GTPL Crew Official Events Thread

  • Thread starter Katiegan
Yeah, I meant if I were to design one from scratch how easy is it to get it into the game?
You can't. Not unless you make a new crew and use the logo editor thing on the social club site. Once you do that and set it as the active logo for that crew then go to the garage to put it on your car or go to a clothes shop to have it on your clothes (but it doesn't work for all of them).
How do you actually get a custom logo into GTA?

Back in the ol' days you could make a crew emblem whatever you want through some 'tweaking' of the Social Club site. Rockstar have since fixed that though so unless you're very talented with the emblem maker, there's not much you can do.
Back in the ol' days you could make a crew emblem whatever you want through some 'tweaking' of the Social Club site. Rockstar have since fixed that though so unless you're very talented with the emblem maker, there's not much you can do.
Ah that sucks!
Back in the ol' days you could make a crew emblem whatever you want through some 'tweaking' of the Social Club site. Rockstar have since fixed that though so unless you're very talented with the emblem maker, there's not much you can do.
Why they fixed that? I don't understand the point.

I mean I see why they fix RP or Money Glitches but something harmless to them and us?
Why they fixed that? I don't understand the point.

I mean I see why they fix RP or Money Glitches but something harmless to them and us?

Technically it was 'hacking' the site to get custom emblems. Of course, people were using quite explicit images during such activities.
@Katiegan Found a good location for next car meet:


Things were going well until an enraged Pisswasser truck showed up



We had a sort of impromtu car meet there last night. Uploaded a bunch of pictures to the Snapmatics thread.
Sultan & Banshee 900RR Race Event from the last event we had:



My Sultan has changed a bit since that event.
Tomorrow (Thursday) all of the contact missions are paying out double RP and $. Not much of a crew 'event' per se but if we could wrangle together a group of 6 to play landing gear and titan of a job we could make some decent money. I've made almost $2M since Sunday.
Tomorrow (Thursday) all of the contact missions are paying out double RP and $. Not much of a crew 'event' per se but if we could wrangle together a group of 6 to play landing gear and titan of a job we could make some decent money. I've made almost $2M since Sunday.

Count me in :)
Count me in :)
Add me on PSN (Jahgee1124), and if you're online when I am and it's not full, I'll invite you to my party for Trash Talk grinding. All I ask is that you don't kill the crew boss, I plan on timing out the mission for peak money to time ratio
Add me on PSN (Jahgee1124), and if you're online when I am and it's not full, I'll invite you to my party for Trash Talk grinding. All I ask is that you don't kill the crew boss, I plan on timing out the mission for peak money to time ratio

I'll try to keep my finger off the Savages trigger.
Go ahead. There's probably gonna be a lot of people free this weekend, I was thinking of hosting something as well for the PS3 crowd - maybe GTA H.O.R.S.E?
I sure wouldn't mind, but I do have to ask; how does GTA H.O.R.S.E work?

I'm gonna base this off of the TF2 H.O.R.S.E videos, so here's how it would work. I know it's not traditional H.O.R.S.E, but still.
  • Everyone gets together in one server, and an order is figured out.
  • The first player thinks of a challenge, and announces what everyone else has to do. For example, I might say 'You must get on this motorbike, do a backflip over this particular stunt jump, and land it.'
  • The first player must then actually perform the challenge to show everyone else how it's done. (I'm also going to say that you must announce how many attempts each player gets when you announce the challenge - you can't just say 'OH YOU GET 3 ATTEMPTS' if you fail the first time.)
  • If the player succeeds, the next player in line has to do the challenge, and then the next player, and so on and so forth. As soon as someone fails (including the first player, if they fail their own challenge), then that person gets a strike, and the player directly after the challenge setter gets to pick a new challenge. If nobody fails the challenge at all, the challenge setter also gets a strike.
  • As soon as someone gets three strikes, they're out. They can't set nor perform any more challenges, but they can still stick around to watch and to help out in any challenges. (Also, it's highly recommended that if someone DOES get knocked out, everyone should immediately turn on them and blast them to high heaven if the challenge didn't already kill them.)
  • The last person standing is the winner! They get bragging rights and a cool photo on some sort of podium. Does Los Santos have a podium anywhere? Who knows, maybe I'll build a deathmatch with one.
Since it has the potential to last a while, I'd recommend that people try and come up with a lot of challenges beforehand. There's no rule AGAINST repeating challenges, but repeated challenges are pretty boring. The challenges should be short as well - if there's lots of people who want to join in, 'Survive for 10 minutes in the Military Base with a Rhino Tank' will just get really boring after a while.
Sounds interesting indeed, @Snorevette. But as you said, we really need to get some sort of "H.O.R.S.E playlists" in order to avoid repeating challenges and/or long boring ones. Maybe use certain races or combat maps once in a while, an build challenges around them (i.e. get a headshot with a pistol against a person who is sitting far away on the map, or something along those lines). If it happens, and if it happens at a decent time for me, I would love to give such an unique challenge a shot. It would certainly be a whole different ballgame to everything I have done in GTAO until now...
Oh, there'd probably have to be a limit to the number of people allowed to do the challenges - I'd say 6 people at most, with other people being assistants/spectators. It would take a while to go through 16 different people for each challenge.

What I might do is ask people to send me suggestions, and then make a 'challenge playground' deathmatch so that everything is in fairly close proximity.
8 to 10 challengers sounds like a fair number range to me. The remaining players within that range would be the spectators, at best.

If you may need challenges when the time comes, I can try to come up with one or two if possible. Not much more than that, as I have next to no clue about what makes a GTAO challenge tricky without being di:censored:ish...
I think first of all we should wait to see who would actually be up for it, and if so, on what platform. I can only host events on PS3 so there's not much point in making an event if only a handful of people would show up.
I think first of all we should wait to see who would actually be up for it, and if so, on what platform. I can only host events on PS3 so there's not much point in making an event if only a handful of people would show up.

Well you can count on me joining regardless; I don't own a PS4 at the current juncture, and my PC is incapable (to say the least) of running GTA V properly.