GTPLMS S2 Round 4 Qualifying - California Wineries Sonoma Grand Prix *RESULTS POSTED*


Welcome to the GTPLMS

Round 4: California Wineries Sonoma Grand Prix

Round 4
Track: Infineon Raceway Sports Car Course - 2.52 miles (4.06km)
Length: Hot-lap Qualifying (Best Lap)
Deadline: Monday, June 11th @ 6p CST (GMT -6)


Infineon Raceway, formerly known as Sears Point, takes center stage for Round 4 of the GTPLMS. This storied track is a tight course, with blind, off-camber turns, sweeping esses, and large elevation changes. The Sports Car Course challenges drivers further than the short course with the addition of 2 seperate hairpins and a long sweeping downhill left that leaves you white knuckled and begging for more.

Car Specifications
Driver		Car#	Car			HP	   Wgt
C-H-A-R-G-E-R	0	Courage C60		750(-5)	  900(0)
Tyre King	2	Toyota GT-One		756(0)	  900(0)
RACECAR		3	Audi R8			712(-9)	  900(0)
danny12		12	Audi R8			751(-4)	  900(0)
ERacer		14	Courage C60		750(-5)	  900(0)
Earth		16	Pescarolo PS2		746(-6)	  900(0)
ICallShotgun	17	Audi R8			720(-8)	  900(0)
Delfino		25	Pescarolo PS2		753(-5)	  900(0)[/color]
Grand Touring 1
Driver		Car#	Car			HP	   Wgt
Earth		30	BMW McLaren F1 GTR	524(-13)  1045(10)
Drift_Kid35	35	Dodge Viper GTS-R	576(-2)	  1150(0)
CAMikaze	38	Chevy Camaro LM		605(2)	  1125(-2)
ICallShotgun	45	Dodge Viper GTS-R	570(-3)	  1150(0)
ERacer		45	Ford GT LM SpecII	588(-3)	  1118(-1)
C-H-A-R-G-E-R	50	Dodge Viper GTS-R	576(-2)	  1150(0)
Tyre King	69	Dodge Viper GTS-R	570(-3)	  1150(0)[/color]
Grand Touring 2
Driver		Car#	Car			HP	   Wgt
RACECAR		53	Audi TT-R		449(-3)	  1101(-2)
chollo9		60	BMW M3 GTR		448(1)	  1097(-2)
ICallShotgun	63	BMW M3 GTR		448(1)	  1097(-2)
SammiTougeGirl	66	Vauxhall Astra		449(-1)	  1100(+10)
Delfino		75	Mazda RX7 LM		446(-11)  1112(+3)
CAMikaze	77	Mazda RX7 LM		456(-9)	  1112(+3)
C-H-A-R-G-E-R	00	Mazda RX7 LM		446(-11)  1112(+3)[/color]
Grand Touring 3
Driver		Car#	Car			HP	   Wgt
GTXDriver	76	Subaru CUSCO Impreza	282(-9)	  1100(0)
oldphart	77	Subaru CUSCO Impreza	285(-8)	  1100(0)
danny12		78	Subaru CUSCO Impreza	288(-7)	  1100(0)
ICallShotgun	83	Honda S2000 LM		293(-7)	  1071(+2)
azevedojose	88	Toyota Altezza		294(-2)	  1100(+10)
CAMikaze	94	Subaru CUSCO Impreza	292(-6)	  1100(0)
Delfino		98	Subaru CUSCO Impreza	279(-10)  1100(0)
SammiTougeGirl	99	Renault Clio		311(6)	  1069(-7)[/color]
Rules and Regulations​

All rules, regulations, car specifications, and races are controlled by GTPLMS sanctioning body, GTMSA. Any and all questions should be directed to GTMSA officials (namely me ICallShotgun) and officials will do their best to answer in a timely and accurate manor.

All drivers must run at the specified weights and horsepower settings provided by GTMSA for each round. Horsepower and/or weight settings are adjusted for competitive reasons each round based on finishing positions from previous rounds.

Penalties for Late Time Submission will be as such.
If the driver submits times Private Messaged through GTP to ICallShotgun before the deadline as time-stamped by GTP, no penaly will be given. A driver has up to 3 hours after deadline to send in their time, but a penalty will be enforced equal to the lateness of the submission, 1 second for every minute after deadline up to 3hr past deadline. Anything after 3hr will not be accepted and will post a DNS/DNQ.

All Other Standard Online Racing Rules apply.
  • No Cheating, Hybrids, or any crap like that. Run the car I set up for you please.
  • Try and keep two wheels on the road at all times. No shortcuts.
  • No wall-riding. It slows you down.

Qualifying (Hot Lap Qualify)
  • Arcade Mode>>>Time Trial>>>World Circuits>>>Infineon Sports Car Course>>>Select Car
  • Tires restricted to RM/RM ONLY.
  • TCS is allowed IF DESIRED, but NOT mandatory. ACS is PROHIBITED.
  • Gearing is free.

Time Sending Format
Please make sure you send your Times formatted this way. It'll make it easier on me and we'll be good.

Driver Name:
Total Time:
Best Lap Time:

That's it. Have fun.

Round 4 Qualifying: California Wineries Sonoma Grand Prix
Prototype (PRO)
Driver		Car						Time	
[color=#C3A519]ICallShotgun	#17 Intersport Audi R8				1:14.810[color=orange]  1pt[/color][/color]
Delfino		#25 Labatts Pescarolo PS2			1:15.414
C-H-A-R-G-E-R	#0 Playstation Courage C60			1:16.118
NIGHT MICHAEL	#7 Red Bull Courage C60				1:16.304
Tyre King	#2 Stanner Stair Lifts Toyota GT-One		1:16.532
ERacer		#14 Spencerline Performance Courage C60		1:17.848
Earth		#16 Microsoft Pescarolo PS2			3:06.182[color=red]*[/color]
RACECAR		#3 Playstation3 Audi R8				DNQ
[color=red]Time verified by competitor[/color][/color]

Grand Touring 1 (GT1)
Driver		Car						Time	
[color=#C3A519]GT3Emperor	#50 ??? Chevy Corvette C5R			1:21.576[color=orange]  1pt[/color][/color]
NIGHT MICHAEL	#27 Red Bull Dodge Viper GTS-R			1:22.123
ICallShotgun	#44 Dlink Dodge Viper GTS-R			1:22.479
C-H-A-R-G-E-R	#50 Playstation Dodge Viper GTS-R		1:22.531
Tyre King	#69 Sanatogen Dodge Viper GTS-R			1:23.227
CAMikaze	#38 Goodyear Tires Chevy Camaro LM		1:23.673
ERacer		#45 Spencerline Autoparts Ford GT LM SpecII	1:25.468
Earth		#30 Microsoft BMW McLaren F1 GTR		2:59.778[color=red]*
Time verified by Competitor[/color][/color]

Grand Touring 2 (GT2)
Driver		Car						Time	
[color=#C3A519]GT3Emperor	#56 ??? Nissan 350Z LM				1:24.262[color=orange]  1pt[/color][/color]
SammiTougeGirl	#66 Enkei Wheels Vauxhall Astra 		1:24.456
Delfino		#75 QuarterMasters Mazda RX7 LM			1:25.119
ICallShotgun	#63 Toshiba BMW M3 GTR				1:25.283
C-H-A-R-G-E-R	#00 Eclipse Mazda RX7 LM			1:25.734
chollo9		#60 Jagermeister BMW M3 GTR			1:25.811
NIGHT MICHAEL	#70 Red Bull Mazda RX7 LM			1:26.112
CAMikaze	#77 Pepsi Mazda RX7 LM				1:26.392
RACECAR		#53 Siemens Audi TT-R				DNQ
waynz		#58 ??? Mercedes CLK Touring Car		New[/color]

Grand Touring 3 (GT3)
Driver		Car						Time	
[color=#C3A519]GTXDriver	#76 Yokohama Subaru CUSCO Impreza		1:30.357[color=orange]  1pt[/color][/color]
oldphart	#77 BVD Subaru CUSCO Impreza			1:31.174
ICallShotgun	#83 Southern Comfort Honda S2000 LM		1:31.732
SammiTougeGirl	#99 Enkei Wheels Renault Clio Race Car		1:32.771
CAMikaze	#94 Otakon SubarU CUSCO Impreza 		1:32.870
Delfino		#98 Advan Motorsports Subaru CUSCO Impreza	1:33.281
azevedojose	#88 Yokohama Toyota Altezza			1:34.268[/color]

Drivers Championships
Prototype (PRO) Drivers Points
Driver		Car					Points	Diff
ICallShotgun	#17 Intersport Audi R8			51	
RACECAR		#3 Playstation3 Audi R8			38	-13
C-H-A-R-G-E-R	#0 Playstation Courage C60		36	-15
Earth		#16 Microsoft Pescarolo PS2		21	-30
Delfino		#25 Courage Pescarolo PS2		21	-30
Tyre King	#2 Stanner Stair Lifts Toyota GT-One	20	-31
ERacer		#14 Pescarolo Courage C60		9	-42
danny12		#12 Roblex Aviation Audi R8		8	-43
NIGHT MICHAEL	#7 Red Bull Courage C60			1	-50
Grand Touring 1 (GT1) Drivers Points
Driver		Car					Points	Diff
C-H-A-R-G-E-R	#50 Playstation Dodge Viper GTS-R	48	
Tyre King	#69 Sanatogen Dodge Viper GTS-R		31	-17
Earth		#30 Microsoft BMW McLaren F1 GTR	29	-19
Drift_Kid35	#35 MOPAR Dodge Viper GTS-R		24	-24
ICallShotgun	#44 DLink Dodge Viper GTS-R		20	-28
ERacer		#45 Spencerline AutoParts Ford GT	18	-30
CAMikaze	#38 Goodyear Tires Chevy Camaro LM	11	-37
GT3Emperor	#50 SuperPro Chevy Corvette C5R		2	-46
NIGHT MICHAEL	#27 Red Bull Dodge Viper GTS-R		1	-47
Grand Touring 2 (GT2) Drivers Points
Driver		Car					Points	Diff
C-H-A-R-G-E-R	#00 Eclipse Mazda RX7 LM		36	
RACECAR		#53 Siemens Audi TT-R			34	-2
Delfino		#75 Mazda Mazda RX7 LM			34	-2
chollo9		#60 JagerMeister BMW M3 GTR		27	-9
SammiTougeGirl	#66 Enkei Wheels Opel/Vauxhall Astra	26	-10
ICallShotgun	#63 Toshiba BMW M3 GTR			19	-17
CAMikaze	#77 Pepsi Mazda RX7 LM			18	-18
GT3Emperor	#56 SuperPro Nissan 350Z LM		2	-34
NIGHT MICHAEL	#70 Red Bull Mazda RX7 LM		1	-35
waynz		#58 ??? Mercedes CLK Touring Car	0	-36
Grand Touring 3 (GT3) Drivers Points
Driver		Car					Points	Diff
Delfino		#98 Advan Subaru CUSCO Impreza		39	
GTXDriver	#76 Yokohama Subaru CUSCO Impreza	37	-2
SammiTougeGirl	#99 Enkei Wheels Renault Clio		37	-2
ICallShotgun	#83 Southern Comfort Honda S2000 LM	22	-17
azevedojose	#88 Yokohama Toyota Altezza		19	-20
CAMikaze	#94 Otakon Subaru CUSCO Impreza		16	-23
oldphart	#77 BVDs Subaru CUSCO Impreza		13	-26
danny12		#78 Embraer Subaru CUSCO Impreza	12	-27

Manufacturers Championships
Prototype (PRO) Manufacturers Points
Manufacturer	Points	Diff
Audi		32	
Pescarolo	24	-8
Toyota		8	-24
BMW		0	-32
Bentley		0	-32[/color]
Grand Touring 1 (GT1) Manufacturers Points
Manufacturer	Points	Diff
Dodge		28	
BMW		20	-8
Ford		10	-18
Chevy		4	-24
Pagani		0	-28[/color]
Grand Touring 2 (GT2) Manufacturers Points
Manufacturer	Points	Diff
Mazda		28	
BMW		16	-12
Audi		14	-14
Opel/Vauxhall	14	-14
Nissan		1	-27
Mercedes	0	-28[/color]
Grand Touring 3 (GT3) Manufacturers Points
Manufacturer	Points	Diff
Subaru		32	
Renault		22	-10
Honda		9	-23
Toyota		9	-23[/color]
An open track :) I'll start running tomorrow, moralized by my 3rd place at NY. :dopey:

Chris, I'm sorry for not letting you know I was dropping the PRO class!!! Sorry for any inconvenience!!! :guilty:
Sorry Chris for being late from Round 3.RL got in the way.:guilty:
Congratulations to oldphart.Good job and a nice result in the last round.👍
I try to race in this round,but nothing is sure yet.:nervous:
NightMichael Out
Drew22 Out - sorry buddy
Azevedojose Out PRO only
jump_ace Voluntary out

Reserved for Results

Chris, Andy's been laid up in bed after a relapse after his back op! He was forced into a week of complete bed rest by the doc's.

I'm sure he still wants to compete, shoot him a PM (if you haven't already) and see if he's gonna be capable of carrying on or not?

thanks for the kind words Laz 👍
Sorry to hear Andy is laid up again :ouch:

On to Sonoma - I take it I don't get the hp restriction until the race ?
Just checking

Yes,Chris,I think Andy doesn't want to quit his presence in LMS.
He is not that kind.He has a more than acceptable reason why he didn't compete in the last round.:ill:

I've just realized that this qualifying is a hot lapper.💡
Wow,I like it.👍
Really sorry Chris, but after my back operation a few weeks ago I tried to come back with my activities too quickly and reinjured myself. As I told Neil the Dr. said either a full week in bed or back into the hospital where they would make sure I stayed in bed. He also threatened to take my pain meds away so I buckeled to his orders. I understand that my lack of particapation has caused my expulsion, but it wasn't because I wanted to miss races. In four seasons in the JGTC I never missed a race or a quali, I just woudn't do that, it's not fair to the organiser , partner and other drivers. I'll probably just run the remaining races on my own and compare my times, no big deal really. I'm just sorry my physical problems let the series down, please accept my appologies everyone.
Hi Drew22. I'm talking just for myself when I say I don't really mind you take part in LMS when you can, even if you miss a few more races/rounds. Same goes to everyone else already out.

The more, the merrier ;)

EDIT: oups, forgot the most important part. Wishes of a quick recovery!!! 👍

EDIT2: please refresh my mind. Can we discuss T-Times?
Thanks guys, I really appreciate it, but I shouldn't get preferential treatment. That just opens a can of worms that would put Chris in a difficult position when the next guy misses too many events and he must expell him and the driver says , hey you gave Andy a second chance why not me. Chris has to be consistant to keep his reputation and respect, and I'm sorry I put him in the awkward situation I did, I'm sure he didn't want to expell me and I'm sure he felt bad about it. He did what he had to do and again I appologise for having to make him do it. I'll probably live:)
Hi Drew22. I'm talking just for myself when I say I don't really mind you take part in LMS when you can, even if you miss a few more races/rounds. Same goes to everyone else already out.

The more, the merrier ;)

That's a good point. Could Andy, or anyone for that matter, come back and rejoin the LMS as an independent driver? It would be just as if someone were to join the LMS for the first time late into the season, no?

In any case - hope you get well soon Andy!

Well, I'm sorry too, (and not just because Andy is my best bud on here, and my partner in crime too), but at least Andy has a DAMN good reason for missing a few rounds in what was advertised as a 'voluntary participation' series where guys could race when they wanted to...

I mean, SPINAL-SURGERY! for cripe's sake!

It's not like he had a hang-nail or a bruised ego, it's lifestyle threatening!!!!!

Give the guy a break (:scared: no pun intended!)

I agree that his participation in the team championship is well and truely screwed!

Hey old man ! LOL
What the hell are you doing ? ! Thinking you are still young and can bounce like you use to ? Ever hear the word Smuck ? LOL I'm suppose to be the one with the bad back - that job was taken :dopey:

maybe now you'll recover like you were suppose to :) I'm sure the wifey has had a few choice words once she knew you were going to be ok. So I'll let her do that aspect:sly:

As far as being tossed ? hmm... I wasn't here for the start of the season, having only joined this last race. So I don't know how it was set up. I just know this - Andy may be ignorant at times - well ok, stubborn :) - but he does love his racing 👍 So he ends up like me, old and bald ? :ouch: no, without a partner. No biggie. I'm here to race - and give Neil and Andy crap along the way 👍

I'm sorry you're hurting there big guy. I spent 5 years in rehab fixing my back so they wouldn't have to take a knife to it :scared:

get well - that's the main thing

Drew / Andy .. wishing you a 'speedy' recovery 'back' to 100% .. Del / Marty

Time to look after yourself M8 .. everything else comes 2nd .
Had a go at this last night in PRO. Another great track and lots of fun to drive. Is it me, or do turns 2 & 3a feel a lot like a certain segment of El Capitan. Remember our test laps at El Cap; the left turn up the hill leading into the tunnel? And then a steep plunge down and slightly to the right into the tunnel followed by a sharp right then left? How could anyone forget that? :crazy: Well, turns 2 & 3a just reminded me of that - same type of handling required, I think. :scared: I love rollercoasters too! :D

Something I did out of curiosity, and something I plan to do in an even more in depth basis with my own series, Formula GT, RECORD KEEPING.

Here is the basic records of the first 13 races of the history of GTPLMS. Thought I might share my findings here 👍


ICallShotgun - 4
East - 3
GTXDriver - 1

ICallShotgun - 7
GT3Emporer - 2
Delfino - 1

ICallShotgun - 4
BallstotheWall - 4

Drew22 - 1
Delfino - 1
CAMikaze - 1
GT3Emporer - 1
C-H-A-R-G-E-R - 1
east - 1

SammiTougeGirl - 3
GTXDriver - 3
east - 2
GT3Emporer - 2
oldphart - 1
ICallShotgun - 1
BallstotheWall - 1

SammiTougeGirl - 2
GTXDriver - 1

1. ICallShotgun - 16
2. east - 6
3. RACECAR - 5
4. GT3Emporer - 5
5. BallstotheWall - 5
6. SammiTougeGirl - 5
7. GTXDriver - 4
8. Delfino - 2
9. Drew22 - 1
10. Camikaze - 1
11. C-H-A-R-G-E-R - 1
12. oldphart - 1


Delfino - 2
East - 2
ICallShotgun - 2
C-H-A-R-G-E-R - 1
Earth - 1

ICallShotgun - 8
Delfino - 2

Drew 22 - 4
ICallShotgun - 4
C-H-A-R-G-E-R - 2
Delfino - 1
east - 1
Drift_Kid_35 - 1

Drew22 - 5
BallstotheWall - 4
CAMikaze - 1
C-H-A-R-G-E-R - 1
oldphart - 1

GTXDriver - 1
Delfino - 1
oldphart - 1

1. ICallShotgun - 14
2. Drew22 - 9
3. Delfino - 6
4. RACECAR - 6
5. C-H-A-R-G-E-R - 4
6. BallstotheWall - 4
7. East - 3
8. oldphart - 2
9. CAMikaze - 1
10. Earth - 1
11. Drift_Kid_35 - 1
12. GTXDriver - 1


ICallShotgun - 12
Delfino - 9
Earth - 4
C-H-A-R-G-E-R - 2
east - 2
racefan88501 - 1

ICallShotgun - 10
Delfino - 10
racefan88501 - 3
GT3Emporer - 2

BallstotheWall - 10
ICallShotgun - 8
Drew22 - 6
Delfino - 5
C-H-A-R-G-E-R - 3
Earth - 2
ERacer - 1
Drift_Kid_35 - 1
GT3Emporer - 1
east - 1

BallstotheWall - 10
Drew22 - 8
oldphart - 6
Delfino - 4
ICallShotgun - 2
CAMikaze - 2
chollo9 - 2
C-H-A-R-G-E-R - 2
SammiTougeGirl - 1
GTXDriver - 1

GTXDriver - 2
Delfino - 2
SammiTougeGirl - 2
oldphart - 1
CAMikaze - 1
azevedojose - 1

1. ICallShotgun - 32
2. Delfino - 30
3. BallstotheWall - 20
4. Drew22 - 14
5. RACECAR - 10
6. oldphart - 7
7. C-H-A-R-G-E-R - 7
8. Earth - 6
9. racefan88501 - 4
10. GT3Emporer - 3
11. East - 3
12. CAMikaze - 3
13. SammiTougeGirl - 3
14. GTXDriver - 3
15. chollo9 - 2
16. drift_kid_35 - 1
17. ERacer - 1
18. azevedojose - 1

Fast Laps:

Delfino - 4
ICallShotgun - 2
East - 1

ICallShotgun - 5
Delfino - 4
GT3Emporer - 1


Drew 22 - 3
Delfino - 2
ICallShotgun - 2
C-H-A-R-G-E-R - 2
GT3Emporer - 1
ERacer - 1
east - 1
BallstotheWall - 1

BallstotheWall - 5
Drew22 - 2
C-H-A-R-G-E-R - 1
Delfino - 1
GT3Emporer - 1
oldphart - 1

SammiTougeGirl - 1
Delfino - 1
CAMikazee - 1

1. Delfino - 12
2. ICallShotgun - 9
3. BallstotheWall - 6
4. RACECAR - 6
5. Drew 22 - 5
6. C-H-A-R-G-E-R - 3
7. GT3Emporer - 3
8. east - 2
9. ERacer - 1
10. oldphart - 1
11. SammiTougeGirl - 1
12. CAMikazee - 1
Somebody has been busy....👍

Well, I'm joining the series in GT1... with the Corvette C5R, and GT2... with the Nissan 350Z. Greetings to all....and get well wishes to those who are not feeling well.

I'll see you all at the track.....👍 :)
Is this qualifying 'and the race'? ......due on the 11th or just qualifying?:dunce:

EDIT: I think I figured it out ....just qualifying...very cool!


Since revised results haven't been posted for last week's GT2 race, I don't really know what I should be using as a HP setting for this week's qualifying.

If you're accepting my corrected time, as you said in your post, then that puts me in first place at NY, which results in a -2 HP setting (from normal), correct? And this would also affect Camikaze's and SammiTougeGirl's settings too.

This waiting is making it hard to get the job done.


GT3: Yeah, just Qualifying!

Joe: Go with what you have said mate!
If your corrected time means you won that class, then take the -2 hit and run with it.
And PM the others to tell them the changes.

Don't know whats going on with Chris, he could quite poss be tied up in RL.

GT3: Yeah, just Qualifying!

Joe: Go with what you have said mate!
If your corrected time means you won that class, then take the -2 hit and run with it.
And PM the others to tell them the changes.

Don't know whats going on with Chris, he could quite poss be tied up in RL.



Yeah, that's what I did, and I'll PM them too. Since I hadn't been able to give qualifying a shot until today, I didn't really think about the effect all this would have on everyone.

RL is pretty much restricting me to one or two trys per week right now, plus I wasn't sure if it was cool to go over Chris's head and announce what my corrected time was, since he's the boss and all! :)
I'll be submitting my GT3 and GT1 times in a little while. But I got a bad feeling about what the revised GT2 results will be.:ill: 💡 In the meantime, I'll be guarding my class winners trophy with my trusty Super Soaker.:dopey: Not to mention doing some qualifying with the possible revised settings.;)
Sending my time,right now.
I think I left about 0.2-0.3 sec in the first section.When I got it,I lost it somewhere else on the track.:ouch:
Anyway,that was a good lap.👍
Good luck you all.
Times send to Chris!

Don't like Infineon, really. Never have performed well here.:indiff:

Hello, fellow participants. I will not be able to submit a time for qualifying so I ask that, as crazy as this may sound, one of you guys please qualify the #3 Audi R8 and the #53 Audi TT-R. I will be back in time to do the race. You don't have to drive both cars, but at least qualify one of them for me.


Since revised results haven't been posted for last week's GT2 race, I don't really know what I should be using as a HP setting for this week's qualifying.

If you're accepting my corrected time, as you said in your post, then that puts me in first place at NY, which results in a -2 HP setting (from normal), correct? And this would also affect Camikaze's and SammiTougeGirl's settings too.

This waiting is making it hard to get the job done.



Yeah, the same thing with me in GT1. My GT2 result still there not the GT1. That's why I'm still the last one. But it lookes like I had won the race in New York. The only racer with unknown result is Joe. If my time is better - then I'd won the race. So I decided to race with -2%HP :guilty:
Chris do not answer on both my PM about my GT1 result...