and promote you all to Div 1 at the end of this event to make room for us up-and-comers.

Thanks to the OLR Admin team and outstanding drivers here that keep me coming back to race day after day. 👍

Nice write up. Thanks for your kind words and also good luck in future competitions. 👍
GTP_andrewyhy vs GTP_TheDoctor46 (Winner)

We had our race last night and with luck, we met up in the same room with our first try, together with a few others. GTP_TheDoctor46 (Luke) appeared as "OFFLINE [--]" for the race, luckily he told me this before we started re-positioning ourselves for the 30 seconds count down.

I started from P1 and took the lead entering the 1st corner. And from then on, we traded positions for quite a number of times along the first straight as well as the back straight. 👍 Unfortunately, we caught some traffic on lap 3 or 4, and there was an incident happened at the Spoon Curve. As there was another car entering the Spoon Curve at the same time, I tried to stay in the inside and I think Luke was braking a bit too late into that corner, I ended up being pushed out of the track by him. Luke stopped his car at once and waited until I recovered my car and we had our race continued.

Few laps later, Luke managed to pass an orange S2000 at the Degner from the inside, but I wasn't that lucky (and to avoid having any unnecessary contact with others), I slowed down my pace a bit and try to pass him later on. And thus, I had to follow that guy for about half a lap before I found a chance to pass him. This allowed Luke pulling off a gap of 3 seconds or so. From then on, I had to push harder to narrow down our gap. After a lap or 2, when diving into the Degner Curve, I was surprised to see his red Vette/Tuned facing towards me! :dunce: Maybe he pushed a bit too hard and ran wide into Degner 2. Because of that incident, I was again able to stay behind his tail and continue our intense battle. :dopey: There was actually another contact between our cars when exiting the hairpin.. that was a tiny touch (front bumper to rear bumper) from my Vette to Luke's back end. Other than that, the whole race was fast and clean. :D

At some point I tried to pass Luke from the inside into 1st corner, but failed to do so. :P Luke continued leading the race from then on and on the final lap I made a tiny mistake at Spoon, which I had to slow down quite a bit to save my car, Luke took the win of our race with a gap of 1+ second.

Congratulations to Luke! :cheers: Hope to see you again later on track. 👍
Good luck to everyone for the coming races. ;)

And I'm looking forward to Event 04. :lol:

Great Write up mate

You were dead right when my Vette was facing you, ran wide out of Denger 1 and tried to recover but didnt so span going into Denger 2, Trying too hard to make a bigger gap :)

The Pressure was on through out, and great respect to you as a Racer :)
GTP_Synwraith vs GTP_Tzayed
Winner: GTP_Synwraith

I'll leave the fully detailed "epic" write-up to Tzayed, but here's the result:

I have to say thank you to Adam for making a massive effort to get this race done in time with all the serious work and family commitments he has had these last 2 weeks. Rushing home from work to race for my convenience is greatly appreciated, thank you 👍 Also if it wasn't for Adam's TZT tune on the 599 I wouldn't even have been in a position to possibly progress from the first stage.

I used my yellow Vette, Adam was in his black S2K. I started on pole but Adam led into the first corner. What ensued, much like my race with Animera, was 10 laps of lead-changing and tremendously close fighting. We scythed through the field and were 1st and 2nd by about lap 5 or 6. No real issues with other drivers at all, in fact most of them disconnected to leave just 3 of us altogether.

This was an absolutely epic encounter. I've been very lucky in Stage 1 to have done 3 out of 4 races on my favourite and most successful GT5P combo, 750PP Suz in the vette and the other race to have such a monster tune from Adam. I was also lucky to be racing a fellow T&L member in this instance which makes a world of difference to knowing you're going to have a very enjoyable and well-run race. The end was kinda strange, but to know you have good enough friends and teammates to sort any misunderstanding out is extremely valuable. T&L forever :bowdown:

Looking forward to your write-up, Adam :cheers:

All the best
Que "Twilight Zone" music, and allow your vision to warp, as if two large water droplets land smack dab on your pupils, rippling your vision to the boundaries of your consciousness. The edges of your vision do the opposite of Top Gear, and fade to white.

The ripples subside, your vision clears. You wish the same for the music score, but, lest, today is not your day - tomorrow doesn't look good either.

You are greeted by a large apparition - without the scariness.

The Ghost of Suzuka.


I first met the ghost of Suzuka on the lower level of the George Washington Bridge, the main artery from New Jersey to Upper Manhattan.


A Black M6 was blaring down at me, in the right lane, just a few feet from a several hundred foot drop to the Hudson river. And I thought...

It's already 4:00pm. I left work early, and was racing home in order to squeeze in my GTP Event 3 races. I had had put them off for long enough, and now, I had no choice but to tackle both my challengers, one after another. GTP_Synwraith and GTP_Sauber_F1 both 6 hours ahead of me, were waiting for me, to see if I would keep my promise. It was now or never, and I knew that if I didn't show in time, they would be off to bed, and I would be doomed for a pair of DSQ's. (I know, I know, Kevin and Jack are really nice guys and they would have probably sorted something out, but I'm trying to build the suspense...Stay with me.)

53 MPH, right lane, 3 car lengths in front of said black, sinister M6. Clutch in, floor the gas, drop it to 2nd, and sidestep the clutch. 6800 RPM and rising. 7800 RPM and rising. 8250 RPM, clutch in, gas out, grab 3rd, drop clutch, chirp from front tires. 80 MPH now. Breathe.

I was listening to jazz. A stellar musician by the name of Robert Glasper, who incidentally, I met in a NYC jazz club just a few weeks prior. I timed my downshift with his piano chorus - which resulted in an immediate cut out of the beautiful piano. The acceleration had jerked my iPod out of the glove box mounted iPod dock.

From the absence of jazz came a voice. I was being warned. It was already 4:00pm. My first race with GTP_Synwraith, Maz, was scheduled for 4:30pm. That gives me a half hour to get down 170 blocks of New York City traffic. The voice was telling me "There will be traffic". That was always the case. Sure, there is congestion - but more than you would think - even with the reverse commute.


Turns out, there is an accident. Two dumbasses hit eachother in the right lane, maybe 1/4 mile before my exit. There being no shoulder, hundreds of angry commuters fight for position in one of the left two lanes. I make it through, clear roads until my exit. 10 more minutes until I park my car. It is now 4:45pm.

I run to my apartment, fling open the doors, as I hear the voice again. "He probably went to bed already." I tried to come home at the normal time, the day prior. But while it was only 7:00pm for me, Mazhad gone to bed. I saw the history of his frustration in T&L's Skype conversation. For an hour he had waited, patiently, for my arrival. But his exhaustion got the best of him. I knew that today would then be my only option, and with such a sleep sensitive person, I couldn't be sure that Mazwould stay awake.

Imagine my relief to see him online as I booted up my equipment. We agreed to a few practice laps - without which I would have been toast. A 5 minute transition from traffic in NYC to 150 MPH braking on Suzuka is not kind.

I had followed the 750PP threads for weeks. I never found the pace that I was meant to find. Stuck in the 57's. Never had one 56 lap. But with drafting, I knew it wouldn't make a difference. We both knew that this race would be an epic one. And for 9.9 laps, it was exactly that, and more. 2 or 3 overtakings per lap. Triple wide trying to weave through traffic. Slight contact in all of the heated moments. But at 9.9 laps, on the back straight, exiting Spoon, I saw the Ghost of Suzuka. She was hovering in my view, as my car accelerated past the 110 MPH mark. I was in the lead, but only by a half second. I was sure Maz had the legs to make the pass. And unless he got stupendously distracted, he would have the race. He would defend the inside line down into Casio, I would be shoved outside, and he would win. Which, in all honesty, he fully would deserve. Breathing down my back, in a superior car, with a superior tune. Faster in a straight line, faster in the bends, I was lucky to have lasted this long.

But for the last 0.1 lap, I was a complete idiot. I knew that if I did what was predictable, Synwraith would win. So, I become unpredictable, and lost my cool. And frankly, being ashamed, I will leave it at that. Maz was the faster driver, the cooler driver, and the better sportsman. And I couldn't have said the same for me. Maz recieves the win.

She haunts me now.

I feel dirty. I feel ashamed, but the night must go on. GTP_Sauber_F1 is waiting in the chat lobby, watching as Maz and I discuss the epic 9.9 laps, as the 0.1 lap does not deserve conversation. Yet the same circumstances that applied towards my race with Maz. Massive time difference, and now it is properly late for Sauber. I have no choice but to enter into my second race, mere minutes after my first one.

And I am still haunted. Dirty. Though while my defeat was my own punishment, the Ghost of Suzuka was scheming. She hadn't had her revenge. I disgraced her.

And in the third lap of my race with Sauber, she unleashed her deadly weapon. Butterflies.


Everywhere. And I was weak. The distraction set in. She had commenced her attack. Front straight, 3rd lap. It was too late. Sand got in places sand ought not go. Sauber drove on.

Back on the track. Sauber wasn't fast like Maz. I started planning my comeback. What should I do? Plan for his mistake, or go pedal to the metal? I choose the latter. Dirty tires suck.

Another lap goes by. Fastest of the race. I wonder if Sauber will crash. Maybe - maybe not. I'm probably already screwed. Maybe if there is traffic........

Sand, Degner 2. Now I'm done. I finish the race, a whole front straight between me and Sauber.

The Ghost of Suzuka has punished me. Her butterflies have distracted me. I am not worthy. Maybe next time.

Damn she's hot though.

Edit: Wow
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EPIC writeup, Adam. :eek:

A shame to see such a great racer and sportsman exit so early.

Congrats to Maz on his advancement to the next round. 👍
EPIC writeup, Adam. :eek:

A shame to see such a great racer and sportsman exit so early.

Congrats to Maz on his advancement to the next round. 👍

Agreed, nice write up, and good job Maz. 👍
epic writeup, adam. :eek:

A shame to see such a great racer and sportsman exit so early.

Congrats to maz on his advancement to the next round. 👍

GTP_JackStanley vs. GTP_rpm

Winner : GTP_rpm

Wish I had recorded this!

First attempt was failed, 2nd attempt meant we joined in with the xx42 guys.

I can hardly remember any of either race, to be honest, it was a blur. Jack and I both made mistakes in this race, but the biggest problem was with other racers. A trio of GTLM's, in particular one. On lap 8 I think, Jack made a mistake on his own and I wasn't going to wait this time. I caught the leader, in the Vette and he was brake testing me, blocking on straight and stopping in the middle of apex's! I got a penalty, Jack caught me up but he dragged a GTLM with him. They both got past the Vette, I was still stuck behind...Vette fell off, Jack tussled with GTLM, all boiled down to final complex with me leading towards 130R, GTLM slipped me went to outside, Jack followed him round the and Jack ended up side-by-side in Casio and exiting Casio with me on the inside I ran out into Jack and he fell off.

We agreed to restart, naturally! It was 100% fail Lol.

3rd race, Jack on pole, me 2nd again and 30sec wait but only 6 of us this time. A much cleaner race. I fell off on lap 2 I think, Jack kindly waited. We only swapped places a couple of times, Jack was a little faster I knew I had to be behind heading towards 130R. I got a penalty at degner 1, when Jack went up the inside of me, he waited again on lap 5 I think. Very kind of him.

Next 5 laps were clean, Jack nearly shook me a couple of times, but was also making little errors here and there so it was easy to keep up. I managed to be behind Jack heading towards 130R, got slipstream, slipped out to inside and made Jack go the long way round. We both stayed on this time with me with the inside to Casio. I was ahead, went for the left and Jack punted me into the sand lol. He waited and we crossed the line sympathetically.

750pp Suzuka don't offer good racing in my opinion, but it was close between us. It's too easy to make a mistake with the pad, as it rely's so much on WHEN you turn in and when you release...real driving isn't like that. But thanks to Jack, good parts to the races and unlucky you have been so busy recently.

Looking forward to Round 2 now :)
GTP_MeAgainstYou v GTP_Evo8doc
winner: me

close race until lap 8 👍 then he left his foot/finger to let me win the race... thanks man you're a gentlemen :D seriously... was a pleasure... and we managed some nice overtakes.. all about having fun.. ;) :cheers:
:cheers: to Maz, GTP_rpm, and MAY

Commiserations to Tzayed, Jack and Evo8doc

Sounds like more epic battles have been taking place as we close
up the first round 👍
GTP_MJH v GTP_zed300

3 goes to get a race to completed. GTP_ MJH is be congratulated on his win, as again I throw the race away in the 1st lap at Dunlop(turn7).

Good luck in your quest Matt:tup:
Well done Ian, Matt and Bruno. And comiserations to all who haven't made it to stage 2.

The next step is going to be a very big deal :)

All the best
Well done Ian, Matt and Bruno. And comiserations to all who haven't made it to stage 2.

The next step is going to be a very big deal :)

All the best

Well said Maz, A BIG well done to all who made it, and comiserations to the soldiers that fell to the side. :)

GTP_MeAgainstYou v GTP_Evo8doc
winner: me

close race until lap 8 👍 then he left his foot/finger to let me win the race... thanks man you're a gentlemen :D seriously... was a pleasure... and we managed some nice overtakes.. all about having fun.. ;) :cheers:

Thanks MAY

I had to ease off just wasnt ready for the fame and celebrity that would have came from beating you :D

Thanks for an entertaining race like you said all good fun :)

Congratulations and good luck with the rest of the event 👍
With a little delay here the report of the race between:

GTP_JackStanley (vette tuned: pole) and GTP_Ren831 (tuned vette; pos2)

Winner: Jack 👍

Wednesday night Jack and I started a what I found a good race, this evening more than right after the event. Can say so because I learnt from the last report I wrote without footage... so this one I recorded.

Our race started with a field of 6 who we gave the 30s to escape. We took of evenly toward 1st Curve, Jack maintaining his lead from pole. We stayed close throughout Lap 1 until Spoon, here Jack goes the cruical half-tyre-width to far right braking for the turn in.. he swerves slighty, which throws his vette to the left making him take a too tight first apex and therefore running wide to the right of the mini-sraight staight towards the second part of spoon. But he managed all of this extremely well and still took good speed onto the backstraight. I had lifted the throttle a bit expecting the worst, so tool little stream on the straight. I closed a little, but Jack still lead into Casio and got such good grip out of the triangle that he stayed in front down the finish straight into lap 2, building up a little gap in the biginning of the sses. At Gyako Bank he got himself into a massive powerslide, at the end of which he touches the wall on the right side before Dunlop. Loosing some speed over this I could close up, and stayed close til end of lap 2. This time around I managed Casio exit better, but only good enough to make it up to side by side with Jack entering 1st corner for the 3rd time. To avoid sending Jack (or possibly both of us) into what is probably the worst kitty-litter-ocean Suzi has to offer I backed off. My bad pace through sses allows Jack to build up a little lead which lasted him until spoon. He ran wide at the exit, again loosing good speed. This time I kept the foot down at slipt passt him, leading into 130R. Through the overtake I had my vette set up poorly for 130R, though, not able to take much speed out of it. As a consequence I had the honor to observe a classical and clean out-braking manouver into Casio from the best window seat available! 👍 Still somewhat reflecting on this excellent race situation I found myself slipstreaming past Jack again on the finish straight . With the now begun 4th lap running tail on tail we encounterd first traffic at 2nd turn. The first Blitz had obviously lost it in 2nd Curve and was conviniently parking in the gravel, the dust just setteling. Destracted by this I back off just a bit, Jack thus giving me a love tap. He could have overtaken but was as usual a big sport and lifted the foot, leaving me upfront. At Gyako Jack must have gotten into problems again, he suddenly became a good bit smaller in my mirror. Unfortunately that small dot grew noticeably after I managed to mess up 130R AGAIN, and this time no excuse with poor set up for the corner and blah blah... I ran completely wide, lucky not to score a timepenalty before Casio. My lead into Lap 5 down to 1 sec. Another phase of mediocre driving the sses turned this into 0.4s at Split 2. At the end of Spoon he is sitting right on my bumper, overtaking me chasing towards 130R. To avoid collision at turn-in I altered my line a little, which prooved me never healthy there, loosing a bit of speed and rythem. So Jack was 1 sec ahead as we began lap 6. My efforts to get my act together ended with me spinning into the sand between 1st and 2nd curve, Jack immediatly vanishing entirely out of sight. Recovering, cleaning the tyres and focusing again cost over 8 seconds I was informed at Split 1. I was further informed that my grumpiness wasn't making me necessarily faster because at the end of lap seven the gap had developed to 9.5 seconds. From here on I assume this: Jacked pushed to increase the lead, then he might have overcooked somewhere because the gap shrunk to 7 seconds suddely, according to the finish split of lap 8. And than either Jack took it just bit easier to carry the victory home, or I could pick up pace a bit, driven by that tiny chance with two full laps still ahead. Maybe both applies... either way Jack's lead melted a bit, but keeping himself out of major trouble obviously way too little, Jack could take the big Trophy with comfortable 6.8 secs lead!

Ok, for those who lost interest already just seeing the fat block of blathering above: here the important stuff.
Jack won. Race was heated for 6 laps. Several overtakes. Ren messed up. Ren had fun racing a sportsman!

Ren thanks Jack for the good, fun and clean race and the organizers of this event! :cheers:

Ren is a bit sad to drop out now. But Ren wishes all who advance all the best, and as much fun as he had.

Ren is looking foward to the next event!
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Regarding Round 2 of Event 03...Can I be the first to say, Oh **** ?

Look at me...Look at my group...Look at who I've got to face twice...Look at the car this week, look at the circuit...Is there any point in me practising?

I would like to make one request, for Event 4. That i get to race by myself, so i can win at least one race!:sly:
Regarding Round 2 of Event 03...Can I be the first to say, Oh **** ?

Look at me...Look at my group...Look at who I've got to face twice...Look at the car this week, look at the circuit...Is there any point in me practising?


I'm scared too.:crazy: Art Morrrison and I have to race MAY.:crazy: This week is gonna be tough. My group is just crazy, look at the talent in it, MAY, Racer_LP, Timeattack, DK or Nick. Jeez...
Many congratulations to all who advanced to the next round, good luck & have fun there, and thank you Kevin, Jack and Jaymie for giving up your free time to let us have so much fun :bowdown:
I'm on a must-win basis now, good thing I'm in a muscle car right? I mean, I'm good in muscle cars right?:nervous:

Edit: Love driving muscle cars, great fun.:D
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Uh oh... I had alwys hoped it wouldn't come back to this car. It is difficult to explain how much I hate the Art Morrispin Corvette. Haven't even touched it since the qualifier, because of the qualifier. Gorgeous car, but drives like a snow rally for me.:nervous:

To GTP_jwlennon, if I wind up way off track, (edit: When i go off track), I may just stay there. I put a slip an' slide, and a plastic shovel and pail in the trunk. Really hoping the Ghost of Suzuka joins me.:dopey:👍👍