- 770
- Rich77
Javwith the big exeption of Monza for wich we already have a remedy.
time penalties!!!
Javwith the big exeption of Monza for wich we already have a remedy.
I read on a PSN blog that many areas especially NA are not working. I just tried it now and it worked tho.
Welcome to the series man!! I'll put you up as soon as I get home tonight!
Just a suggestion, but remember how Sephy had that incredible time during qualifying?
He said that it was because he said he missed the braking point or something like that for the corkscrew.
Could we turn penalties on strong just for qualifying?
This would help in the aspect of preventing times like Stephys from happening (I'm not denying that he gained the poll position, just saying that it's possible that someone like me couldve done that even accidentally like he did) and it would aid in mixed qualifying so we don't have to worry about GT1 times being ruined due to needing to get around GT2 drivers.
Again, just my 2 cents.
I think everybody has just become more comfortable with everybody else, so we're pushing harder than we need to be. We've all pretty much become aquainted and been freindly, so we're being a little more bold on the track.
Putting pics up too, right Jav?! lol, I don't know why, but I get all amped for the pics!
Just a tad bit late..... But since tom won't stop bugging mePut me on the reserve list.
Car:Nissan Fairlady LM
Uh-oh, serious competition just arrived!Welcome to GT1! Hope you get to run soon...if we run as close in GT1 as we do in the NA GT500 series this is going to get really interesting.
I like the one where you're about to take out the road marker. Looks purposeful.
Not even Commander Shepherd can stop this alien!! MuhahahahaLol!! The alien has landed! We got some serious competition now!
Lol!! That's what I hate the most about Laguna, there's always some a$$clown like me that take the markers out and then everyone gets lost on the braking zone!
Wanted to update the Drivers Info.....I am also open to running GT1/GT2
11) GTP: OwensRacing
Psn: OwensRacing
Class: GT1/GT2
Car: BMW GTR Race Car/ RM Z06
Car#: 27
Country/time zone: EST/US
JavGuys have there been any news on the supossed "psn attack"? How's everyones connection?
I didn't go to any online rooms last night but after I was able to sign in never got signed out, how is it working for you guys?
I don't know if you guys have seen Borat before but...
Throw Sony down the well!
So my gaming can be free!
We must grab them by their horns!
And then we have a big party!
Pics are up in the GTPFIA Photo Album
Unfortunately, the videos from Monza got lost? Didn't get any of the GT3 pics...![]()
Gt3 room up 1472-4710-9995-5396-1605