GTPlanet vs. Wham! Episode IV: No More Hope

  • Thread starter Daniel
Still going strong! (This is my smug face --> :D) But I actually thought I would be defeated because on Thursday, we had a Christmas thing where I work and some random Christmas songs were playing and the whole time I was think "Oh hell, this could be it."

Luckily, Wham! was nowhere to be heard. :D
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While working, I've probably heard Last Christmas more than 10 times. It's always really quiet as well, so I've probably not noticed it another five times or something :scared:
I got Whammed! again last night, I was walking past a pub and they were blaring it out. :grumpy:
My mum is currently playing her Christmas compilation CD, I think a Whamming could be imminent.
Got Whammed for the second time in 2 days. When you hear it from the kitchen whilst you are still in bed really tells you there is no escaping. Must not sleep.
Today comes the last true danger until after New Year's... going out with friends to see the 'Desolation of Smaug' movie and then going to their house for a party.

They're unaware of my participation in this game, but I know that they won't play the dreaded song because two of them are amateur EDM producers (dubstep) and usually play their works when I'm over - and they don't care for 'modern' Christmas songs anyway, if they play something Christmassy it'll be something classic.
Still going strong here, after more shopping today.

Only Wham song I've heard all month is Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go.
The hardest bit is now completely over for me. Now I just need to avoid some radio stations on the 24th, and I'll hopefully stay unWham!ed. :D
Got Whammed at Subway.


Damn you Sriracha Chicken sandwich.
I just logged in to play GT6 - and well, guess what? Christmas music. Yeah. Mostly piano stuff, though - no whiny vocals to tom toms and synthesizers.

Now I'm dashing through the snow to the tune of Jingle Bells via GT6 compliments of Sony.

Safe. And sound. Take that George.

After the coverwhamming at the Chinese Buffet I feel soiled and in need of some succour - if not actually penitence.

Okay - back to playing GT6. Later! :cheers:
Safe. Done shopping, finished my obligations for socializing with people this holiday season, and now just have to wait until the 1st.
I'm out, took notice of the music being played in the supermarket at the worst possible time. :P
Dodged a certain Whamming today thanks to my wife.
Heading into our local shopping centre to finalize some food shopping for Xmas I was lagging behind in the car park.
Upon entering my wife performed a quick pirouette and headed back towards me at a decent rate of knots proclaiming don't go in there it's on!

I love my wife. :)
Dodged a certain Whamming today thanks to my wife.
Heading into our local shopping centre to finalize some food shopping for Xmas I was lagging behind in the car park.
Upon entering my wife performed a quick pirouette and headed back towards me at a decent rate of knots proclaiming don't go in there it's on!

I love my wife. :)
Never let her go! :lol:
Just got to get past family on Christmas Day now, and after that I should be safe...

I just cursed myself to a Wham!med christmas, didn't I?
Made it so far. Not too much time left before I won't have to worry about it anymore lol
I'm afraid for tomorrow, I'm going over to my neighbors, and they play a Christmas music radio station from the time we arrive to the time we leave.
Drove around all day shopping and family stuff. If i make it past Christmas Eve im home free, we listen to peanuts christmas songs on Christmas
Welp, I spoke too soon. Was in the car, my dad turned on the radio, couldn't get my headphones on in time, Wham! is playing. So close this year...

Bummer have even ears hardly an Christmas music this year myself
Welp, I spoke too soon. Was in the car, my dad turned on the radio, couldn't get my headphones on in time, Wham! is playing. So close this year...
I was planning some sort of attempt to Wham! you myself through PSN but I guess your Dad got there first with the pesky car radio! :lol: