GTPlanet Vinyling ClubMusic 

  • Thread starter Cap'n Jack
It's actually a really good album, not sure if they had any international success but if they did chances are it would be with the song Solid Rock that is on it.
Led Zeppelin I Deluxe Edition remaster.

Some recent buys from me.

The KVB - Of Desire // Red vinyl. If you like New Order and other new wave bands from the 80s with dark synths and vocals then you'll like these guys.

Camino OST - 2lp clear // A nice score which has some nice drone and guttural sounds. If you like ambient and experimental music then look up Kreng.

This was a buy from eBay. Straight from Japan and while not cheap, it was cheaper than most as it's missing the Obi. The record as always with Japanese pressings was perfect and like new even though this record has around 10 or more years on this planet than me.

Zaondekoza - Self Titled // if you like Japanese drums, flutes and shouting then this is for you.

Marillion - Misplaced Childhood // what more needs to be said. The best Marillion did and probably one of the best albums to come out of the 80s. I picked this up in excellent condition for £5 but my local halved the price because I took him about 200 outer sleeves for the shop. Bargain.

Bean Bags - Milt Jackson & Coleman Hawkins. A nice copy pressed by London records. Nice bit of Jazz.

Some more Jazz. This is the score for a play "The Connection" again some lovely Jazz music.
More Jazz...


Some more Milt Jackson. This guy knows have to rock out on a Vibraharp.


Sonny Rollins plays the soundtrack to Alfie. Another cross genre.


My first Blue Note albeit a later stereo pressing of a readily available record. But I had to buy it.


This John Lennon LP was picked out by the Mrs Sprite and isn't really something is buy (shhh don't tell anyone but I don't like the Beatles!!!) it was only a few £'s
@JerseyDriverSS did you win the auction? You'll have to post pics of you did. Would also like to know what the pressings are like compared to Vanilla copies.

I managed to get to the record store without a 1-month gap in between visits.:eek:

Thin Lizzy - Bad Reputation
Cactus - Cactus

I also learned that the Thin Lizzy catalogue is easy to find on vinyl with the exception of Jailbreak, which you can only get via import.:odd:
Having a day of work worked out well.
Today's finds.


Both new on 180gm vinyl and as of now not opened yet.

The Cure - Standing On A Beach.
Artic Monkeys - Suck It And See.

I did however show some restraint as I could have walked out with another 10 new albums easily never mind all the second hand options as well.
@JerseyDriverSS did you win the auction? You'll have to post pics of you did. Would also like to know what the pressings are like compared to Vanilla copies.

I didn't. It went a little higher then what i had my max set at. I was willing to go to 650 and it ended up at 685. I shouldve pulled the trigger, but my wife would kick my ass especially after just ordering the new allman brothers box set.
I did get some nice scores this weekend though heres a few.
The Grapefruit album was a great score. If you've never heard of them and like the beatles this band is for you. Very beatles influenced and the beatles actually played a part in forming this group.
The fisher i scored for 10 bucks and it is powerful. Not your typical junk fisher.
The rest are self explanitory.
Street survivors i see more fire covers then this one so i grabbed it. I do have an original fire cover also.
Ok so I'm really :censored:ed off at myself.

My player has been acting odd recently, by that I mean it has been skipping and jumping on records and I don't know why, I figured it was the cartridge (AT95E, came with the LP-120) so tried fixing it.

Long story short, I've had to buy a new one off Amazon.

I hear that. :)

Shame you didn't snag it as it looked in great condition.

Nicest one i've ever seen listed. Record dealers usually try to get a grand out of these in worse shape so the 685 for the condition it was in was kind of a steal. I will own this set one day. Just wasn't my time yet i guess. lol

KIcking myself the more i think about it.
I decided to buy these two vinyls based purely on the album cover art alone.
They look pretty cool.
I can't remember if the music was any good, I only gave them
one listen and that was when I got them four or five years ago.

Picked up a couple of LPs today.


Australia's finest. Avalanches - Wildflower Deluxe Edition.


Aphex Twin - Cheetah // This EP is epic.


I also got a nice gift from Lakeshore Records. They also sent these too, they're not records but cool all the same.



I just put this vinyl record player to good use for the first time in years,
it's been collecting dust for far too long.
It's made to look like an american muscle car from the sixties.


The album is 'Seeds of Change' from 1980 and it was the first solo album Kerry Livgren put out,
with guest singers on each track.
I couldn't believe my luck when I found it in one of my local vinyl stores. I guess it's a rare album
to come across these days around my parts and I don't think the owner knew what it was
because he sold it to me for only $2 U.S.

I bought it because I knew Ronnie James Dio sang on two of the tracks and because Dio was/is
one of my music heroes. One of the songs was 'To Live For the King' which is in the video above
(and it's one of the most beautiful songs I've heard) and the other being 'Mask of the Great Deceiver'.

Dio was on fire around this time. He recorded the 'Heaven and Hell' album with Sabbath
between October 1979 and January 1980 and then collaborated with Livgren on his
'Seeds of Change' album, recording those two songs between February and March 1980.
Going to look at a thorens td160 turntable this weekend. If all goes well hopefully it will be coming home with me and the restoration process will be under way.
not specifically vinyl, but related. Some great hi-fi scored this weekend.
Pioneer sx770- not super desirable, but this one is super clean and works great. The black face look is cool
Allied 395- (pioneer in a RCA wrapper)- also not super desirable, but for 5 bucks i couldn't pass it up. Cleaned up and flipped for 70 already.
Now for the big score. Thorens TD 160- I really stole this for the price. It needed a cart when i picked it up. Was just dusty. When i put the cart on it and cleaned it up it came out super nice. This is a keeper for a while, but when it does come time to move it i'll make about 425 profit on it.


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@JerseyDriverSS the Thorens TT are great.

A Discogs buy arrived today.


The guy selling it over graded the vinyl. He had it down as NM/M- but it's a VG at best. Still it's an original pressing so that's something. It's certainly worth checking out if anyone is into Jazz piano.