GTP_WRS Week 1 : BallS1 to the Wall

  • Thread starter EDK
Oof, this game really is a bitch with the ds3. I dug up and plugged in my old DFP from the olden days but it`s screwed up. Still, its a nice combo. Splits so far:

T1: 24`980

T2: 50.284
Interesting! Thanks Jim...

First splits, and they're not pretty...

Bit better
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Ok, starting to find those tenths now on a regular basis. Just waiting for that magic lap :) Until then, some marginally better splits.

Having a hard time slowing down without losing traction. Leads to a lot of nice starts ruined at the end. :banghead: Time to rest and try again later.
Ahh this awesome. The more laps I do, the more time I keep seeing in my lap...I think this is where the addiction kicks in :lol: Probably my last set of splits until tomorrow, still got at least another couple tenths in there.

How in the hell do I look at my sector times? I go to the live timing deal and I don't see anything. I have hit every conceivable button or combination of buttons and it doesn't show anything. :dunce:
Got ya, look at my thumb......... Gee I feel dumb....... :lol: and slow.......

T1: 24.835
T2: 50.652
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hmmm... looking at the leaderboard, it seems I am back to my old ways of trying to beat Div3 and the other DS3 users.

Could everyone with a "?" in the controller type column on the leaderboard send fetchy a message and tell him what you use? I need to know if I care that you are faster than me. :P

Also, I notice that the flags are all fixed. Nice work @JoostBaksteen :cheers:
hmmm... looking at the leaderboard, it seems I am back to my old ways of trying to beat Div3 and the other DS3 users.

Could everyone with a "?" in the controller type column on the leaderboard send fetchy a message and tell him what you use? I need to know if I care that you are faster than me. :P

Also, I notice that the flags are all fixed. Nice work @JoostBaksteen :cheers:

Div 2 Silver here with a ds3, i still have to try this TT but i will reply to you ;)
I feel mine swelling.


T1: 24.383

T2: 49.516

T1: 24.266

T2: 49.366
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Smashed my PB twice last night. First time my PS3 wasn't connected to the internet for some reason so wouldnt of came up with my PSN name in the replay. Didnt matter though as broke that record only to realise I hadnt set the grip reduction to "real"..... Oooops :banghead:

Guess il start again tonight! :D
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the replay stores the PSN info of the account you logged into (on the PS3) whether it is logged on to the network or not.
Hard luck on the grip reduction though. I really wish that option would stick like the SRF on/off does.