I have to admit I didn't even know they released an album until just a few weeks ago, but hey, better late than never.
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Pet Shop Boys- Super
Eh... at least the cover looks nice?
Nah, I'm just kidding. I'm yet to listen to the whole album but I didn't mind the singles off it. Not sure I'll actually give it a go though, since as
@Sprite mentioned, quite a lot of those 80s bands aren't exactly releasing their best stuff. New Order's newest album had it's high points but wasn't amazing overall, and I'd rather not talk about the latest Duran Duran album.
Anyway, I've been kinda busy recently. Most importantly, I got lost in Nottingham a few weeks ago and found that there's a bloody good record shop near the city centre. I could easily buy around 20 records or so every time I go in there, but I've managed to limit myself to just 5 so far.
These are the ones I got last week...
(apologies for any terrible photography, my phone's got an awful camera)
Oneohtrix Point Never - "R Plus Seven"
My second OPN record and one I've been looking for for a while now...
Grimes - "Art Angels"
Had the chance to get a signed copy of this when I saw her in March, but I bought a t-shirt instead. I also wasn't collecting then, but that's not important...
It also came with loads of original artwork as well. I love it to bits.
Dan Deacon - "Gliss Riffer"
It's a decent record and it was only £10. I can't complain.
...and these are the ones I got yesterday.
Aphex Twin - "Selected Ambient Works 85-92"
Absolutely iconic.
Radiohead - "A Moon Shaped Pool"
I got the middling limited edition as well, which means I get a gatefold with some art on it and a very, very nice white vinyl.
I also got a few singles over the last month or so, most of them through the Flying Vinyl service which I subscribed to be back in April.
In clockwise order, the artists are Dream Wife, Rival Sons, Klangstof, Palm Honey, Alcest and Beach Baby. The Alcest one was a gift from one of my sister's friends (it's also a really good atmospheric metal single) and the rest are from that package. My favourite out of all of themis probably "Hostage" by Klangstof, it's got a really strong Kid A vibe to me and that's very rarely a bad thing.
Anyway... I'm probably gonna add some spoilers to this later, this post is waaaaay too big. Can somebody remind me to post here more often?