GTP_WRS Week 35 : Fast Fat Cat

  • Thread starter EDK
That looks perfectly clean to me my best lap is just like that as long as in your replay you don't notice a thud or a noticeable drop in speed which would indicate a contact you should be good to go
I would agree. At that point you can actually get into the guardrail before hitting. A little further back from this point toward the middle of the turn, it could have been dirty. But not at this point. But as skyline said, as long as there are not thumps or change in speed/rpm, it should be clean. Looking at the data logger to see if there are any large spikes in lateral G-Forces at that point can also be a tell tell sign.
That's right, especially in the last corner, too! Gained more than a whole tenth above my previous best!

nice! I'm just playing with the lines through each corner since I'm a bit more consistent now so I can make a better decision to how my best lap should look. And I'm guessing it already looks quite good for me by judging the board at this moment although we still have the most of the week left.

Anyway I'm gonna be of for the next couple of days cause I'm gonna experience the what the nurburgring looks like from the co-pilot point of view. Hope to have an other go this weekend!
nice! I'm just playing with the lines through each corner since I'm a bit more consistent now so I can make a better decision to how my best lap should look. And I'm guessing it already looks quite good for me by judging the board at this moment although we still have the most of the week left.

Anyway I'm gonna be of for the next couple of days cause I'm gonna experience the what the nurburgring looks like from the co-pilot point of view. Hope to have an other go this weekend!
For me its a miracle to find another tenth in t1 and t2, but in this combo you kinda always get rewarded when driving a few laps..
Nurburgring will give you the best experience a track can give for sure :)
First splits for the week, liking the combo, although that car just won't turn! :banghead:


Pretty poor, but I have only done 5 laps so far. Lots of improvement awaits!
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I wish I could hear the engine over the tires! I ruined my best lap by bouncing off the rev limiter in 3rd gear, thinking I was in 4th in the last turn.
Are you meant to take an outside or inside line in the corners, because I seem to be getting better times with the outside lines. :confused:
T1 has seen a great improvement, the same can't be said about T2


Edit: Nevermind, both have seen the same improvements! :lol:
Two tenths lost in sector 1
I can go faster
Almost nailed last sector
Does anyone keep in 4th gear before the last corner? Or shift 5th?
I am keeping 4th
I'm losing 4 tenths in Sector 2:banghead:

I consistently get a blue 2.25, followed by a red 1.75, and it's killing me! I have no clue how I handled it yesterday. Unless somebody can offer tips, I might have to wait until happy hour to figure it out.
I hate that Jag. It drives like a brick. Understeer for days. HSR is also my least favorite track on the game. With that being said here's my times.

Arghh Thank you PD get my wheel back to a reasonable strength nothing like it was and manage to improve my time only to not be able to check my replay due to it keeps freezing and crashing the game
Using the Harry Gant line almost everywhere...


I probably have another tenth or two in me.
Anyone care to share their line and technique on turn 3, The left hander before the bridge?

Personally I brake about the 100m marker, and hug the outside, at roughly 113mph ish. Not sure if thats the best way
My line here is similar, I brake at the 100m marker down to 120mph, enter high on the banking staying as close to the outer curb as possible, scrub speed down to 115mph as I go to full throttle, and stay close to the outer curb all the way through to the exit. It's tricky to do cleanly, but I think it's the fastest way through. 👍
Does anyone keep in 4th gear before the last corner? Or shift 5th?
I am keeping 4th
I shift into 5th and drive up the curbing getting as close to the inside wall as possible in turn 6, then shift to 4th and enter turn 7 at 120mph, then hug the outside and try to maintain 115mph or more, the line is actually very similar to turn 3. :)
Why doesn't GT6 have an achievement called "you've spent more time on this WRS combo than with your girlfriend. maybe we should talk / Get a life!" I think I would have nailed that one bye way more than a tenth :P

I get the point this thread not being about domestic violence and all but does anyone get hit on a reguar basis because of screaming because you just improved your lap by a tenth or less. she doesn't seem to get the feel for it when I tell her a tenth a lap is lthe same amount as of arriving(breaking) early on the mother in law and than get out of there (i don't assume this needs further explanation (or else the need to get out of thighy situations fast)) as fast as you can't. maybe I should get the manual why my GF beats me when I play GT 6 as suplied by polyphone only thing is the sound doesn't quite.... oh wait she does sound like a turbo at occasions
I couldn't resist to do another late night run after the hotfix for the FFB and it feel OK again.
But what's more important my time is good too.


Now i'm off for a long weekend hiking. CU on Monday