GTP_WRS (GT5) Week 60 : A Rakete in Your Pokete

  • Thread starter WRP001
It's a tough one this one, I spent a while on it yesterday and I didn't complete one lap at a good pace, if I can complete a full lap I should be in the running for a division podium, as I do have the pace when I'm actually on the track facing the right way.:ouch:
As some of the guys don't have this car in their garrage yet under their new GTP_ ID, is it legal to befriend your old ID where you own this car and set it to share from that ID then borrow it to use here?

Yes absolutely, you can use a shared/borrowed car for the time trial. It still has to satisfy all specs/criteria, but it's just like any other car offline.

Unfortunately, you can't use shared cars online, but for offline they work great. I believe Lefty has done this several times with LittleLefty when using the more expensive cars. 👍
Yes absolutely, you can use a shared/borrowed car for the time trial. It still has to satisfy all specs/criteria, but it's just like any other car offline.

Unfortunately, you can't use shared cars online, but for offline they work great. I believe Lefty has done this several times with LittleLefty when using the more expensive cars. 👍

Thanks for the very rapid response.
D2 is showing up now huh? Nice times Matt, Jack and Tim. Also Viper, I don't know how you can run that quick with a ds3, I'm absolutely terrible.

Don't know if I'll have a chance to run this again. We have roof, siding, plumbing, and electrical being done at the "new" house, not counting what my wife and I are doing.
Hey All. Been working on this for a few days but my internet was down. Looks like i got it going just in time. This is a fun week, but took alot of work to get to this point. I think i might be maxed. Cant seem to repeat my T1, but i had a really good T4 on this run so...

Not there yet, but I have to get into the game. It looks like you guys are just having way too much fun. Jack, glad to see you got in! Here are my first "legit" splits:

I know there is a lot more out there! I did one lap a full half a second faster but had a wheel in the green coming out of turn 4. Missed the white line by about and inch or two!

Gonna call it a day for now and hopefully can pick back up tomorrow.

First Splits of the morning:


A little better:

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First splits:

33.661 :banghead::banghead::banghead: (Yeah I've watched Chris' video, cheers mate 👍)

Nice splits Blair and Lefty 👍
Hey All. Been working on this for a few days but my internet was down. Looks like i got it going just in time. This is a fun week, but took alot of work to get to this point. I think i might be maxed. Cant seem to repeat my T1, but i had a really good T4 on this run so...


Nice splits!

Back to the track for me if you've got a good T4, mine was an 8/10 at best, but I know it can be done a little quicker! :cheers:

Edit: Wow, fixing my pedals (Air duster + WD40) has made a huge difference, I'm no longer spiking revs on slow turns and actually get the throttle response I expect, just when I was about to go shopping on Fanatec's website too


Decent T4, not my best - getting 33.1s much more frequently in T1, but that T2 is a PB by about a car length....
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Be very careful checking replay on the chicane, not just the front wheel but also the rear, just found out that my best lap had one on the green surface by 2mm :banghead::banghead:

So my next best splits

T1: 33.014
T2: 24.088
T3: 25.040 :yuck:

Must get on the track once again this night to get what i lost :scared:

Good splits Matt, going for the win this week? :sly:
Good splits Matt, going for the win this week? :sly:

Giving it a good go...historically HSR and Nurburgring have been problematic for me, with the pad, so the last 2 weeks have been a big challenge, so really trying rather hard to do well.

I've probably run more laps than everybody else by 2 or 3x - am almost at 800 miles on this car, from scratch - which equates to 8.5 hours/280 laps - it had 0 on it when I started this week..... I think the first 4 hours or so were me learning how to control a very powerful/lightweight car and learning the track (particularly T1) with the wheel - we did race around a chunk of it in the Alfa a few weeks back but that was 4WD and easy to drive - this is different - so I've needed a lot of seat time. It also took me many many hours of driving to find a setup that I liked..... I think I'm almost out of puff though now, 8 hours or so is as much as I really want to put into a single week, the Mrs will start moaning that I'm not doing "real life" otherwise ;)

Edit: Oh and fixing my pedals helped a lot, with WD40 and an air-duster :D :cheers:
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Be very careful checking replay on the chicane, not just the front wheel but also the rear, just found out that my best lap had one on the green surface by 2mm :banghead::banghead:
Ouch, bad luck there! :ouch: I did that on my fastest T3 split, but lost the rear a little in the final turn so in the end it didn't matter as I beat that lap a while ago.

Great battle going on in Div2, T4 is going to shake things around I bet! :)

T1 33.457
T2 24.298
T3 24.794

Many guys have posted some great splits just wanted to say nice job to everyone.

Now to try to put a decent lap together. Yeah Ive done better T1s and T2s but not a better T3.
Ludicrous speed
I've given up trying to catch you... and that 3rd sector time is impossible. You must be taking the Schumacher S flat out... I can't get a setup that will get below a .80x in sector 3 so you're in alien territory there mate. 👍


Been 0.2 up on these at T3 so many times just to bin it at the chicane... Last sector times can vary by up to 0.5 :yuck: I'm about out of patience with it now so this may well be my submitted lap. 400 or so miles and probably 300 of them from dirty or binned laps at the chicane. :crazy:
I've finally done a lap worth posting too.


There is a tenth or two to find still but I don't know if it'll happen since I've not completed all that many decent laps.
I can't believe it took me so long to get started on this one.

A bit weak in sector 3, and I think I blew T4 so it's back to the track 👍
Good splits, Ash!

...and Jack, really awesome T3.... If you get the hang of the other sectors you will (like a lot of the recent weeks) be unstoppable.

Feel like I need to get some more laps in! :cheers:
Good splits, Ash!

...and Jack, really awesome T3.... If you get the hang of the other sectors you will (like a lot of the recent weeks) be unstoppable.

Feel like I need to get some more laps in! :cheers:

You don't really want to run any more laps and that goes for the rest of you division 2 guys too.:sly:
Ahhh, time has been short recently but now I've got the weekend to really hammer this.. which is exactly what I'm going to do tonight. Hopefully I'll have some (good) splits by tomorrow.
Good splits, Ash!

...and Jack, really awesome T3.... If you get the hang of the other sectors you will (like a lot of the recent weeks) be unstoppable.

Feel like I need to get some more laps in! :cheers:

I dont know if you should really worry to much Matt or not.

If you were to find some time in T3 then the odds of me beating you become very slim to almost none.

Its a really hard track. haha
New splits:

T1: 33.214
T2: 24.183
T3: 25.204

Lost almost 2 tenths in the Schumacher S and was a bit cautious through the chicane.

T1: 33.193
T2: 24.328
T3: 25.015
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BT, Al looking good! Wish I could give ya's more competition on this one, but it is what it is. Still I'm having lot's fun doing these TT's.
BT' I swore out of this TT, but thought what the heck, I have the hip pain no matter so give it a go any way. Just too much fun I guess. No excuses. Gotta race! :)
Looks like I will not get a chance to get anymore seat time. :yuck:

Here is hoping I get home early tomorrow night!

BT' I swore out of this TT, but thought what the heck, I have the hip pain no matter so give it a go any way. Just too much fun I guess. No excuses. Gotta race! :)

Yeah, I got hurt in Afghanistan last year, tore, bulged, and herniated discs all up and down my back...Pain meds are wonderful, for making sitting here doing this tolerable. Oddly, I get my best times just after I've woken up and had a cup of coffee, and my first dose of medication.

I often run a freak fast lap right near the beginning and can never improve on it, then other times it just seems like I cant find a rhythm. I always think I have a setting wrong, and go back a hundred times to make sure all my settings are correct. I dread ever being DQ'd, and cant believe that I did it right. I've played this game since GT1, and can not believe the improvements I've made since I really immersed myself.

Now I'm just rambling, too much BBQ and beer.👍