GTP_WRS Week 4 : ImPozzibly Big RS

  • Thread starter Vagabond
Maybe a little bit of a suggestion..... try to stretch the track from outside to clipping point to entry position for the next turn and make the turn as big as possible. Insights from the peanut gallery :dunce:
Thank you
Is not easy though w/out going off track.
I found that the easiest way to take the second corner of S1 is to treat it as a single apex corner. But it is a risk.
I regard the third gear as mandatory in the first corner. That is, after trying 4th a couple of times.

Got a point nine faster T2 but then the rest didn't go spectacularly right. Anyway, new splits:

T1: 26.050
T2: 56.433
Hyvä Suomi! 👍
Looks like I have my work cut out to catch you tonight.
Well here we go, see you on the other side (of midnight) !!!

Hit the dirt on run up to start line, so did a couple of dozen doughnuts to placate my anger. Ahh that's better.
Haha You wont get far all those donuts will weigh you down :D :P
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I'm having a very difficult time on this combo. Almost makes me want to add traction control :banghead:.

Running all the new seasonals has made me better at this for some reason...almost beat my best lap on the first lap where normally am well off the pace. In 9 laps have improved my S1 and S3 PB's, come within a tenth of my best S2 time and improved both my S2 split and my overall lap time (though not all in the same lap unfortunately :(). Am really starting to get bored of the 20mph limit off track though....really annoying!

S1: 25.346
S2: 54.529

Neither of those sectors were a PB so can go at least 3 tenths quicker or more...if I see a 54.2 split by the end I will consider it a job well done
Any way to make TCS setting stick? At the start of every session (before actually loading the track) I go to settings and move TCS to 0, only to notice it's back at 1 the next time I play.

I'd like to know as well. But how do you change TCS before loading a track? I'm not sure I understand.
Thank you
Is not easy though w/out going off track.
I found that the easiest way to take the second corner of S1 is to treat it as a single apex corner. But it is a risk.

Hyvä Suomi! 👍

Haha You wont get far all those donuts will weigh you down :D :P

You were right about the doughnuts.
Well I gained a couple of tenths by T2, and then gave most of it back in T3. :dunce:

I'm really enjoying this combo. My main complaint with this track is the lack of reference points. As cone happy as PD is, why can't we at least just have a couple of cones here and there. The track has cone placement marks on it IRL and also in the game, but no cones. Boy I never thought I'd be hoping for more cones from PD. :dopey:


I just improved my T2 split by .678 which was really pleased with but again when I watched the replay I was still missing the apex of some corners. I turned on the racing line to try and get the line right. I couldn't believe how much slower I was taking the corners but overtook my ghost and beat my T2 by another 0.3. I know the line is allowed but I'm going to try and beat the time without it on. I'm going to post the split so that I have to beat it fairly.

Edit- When I say fairly I mean fairly for myself as I only use ABS 1 as an aid.
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Don't seem able to hit my pb at the line.
Have gone below on T1 but T2 just wont improve :( and I don't know what I am doing wrong. I keep hitting the same seconds at the line and am down to chasing tenths and hundreths on the lap....
Very frustrating.

Throwing in the towel for today...
Looks like I did an impossible 3rd sector on my lap the other night. I put in another hour and a bit last night before the power went off (only came back on an hour ago) and managed to be up to three tenths ahead at T2 split only to lose it all again in the last sector. Still loving the combo of course but I think we're going through a rocky patch.... might be time to be 'on a break'.
Okay, first splits with a new approach to that track: TCS 5, hood view and one litre of finest German beer


I still don't know what I'm doing wrong. Hopefully I will find at least .5 in splits till Monday