JavDefinitely a typo, sorry about that guys! For a 2hr race GT2 would go arround twice and start the pace lap behind GT1.
tissimoSo the race is this weekend?
I say stick with the hour race, as I can't do an hour earlier, and an hour later would be a bit late. I work at 6am.
luckylefty2gunzit don't matter to me i only have one propose this week can't win a championship might as well get some revenge
OwensRacingBy that you mean beating someone cleanly and take their points away for said position.
By that you mean beating someone cleanly and take their points away for said position.
JavThey're done but I couldn't upload because my service was down. I'll upload tonight as soon as I get home!
On GT2 with just 1 race to go the fight for the title is still alive with tissimo leading hon and Lucky by 11 points and with 19 points up for grabs and a 1.5hr race anything can happen!!
On GT1 it's looking like the fight is for 2nd place between Owens and Magz with a chance of taking the championship from Atlas's hands!
gogatrsIf we start any earlier than normal, you can DEFINITELY count me out, if we start on time, it's a maybe, if we start later I'm there for sure.
After much evaluation of the ofenses presented to the GTPFIA it was determined a 2 minute penalty is in order for Jakegirard and Posiloan for abusing track limits. Results and championship standings updated on post #4.
JavAfter much evaluation of the ofenses presented to the GTPFIA it was determined a 2 minute penalty is in order for Jakegirard and Posiloan for abusing track limits. Results and championship standings updated on post #4.
Your telling me no penalties for lucky for what he did to me in the last race????
luckylefty2gunzyou should be the one receiving the penalties first you hit me on the straightaway trying to pass causing damage that is 1 penalty then a double move to block me which caused me to put two wheels off and thats when we made contact if that doesn't constitute any penalties then we will have to settle in a different way. obviously i was the faster car pole and fastest lap i hope they fix this overpowered draft so slow drivers don't have that crazy unrealalistic draft to help them catch up.
i have watched the replay three times and have received messages from other drivers saying the same thing.
toyotsupraYou shouldn't have tried to overtake me in that area were it's narrow and secondly I think you tried to take me out on the last few laps its only a game next time I'll leave double room if you wish so?
This stragegy works and it's within the rules but I have to say I absolutely hated when you did that to me last season! I had an itch to pass you with 2 wheels on the grass on the Indianapolis straight but almost gave myself a heartattack when I tried it. That said I would go for it on the last lap every time.Then simply drive down the middle of the road on Indianapolis and it is impossible for the person to pass you back if you do that. Now your leading them into indinapolis corner and arnage and the porsche curves where you can make a gap where theyll suffer from the aerodynamic wash of your car.
See thats smarts at La Sarthe. I do it all the time.