GTPlanet Vinyling ClubMusic 

  • Thread starter Cap'n Jack
I have to admit I didn't even know they released an album until just a few weeks ago, but hey, better late than never.


Pet Shop Boys- Super
I don't know, to be honest. Haven't played it yet but I'll let you know my thoughts when I do 👍

Please do. So far the bands from around the 80s who have done albums recently like the recent New Order album, I haven't enjoyed them as much as I hoped.
Couple of new additions to my current collection.

Thick As Thieves by a local Melbourne band The Temper Trap.
I have a download code for this if anyone is interested, first to ask for it in this thread and I'll PM it to you.


Wilco's newest album Star Wars.


Must say since re-discovering Vinyl so to speak I can see this getting expensive. :lol:
@Shaun I guess if you want a large collection and in particular some rare records it will cost... A lot! But it can be cheap too.

I'm not sure how good the stores are in Austraila?

In the UK were quite lucky. I live close to 4 really great stores dedicated to vinyl and a large HMV too. I'm also a quick train ride to Manchester which has some fantastic stores to dig through, plus most larger cities have at least one good shop or a HMV to have a look around.

Cost wise new records are about £25 or $48 Aus. However second hand stuff can be picked up for about £0.99 depending if you want a hunk of junk record. I bought an original mono pressing of The Who - My Generation in perfect condition and because it didn't have a sleeve I paid £2, with the sleeve it goes for €750 to €1000.
@Shaun I guess if you want a large collection and in particular some rare records it will cost...

It's not necessarily the want to have a large collection that's just how it will end up with so many good records to be had. :lol:

I live close to 4 really great stores dedicated to vinyl and a large HMV too

In my smaller city we have only the one (that I know of) dedicated independent record store. There is also a JB Hi-Fi though which has not a bad collection. As far as second hand there are quite a few places that sell them and I'm heading to one today that I know has a large collection.

On top of that a shortish trip on the train to Melbourne opens up a whole more options as well.

Cost wise new records are about £25 or $48 Aus.

New stuff here starts around $25 for local bands and $27 for mainstream bands with the price heading North depending on the rarity and the actual band believe it or not.
Second hand wise, albums can be had from $1 and up depending on the album in question mostly and to some extent the condition.

I did see Jimi Hendrix's original banned cover of Electric Ladyland the other day and I think the guy was wanting about $150 for it.
In all honesty most of the albums I'll be buying will be second hand so the cost shouldn't be massive, only proviso is they must be in good enough condition to go on the turntable.
@Shaun it sounds like you're covered for vinyl hunting then.

My next large purchase is a Record Cleaning Machine. I really want a Keith Monks RCM but the cost is high even for the Discovery One which is around £1600!!!!


Some of the old jazz records I've bought recently haven't been played in about 30 years but have collected a lot of dust etc.

Recent purchases from yesterday.

Plaid - The Digging Remedy

Miles Davis & Robert Glasper -Everything's Beautiful

Junior Mance - The Soulful Piano Of Junior Mance

Dave Brubeck Quartet- My Favorite Things

Thelonious Monk & Gerry Mulligan - Mulligan Meets Monk

Duke Ellington - Anatomy Of A Murder
I have to admit I didn't even know they released an album until just a few weeks ago, but hey, better late than never.

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Pet Shop Boys- Super
Eh... at least the cover looks nice?

Nah, I'm just kidding. I'm yet to listen to the whole album but I didn't mind the singles off it. Not sure I'll actually give it a go though, since as @Sprite mentioned, quite a lot of those 80s bands aren't exactly releasing their best stuff. New Order's newest album had it's high points but wasn't amazing overall, and I'd rather not talk about the latest Duran Duran album.

Anyway, I've been kinda busy recently. Most importantly, I got lost in Nottingham a few weeks ago and found that there's a bloody good record shop near the city centre. I could easily buy around 20 records or so every time I go in there, but I've managed to limit myself to just 5 so far.

These are the ones I got last week...

(apologies for any terrible photography, my phone's got an awful camera)

Oneohtrix Point Never - "R Plus Seven"
My second OPN record and one I've been looking for for a while now...


Grimes - "Art Angels"
Had the chance to get a signed copy of this when I saw her in March, but I bought a t-shirt instead. I also wasn't collecting then, but that's not important... :P


It also came with loads of original artwork as well. I love it to bits.


Dan Deacon - "Gliss Riffer"
It's a decent record and it was only £10. I can't complain.


...and these are the ones I got yesterday.

Aphex Twin - "Selected Ambient Works 85-92"
Absolutely iconic.


Radiohead - "A Moon Shaped Pool"


I got the middling limited edition as well, which means I get a gatefold with some art on it and a very, very nice white vinyl.



I also got a few singles over the last month or so, most of them through the Flying Vinyl service which I subscribed to be back in April.


In clockwise order, the artists are Dream Wife, Rival Sons, Klangstof, Palm Honey, Alcest and Beach Baby. The Alcest one was a gift from one of my sister's friends (it's also a really good atmospheric metal single) and the rest are from that package. My favourite out of all of themis probably "Hostage" by Klangstof, it's got a really strong Kid A vibe to me and that's very rarely a bad thing.

Anyway... I'm probably gonna add some spoilers to this later, this post is waaaaay too big. Can somebody remind me to post here more often? :lol:
@ASSCVCCS nice haul.

I might pick up the standard black vinyl version of Moonshaped Pool as I didn't put my name down for a copy of the White limited version.

Playing these today.

Bruce Woolley & The Camera Club - English Garden. I love this record, brings back some memories when I was younger. It's part of my inherited collection from my parents.


Another band I grew up with is Hawkwind and these are the two albums I inherited. Fantastic Space Rock.
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So I went on a bit of a hunt over the weekend and found and bought quite a few second hand albums, as did Mrs Shaun. Matter of fact she got more than me and I fear that I've created a monster. Got home from work today and noticed she had been playing some albums which made me happy.

Anyway I won't list them all but will list this one.

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A local Australian pressing released for their tour in 1988, cover is a bit beaten up but the actual album is in very good condition and plays pretty well. It will go with all my other versions of it so unlikely to be played again but thought it would be nice to have.
@Shaun it's nice to see the other half getting into vinyl. Sometimes my fiancée comes with me to my local and looks through stuff. She has few records in the collection. She gets excited too when she sees something she wants.

That Pink Floyd is cracking.

An EBay buy was delivered today.

Ondekoza Vol 2 - a lovely Japanese pressing which is the same as my Vol 1.


Not bad for £10. Plus the vinyl has been stored in its original rice paper sleeve so is perfect.
So I went on a bit of a hunt over the weekend and found and bought quite a few second hand albums, as did Mrs Shaun. Matter of fact she got more than me and I fear that I've created a monster. Got home from work today and noticed she had been playing some albums which made me happy.

Anyway I won't list them all but will list this one.

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A local Australian pressing released for their tour in 1988, cover is a bit beaten up but the actual album is in very good condition and plays pretty well. It will go with all my other versions of it so unlikely to be played again but thought it would be nice to have.

That's awesome. I'd love to add that to my Floyd collection. If you ever get tired of it let me know.
Well it's been a crazy day.

Picked up a few new records and my MoFi inner sleeves from Juno Records arrived.

Slow West Soundtrack

DJ Shadow - The Mountain Will Fall

Laura Mvula - The Dreaming Room

Kneebody & Daedelus - Kneedelus

Connor Youngblood - The Generation Of Lift
I think the wife and I have found a house so we should be moved in by the end of the year. My record collection as well as all of my equipment is in storage at the moment (old, no name stuff I got from my grandfather when I was a child) but I've been thinking about upgrading what I have. As luck would have it, a buddy of mine is upgrading his equipment as well and has offered to sell me his turntable at a pretty decent discount from new. So, would you kind gentlemen please offer your advice on my plans for equipment purchases?

The turntable is a Pro-Ject Debut Carbon DC which I can get for $200. It has been used for maybe 20 hours and comes with the original box as well as everything that came in that box.


I've been told cork mats are probably the best out there and Amazon has this for $25.


Amazon has a Behringer Microphono PP400 for $55. Are there better preamps out there for about the same price?

As for speakers, I've seen Audioengine A2+ suggested as a decent, fairly cheap set of powered speakers. $250 for the set new.

I'm trying to keep my budget around $500 or so to start with and upgrade as I go. Does that seem like a decent setup to start with? If not, what would you all change?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
@peobryant I have the turntable you mention. Now let me say first off I've only had it a few weeks but already would have played it for more than 20hrs :D.
Anyway no complaints here whatsoever from it and when purchasing I did a fair amount of research and it is well regarded in its price range.

A couple of things, be sure the model you are looking at doesn't have a phono stage built in, mine does (there are two versions of the turntable with and without phono/USB). If only to save you buying a phono pre-amp then realising you don't need it.

Other question, why are you looking at a cork mat? As an upgrade or is it missing the standard felt one. May I suggest sticking with the standard one until you feel the need if any to upgrade. From what I've read the Pro-Ject acrylic platter is the way to go which doesn't require a mat at all.

Sorry can't help with those speakers or pre amps, hopefully someone else will also chime in.
@peobryant congrats on the house.

Great turntable and even with double the hours it's still a great discount.

I agreed with @Shaun on the mat. Unless you need the cork mat because you're missing the standard felt one then I'd save the money and put it into the phono stage (if you need it).

Acrylic or Delrin platters are the way to go. You shouldn't need a mat and the difference in sound will be a bigger jump.

Let us know how you get on and if you need any more help just shout out.
Jazz of any quality can be hard to get in parts of the UK and when you do find it, getting a good price is hard.

Same here in the US, guess I just been getting lucky recently. Scored lots of blue note stuff recently on the cheap. It's been a good month so far.
@peobryant I have the turntable you mention. Now let me say first off I've only had it a few weeks but already would have played it for more than 20hrs :D.
Anyway no complaints here whatsoever from it and when purchasing I did a fair amount of research and it is well regarded in its price range.

A couple of things, be sure the model you are looking at doesn't have a phono stage built in, mine does (there are two versions of the turntable with and without phono/USB). If only to save you buying a phono pre-amp then realising you don't need it.

Other question, why are you looking at a cork mat? As an upgrade or is it missing the standard felt one. May I suggest sticking with the standard one until you feel the need if any to upgrade. From what I've read the Pro-Ject acrylic platter is the way to go which doesn't require a mat at all.

Sorry can't help with those speakers or pre amps, hopefully someone else will also chime in.

@peobryant congrats on the house.

Great turntable and even with double the hours it's still a great discount.

I agreed with @Shaun on the mat. Unless you need the cork mat because you're missing the standard felt one then I'd save the money and put it into the phono stage (if you need it).

Acrylic or Delrin platters are the way to go. You shouldn't need a mat and the difference in sound will be a bigger jump.

Let us know how you get on and if you need any more help just shout out.

Thank you for the advice, I appreciate it. I do have a question, if you all don't mind. I've read that a stereo receiver is better than just a preamp hooked up to speakers, so I was fooling around on Craigslist and I found this...


The receiver is a Kenwood KR-A5060, would that work with the Pro-Ject Debut Carbon turntable? I can get it for $50 or so, which is about the price of a preamp. I would assume it will work because it has been hooked up to the Sanyo TP1005A turntable on top of it, but I'd like people more knowledgeable than myself to answer.

Thanks in advance.
@peobryant that Amp has a dedicated phono stage


So it will work with a turntable. Plus it will have much more oomph than a phono/headphone amp. It's 100w into 8ohms so should have ample power for most speakers. As for the quality of sound you'll get, I can't answer.

Another plus is you'll have many more inputs for other stuff as you go along.
My latest buys...


A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step; Probably my favorite APC album, I was surprised to see it in the store.
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue; I've never explored jazz all that much but I've abused the replay button on the "So What" Youtube video, so I figured I'd give the rest of the album a whirl. I'm liking what I hear so far.
Dire Straits - Dire Straits; I figured my collections need more Knopfler.
Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells; A good album for $3? I'm in!
My latest buys...

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A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step; Probably my favorite APC album, I was surprised to see it in the store.
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue; I've never explored jazz all that much but I've abused the replay button on the "So What" Youtube video, so I figured I'd give the rest of the album a whirl. I'm liking what I hear so far.
Dire Straits - Dire Straits; I figured my collections need more Knopfler.
Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells; A good album for $3? I'm in!
Kind of blue is a must have for any collection. Just curious as to the pressing you got? Is it an original 6 eye?

I actually just sold an OG copy last week. I got 70 bucks for it and the jacket had seen better days. They can bring good money.
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Kind of blue is a must have for any collection. Just curious as to the pressing you got? Is it an original 6 eye?

I actually just sold an OG copy last week. I got 70 bucks for it and the jacket had seen better days. They can bring good money.

I hear that. Jazz in most forms can get pricy. I own two copies. An RTI mono pressing and the 2015 Mobile Fidelity remaster which is a monster quality pressing.

I picked up a few today.


Ex-Machina - Score. This is my second copy and is the HMV UK vinyl day press. The one in the right is my original 1st press on white, the left is the HMV version on what they called Waterfall.


I also picked up this double LP of Guardians Of The Galaxy which was supposed to be a HMV exclusive too. It's 1 LP with the songs from Awesome Mix Vol1 (I have the limited Mondo version too) and the second LP is the score which I don't own. I'm not sure how this differs from the other double LP versions.


And Drive soundtrack on Pink vinyl. While I found the film a little boring I loved the score and I'm a huge sucker for Cliff Martinez scores.

If anyone wants a copy of Ex-Machina here is the DL code.

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Todays haul from a market that is there every Sunday. Two were my picks and two were Mrs Shaun's picks.
There is a guy there every week selling music, LP's,CD's,DVD's etc.
He knows his stuff which means there will never be any real bargains even though he is reasonably priced, best part his the vast majority of his LP are in immaculate condition.


The Cult, Sonic Temple. Nuff said, original English pressing in Mint condition.
Joni Mitchel, Hejira. One of Mrs Shaun's selections, original 1976 US pressing that looks like it has been played once.
Goanna, Spirit OF Place. Another of Mrs Shaun's selection, a local band from the late 70's and 80's. Well known within Aus. Again in mint condition.
Madness, Complete Madness. I found this at some other stall in the market, not in the condition of the others and only cost a couple of bucks but it takes me back to my yoof.

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