So, are we getting the ol' team back together? Owens, dudes, sorry I missed Sunday, I joined a spot enduro with some dudes from the UK... I would be willing to bet a handful of them would join us regularly and take a league as serious as we do while taking winning as serious as I do (I haven't won in two seasons of racing)... Lol... So Jav, let's get a thread up and movin' for the weekend, even If we dont start the season proper, we could verify homaligation settings and outline the length and participation of next season.... Also I have been diligently duplicating lvl 23, 22, and 21 tickets as perspective prizes if you are interested. Cheers boys!
PS I'm gonna open a room to practice for the Tueday lmp race hosted by gippone later tonight with short spot races if anyone wants to race lmp and or hang out find my room.