There's the Chris we all know!Bit more consistency coming....
Still 5/5 ABS 1
RR are not born equal; DMC is still easy as fly at 300 bhp. A310 is another contraption, whoa.
And the award for most ambitious exit from the chicane goes too ......
View attachment 126635
Fetchy doesn't read edits. Doubleposting for splits is thus allowed.40.660
seen better so not giving up 👍
I'm blaming it on the pain killers.
Truth be told, if about five people per division submit a lap, it makes for a pretty poor event.Same thing this week.. i ran a couple of laps Sunday and just put the controller down even though i was making good progress. Someone knock some sense into me.. i am missing out on good events for no reason.
Will this help?I don't know why, but i can't seem to get motivated to run these past 2-3 weeks. I put down solid times in the focus and rocket but never submit because i never could get into it. Same thing this week.. i ran a couple of laps Sunday and just put the controller down even though i was making good progress. Someone knock some sense into me.. i am missing out on good events for no reason.
Gimme the suit!!! NOW!T1: 41.750
T2: 1'09.950
Used DS3 controller because find it easier to catch a slide and this car can REALLY slide.
Gained a second at T1, almost a second and half at T2 and end of lap. Promotion seems to be helping me. I need it.
oooo pretty 👍