GTP's Member of the week no.11 - Introducing Slicks

Name: Cam Weiss
Age: 17
Where I live: Sidney, BC, Canada (Vancouver Island)
I am part... Irish, Polish, German
Occupation: Student (Grade 12), Lordco Auto Parts parts driver.
Interests: Cars, computers & gaming, scale models, Classic Rock and some Blues, and much more.
Physical Description: About 6 foot tall, dark blond/light brown hair, light skin, slight build.
Personality: Somewhat shy, sarcastic, friendly, a perfectionist most of the time, fairly intellectual.
Goal: To earn enough money to support my hobbies & live comfortably. Fun job is considered a bonus.


There you go fellas :)
Do you think you'll be as popular as me in my member of the week topic? lol

When's your birthday?

Cam Weiss sounds like a cool name, do you like it?
What's the best part of living in Sidney?

The airplanes flying over your head?
The Butchart Gardens?
The ferry traffic on the Pat Bay Highway?

When did your family jump teh pond?

Do you know Rumple is viewing this thread?

Can you reccomend any local bands?

Are you Hard!?
How many whales have you touched?

Do you prefer to kick or hang out with the heroin addicts?

Do you like to hug all the big tree's out there or are you too busy clear cutting them to care?

Whats up with the crazy prices of houses out there?! Half a mill. for a shack?!?! Thats crazy!
So lets say theres this crazy situation you could either sacrifice one GTP member or have the planet explode, which GTP member would you sacrifice? (Can't Sacrifice yourself.)
He's not in Australia, he's in Sidney not Sydney ;).

What's your ideal meal?

Who would you mos like to meet that's famous and why?

Do you have a special someone in your life?

Which of the following describes you closest?
Always right.
Easy to walk over.
Short tempered.

Note that I said the closest to, not describes you to a tee.

Do you live with your parents or in your own place/rented place?

Have you ever been to Ireland, Poland or Germany?
Will you ignore this question?

Would you ever eat a pizza that had artichokes on it?

Have you ever been in trouble wit da po po?

What do you drive?

Death Ray or Tractor Beam?

Family Guy or American Dad?

Metallica or Megadeth?

Chuck Norris or That stupid dude thats no where near as cool as Chuck from 24?

Soccer or (American) Football?

Figure Skating or Skipping thru feilds picking wildflowers?
Do you think you'll be as popular as me in my member of the week topic? lol

When's your birthday?

Cam Weiss sounds like a cool name, do you like it?

But of course I'll be as popular as you. (er... I hope... 150 replies might be hard to match).
My birthday's on June 22, and I was born in '88.
And, yes, I love my name. It = complete awesomeness. Although people always mistake it for Ken when they hear it.

ferrari chris
Do you ever plan to visit Sydney, Australia?

Infact, do you plan to do any travelling? If so, where to?
While I can't say I plan to travel to Sydney, I do hope that my travels will one day take me there.
No set plans for travelling, save for a trip back to Alberta at the end of August to visit friends/family.

why the name Slicks?
When I joined, I just thought to myself that it related somewhat to the GT series, and everyone knew what Slicks were. Plus, it doesn't get old over time, such as the name of a car I own or owned, or a something fanboyish (Not that I have anything against names like those).

What's the best part of living in Sidney?

The airplanes flying over your head?
The Butchart Gardens?
The ferry traffic on the Pat Bay Highway?
Erm... how do you know all this!?
Airplanes aren't that bad where I am, kinda in-between flight paths. Besides, we get mainly light aircraft, and fairly quiest 737-700's.
I've been to Butchart, and the fireworks every Saturday in the summer are fantastic from the water (there's an inlet that goes all the way up to it).
I hate ferry traffic. Especially 'cuz I deliver parts and need to wait for 10-minute traffic lights to get those deliveries done.
The best part? Probably the weather, and the scenery. I am surrounded by the gulf islands, and the ocean. The grass is green, and it's been 25 Celcius for the past week or longer.

As a fellow Canuck, do you think Canada should have its own car manufacturer?
Well... we kinda put together some of GM's cars. And Ford, I believe.
And we had the Bricklin SV-1. Nobody can forget how awesome (a wee bit of sarcasm there) that car was. But sure, might as well have our own name.

When did your family jump teh pond?

Do you know Rumple is viewing this thread?

Can you reccomend any local bands?

Are you Hard!?

Well... my family is Canadian. I should have said that my heritage was Irish, German, and Polish. I lived in Alberta till I was 13, and then moved out here.
Rumple isn't viewing right now. (Which reminds me.... I haven't seen him for a while... Hi rumple)
Local bands... Local bands... Not offhand. I'm more into classic rock, instead of the common punkrock/hardrock/etc stuff around here.
No, I'm not Hard!, although I do remember something about that in a thread :D

How many whales have you touched?

Do you prefer to kick or hang out with the heroin addicts?

Do you like to hug all the big tree's out there or are you too busy clear cutting them to care?

Whats up with the crazy prices of houses out there?! Half a mill. for a shack?!?! Thats crazy!

Touched approximately zero whales, +/- one.
I don't really hang out with hardcore druggies, although a couple friends do peruse the local product.
While I'm not exactly a treehugger, I don't want the forests cut down. Unless they're already dead (read: Those stupid pine beetles)
I am very aware of our nutjob housing prices. It's a desireable place to live, I guess!! (Although we bought our house before they really boomed. Not enough room to build, so prices will continue to go up (Yay for me still living at home in 10 years!!!)

Have you ever met anyone famous?
Not to my knowlege... Don't really care, either.

So lets say theres this crazy situation you could either sacrifice one GTP member or have the planet explode, which GTP member would you sacrifice? (Can't Sacrifice yourself.)
Why... I believe Fergu$ Manergu$ is gone... Rogue is gone...

What's your ideal meal?

Who would you mos like to meet that's famous and why?

Do you have a special someone in your life?

Which of the following describes you closest?
Always right.
Easy to walk over.
Short tempered.

Note that I said the closest to, not describes you to a tee.

Do you live with your parents or in your own place/rented place?

Have you ever been to Ireland, Poland or Germany?
Ideal meal.... That changes frequently, but ATM, I would love some AAA Alberta steak, stuffed potatoes, caesar salad, a tall Iced tea, and some chocolate ice cream for desert.
Don't care to meet anyone famous, really. Mabye Carroll Shelby, or Mario Andretti. Or Bob Lutz, just to give him a pat on the back for rejuvenating GM.
Special someone... If by that you mean girlfriend, no.
Which of the following describes you closest?
Always right.
Easy to walk over.
Short tempered.
Well, I'm always right, I guess. Mabye. Now quit asking me or I'll e-kick-you-in-the-ass.
I live with my mom, as my parents are divorced. Still see my dad quite often.
Never been to Europe. Can't even say I've been more than 100 kliks south of the border.
Are you slick?
Yup. Damn rights.

Will you ignore this question?

Would you ever eat a pizza that had artichokes on it?

Have you ever been in trouble wit da po po?

What do you drive?

Death Ray or Tractor Beam?

Family Guy or American Dad?

Metallica or Megadeth?

Chuck Norris or That stupid dude thats no where near as cool as Chuck from 24?

Soccer or (American) Football?

Figure Skating or Skipping thru feilds picking wildflowers?

Ignore what question?
Never had pizza w/ artichokes on it. Don't even know what they are.
Never been in serious trouble with the po-nine. Had my name taken a couple times, though.
I drive a 1992 Eagle Talon TSi. Black/Black with a black leather interior. AWD, and a 5 Speed. Got it two weeks ago Wednesday. (I've been meaning to post pics sometime)
I would take a Tractor Beam. Star wars rules.
Family Guy sucks. But American dad Uber-Mega sucks.
Mettalica over Megadeath, although I don't particularly like either.
Jack Bauer can't unplug the internet, roundhouse kick you, cure cancer, or urinate Red Bull. Therefore, he is inferior.
Soccer (The kind with the spotty black and white ball).
Skipping thru fields. It is a very fun activity, till you trip over a hay bale :dunce

aren't penguins the greatest?
Only in zoos.

Yet ANOTHER deluge of questions from Siverzone. Pretty soon I'm gonna sacrifice him.
Favorite Soda?
Favorite Meal?
Best thing on McDonalds Menu?
It's called pop. P-o-p. And it's a tie between A&W Root Beer, and CocaCola.
Meal was already detailed earlier...
The best thing on the McDanks menu was the Big West burger. Then they killed it.

Would you snort a chocolate milkshake?
Only after you.

Are you our latest phantom MotW?
Nope. Promise not. I just got off work, however.
Did you know you're exactly one day younger then me?
How long to you plan to keep my quote in your signature?
If you were any woman on earth, who would you be? Why?
Would you prefer to be a Mermaid or a Birdman?
Did you know you're exactly one day younger then me?
How long to you plan to keep my quote in your signature?
If you were any woman on earth, who would you be? Why?
Would you prefer to be a Mermaid or a Birdman?

Well, I can brag about being younger than you in 50 years, when younger is better.
That quote, as a matter of fact, I had forgotten about. But it's staying, nonetheless.
If I were any woman on earth.... I would have to say Melinda Gates. I would then take a horde of cash, hide it, and find it for myself later.
And I would prefer to be a mermaid. The water may be cold, but I would take boobs over wings.

Do you love don_vito? and did you know that I sit his account?
d_v!? He's my favorite! Only obliterated 2.5 Travian accounts of mine. Ha. I don't know why, but it seems funny in perspective.
(What's this, you're sitting his account?) Could I have access so I could suicide his troops against his ally's? Pleeeeeze?
On a completely related note, how goes the travianeering?

Do you play Halo for PC?

What's your favorite brand of gum?
I do not, in fact, play Halo for PC. I've never played Halo, to my knowlege. I do, however, play Battlefield '42, and its' variants (Like Vietnam) on a frequent basis.
I don't chew gum, usually. I have a pack of Excel, I think, in my car. So I'll go with that. Or mabye it's Dentyne. One of them.

Boob man, ass man or leg man?
Hmmm.... Tough choice. Probably assman, as boobs can be, shall we say, modified, if so desired.

Come on... Keep the questions flowing!
Which do you prefer, Car & Driver or Road & Track?

Have you ever met Nelly Furtado or Steve Nash? (Assuming that you grew up in Victoria)
I used to subscribe to R&T, but not having subscribed to either for years, I'd have to say C&D, due the better articles that I've read recently.

I didn't grow up in Victoria, but instead of Alberta. I moved here when I was 13.
As such, I have never met Furtado or Nash, and have no desire to do so. I am not a fan of either's work.
(I'm out for the night.... Work tomorrow... but keep posting! I WILL answer when I get home!)