You're welcome to use the 30mph autopilot any time buddy. You might learn a thing or 3. He respects track limits.
I'm watching the race from my pov now, on lap 6. Only lap 3 at Dunlop was anything at all off limits, and not by much. Certainly not intentional.
I see you have me violating 3 times next lap. Hmm couldn't be my tires went off and I had to adjust could it? By the way, qualifying was my first laps ever in this car. Never drove it on old tires before, never drove it before period. Consider that in multiple areas.
Lap 7: Your call on Tetre is Bologna. Porsche exit is borderline but to call it a cut it way excessive. Ford I clearly overdrove it in, slowed the car way down and turned almost a 90 degree angle back on track, hardly gaining time, lost a ton of time there.
Edit: I watched the 2nd half of the race in chase view on Ultra's car. I am NOT condemning the way he drove his race. What I am doing is defining his driving by his own rules.
He put 4 tires off at Dunlop at lap 11,12,13,14,and 16. He put 4 tires off at Tetre, laps 9,10, 17 and 18.
He put 4 tires across the white lines on the exits of both chicanes along the main straightway almost every lap I watched. There was a blatant cut across chicane #1 at lap 11, and again slightly less so at lap 15. There was only one time running wide at Porsche exit, lap 13. There were numerous borderline (by my definition, I'm sure he'd have crucified me) Ford chicane cuts (laps 15-end.)
I omitted several times where he slowed down to put himself right, which is fine.
I'm in awe, as I truly thought he drove super rigidly inside the lines, and thus had some ground to point a finger, but I've been proven wrong. I don't think Ultra set out to cheat, or did cheat, any more than I think that I did. But by his own definitions, I can at least say that this is clearly a case of Pot, meet Kettle.
Jav, I'm truly sorry to have spent another page on this, but I felt like my driving was really attacked here ("dirty cheating tactics" etc.), and I think I managed to make a reply without flaming or attacking anyone.