Avalon Motors have drawn up a 2 year plan, which has been leaked as someone posted a picture of the plan onto the web. The picture of the plan, which is of a low quality, can be seen below:
Q1 2014: See fir profits, make ch n if ded. E er new s erco pe co t and fast S ica into tor how.
Q2 2014: S e prof s, if g d e er at h conc in o m ors . ybe upg a e fact m ke one.
Q3 2014: M k w h ch, o en ew fac a d make new deal ip chains in erica, F ce, S ai , Sw en and I aly.
Q4 2014: Deve ne 6 , v6 t o and tur o I e gines, u e new engi in all car w re ppr iate
Q1 2015: Check pr ts, get ady to make a large s car - n platf m an dys. Add w gon to Bas if no e so.
Q2 2015: ke new s n and use st en s in it. Re ce eded. P n s loon in moto w.
Q3 2015: M e ew ge s 6 s ed a , sp ma al to) over ne t qua d roll t em ou over ca .
Q4 2015: a d new d a ai in a n and C . New s r sho ld on the wa
When asked about this, Mr. Jarmain said:
This is an outrageous thing that is not being taken lightly. This is totally unacceptable and the person responsible has been sacked. I have heard that there are people around the world trying to decipher the image. Thank god it is very low quality. Do take note that the plan will change as time goes on, so therefore take it with a pinch of salt.
At the same time, some copyrights have been taken out by Avalon. These are:
Avalon Silica Convertible
Avalon Silica AVR
Avalon Basalt Streamline
Avalon Basalt AVR
Avalon Basalt Streamline AVR
Avalon Iridium
Avalon Magnet
Avalon Henske
The Copyrights are interesting, and point to future models of existing cars, as well as new cars in the near future.
I will be selling my cars in these percentages:
Silica - 70% England and 30% Germany
Basalt - 50% England and 50% Germany
Also my trims are now just badges, and are not actually different cars. Hopefully this clears up any confusion.
My Prices are now as follows:
Silica = 25cr
Basalt = 26cr
In real life it should be around £21K for the Silica and £22K for the Basalt. I think I did the conversions to dollars correctly (1cr = $1000). Please correct me if I am wrong.