Don't know what happen but i just recieved a bunch of PM's form Fetchbot that my submiited times from WRS 1 & 2 are rejected .
Just got a PM from the Fetchbot saying that my submission for GT5 week 1 has been rejected - seems a bit odd to me given how long ago that was. Will the time be removed, it was still there last I checked. Any ideas?
WRSFetchBotYour submitted time for week 1 has been rejected as the deadline has passed.
I'd recommend the 7zip program (
Easy to install and use on Windows, better than the default from MS.
I noticed in a few peoples signatures "WRS Division 2 Gold" etc and eventually found it was all about these events, I was interested in starting because it seems you can enter any you like and you're not tied into a strict schedule of when to race, so long as you get your times in before the deadline for the week. All sounds great... However, unless I misread somewhere are you required to have a PSN ID with GTP_ in front of it to take part? If so that means I have to go through completing events in the game all over again, right...?
If that is the case I'll have to give it a miss, as it took me long enough to complete the game first time round, but why is the GTP tag a requirement? I'm not saying it shouldn't be, I just don't understand why it would be, so someone please enlighten me![]()
Way to late for me to take part in, hope you guys have fun though 👍
Way to late for me to take part in, hope you guys have fun though 👍
Can't get fetchbot to accept my wrs time.
about/GTP_WRS Week 30 submission
core/ Time: X'
what am i doing wrong !!!!!!!
You only put your overall time in your submission, like this.
Time: x'