- 119
- A village...
135 cr. #hiimjohnnyknoxvilleandwelcometojackass
136cr. #whatsthedefinitonofinsanity
135 cr. #hiimjohnnyknoxvilleandwelcometojackass
137 cr. #thedefinitionofinsanityisme136cr. #whatsthedefinitonofinsanity
137 cr. #thedefinitionofinsanityisme
139 cr. #youkilledkenny138cr. #allhailKazourlordandsaviour
139 cr. #youkilledkenny
141 cr. #lightningmcqueen140cr. #Shrekislove
141 cr. #lightningmcqueen
143 cr. #theforceisstrongwithme142cr. I sense weakness in you #yoda.
143 cr. #theforceisstrongwithme
151 cr. #yep150cr. #Nope
I think we should stop or BKGlover may get angry and shout at us.
151 cr. #yep
I won't stop until you quit
153 cr. #hitthelightsOk then. 152cr. #thefinalcountdown
153 cr. #hitthelights
165 cr. #eaglekick160cr. #falconpunch
165 cr. #eaglekick
167 cr. #007soundsystem166cr. #darudesandstorm
So the value of this went up from 10cr. Still a bargin.
167 cr. #007soundsystem
170 cr. #burnoutrevenge
172 cr. #throwasixandahalf171cr. #doyouevenquickscopem8
172 cr. #throwasixandahalf
174 cr. #pickthetimeandtheplace173cr. #1v1mem8
174 cr. #pickthetimeandtheplace
176 cr. #illbethere175cr. #thepondinten
176 cr. #illbethere
180 cr. #bumpingtheprice177cr. #gametheorym8
Normal Price is what, 600? A long time to say the least.