GTP's Member of the week no.11 - Introducing Slicks

Why did the chicken cross the road?
Well, it didn't make it all the way. It got run over by a truck.

fruit flavored water or normal water?
Bed or futon?
Shoes or sandals?
ATV's or Dirtbikes?
Do you find Larry the Cable Guy funny?
Windows or Mac?
PS2 or Xbox?
Favorite car make?
are you single?
have you ever attempted anything you were forbidden to attempt?

Normal water, thanks. If I want something fruity, I can get juice.
Bed, over futon.
ATV over a dirtbike, although I've never ridden a dirtbike.
I'm sure Larry the Cable Guy is funny, but honestly, I've never seen it (er... him).
Windows over a mac. Any time, anywhere.
PS2 over the Box.
Favorite car make.... I would have to say GM as a whole. They have made lots of cool cars in the past, and are reinventing themselves currently, with many promising vehicles in the future.
I am single. Unfortunately.
Have I ever attempted forbidden things?. Well, depends what you mean. I've done my share of speeding. I'm sure I've done the type of thing where the parent says "Don't do _____", and I go ahead and do it. Can't remember any off the top of my head, though.
Yeah, it's very different. I thought it was my computer screwing up on me again.

Anyways, another question for ya:

What music player do you use? (as in iTunes, Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, etc.) and why?
I use Windows Media. I loathe iTunes, as it always tries to override my settings to default to it (My brother uses iTunes, so it tries to default me to it).
Victoria rules over vancouver.
I had my provincials at the end of the first semester, and none at the end of Second. No firm plans for further schooling, but a pilots liscense is a distinct possiblity.
English 12. None of my other courses had provincials.
I was in Honors English, so that helped prepare me slightly more than regular English 12. That said, it wasn't that bad.

Come on! Keep asking Q's.
Ahh I see. Honors English...👍

Alright, I'll pull out the dumb Q's as well.

Do you have a clock in your room?

How do you wake up everyday?

What's your favorite color for T-shirts and why?
I've got a clock/alarm in my room, and my watch.

I wake up to a blaring 'beep-beep-beep' sound, which I have to get up and walk across the room to turn off. I then hit the 'snooze' button and go back to bed for another ten minutes.

I like black t-shirts, and beige/tan ones. They go with almost anything, a point to be made because I usually wear a nicer shirt (short sleeve or long) over it.
English 12. None of my other courses had provincials.

huh? can you have only one provincial and graduate....(looking at my good old high school student learning plan)....i thought you need to complete a whole bunch of "selected studies" in order to least 10 of those credits (which is equivalent to 2-3 courses) has to be grade 12 level...and most grade 12 courses are provincially examinable....

and how can you do sooo well in english?
and how can you do sooo well in english?

Same exact question.

I'm a B~C+ student in English :guilty: although I am still classified under ESL in writing - which is pretty bad considering I've been here in Canada for 5 1/2 years.


Do you prefer Halo or Halo 2?

Are you planning to get Halo 3 or Xbox 360 anytime in the future?
I'm a B~C+ student in English :guilty: although I am still classified under ESL in writing - which is pretty bad considering I've been here in Canada for 5 1/2 years.

dont worry man....i was in ESL until grade 11...and i know some people who were in ESL longer than me and you
huh? can you have only one provincial and graduate....(looking at my good old high school student learning plan)....i thought you need to complete a whole bunch of "selected studies" in order to least 10 of those credits (which is equivalent to 2-3 courses) has to be grade 12 level...and most grade 12 courses are provincially examinable....

and how can you do sooo well in english?
It's complicated. First, I'm on the old plan, and I'm assuming you're on the new plan for graduating.
Second, I had two full semesters of grade 12 courses. However, English was the only one that was provincially examinable.
(Or... let me correct that. I was also in Physics, but due to my horribly bad math skills, I ended up dropping out after our teachers went on strike for a week. It was pretty much hopeless after that).

How can I do so well in English?
It's a combination of having a natural knack for the subject, and a few really good teachers to supplement that.

A Provincial exam is a standardised test distributed and regulated by the provincial government. It only applies to select subjects, and is supposed to be about two hours long. It is not given in all grades.

Do you prefer Halo or Halo 2?

Are you planning to get Halo 3 or Xbox 360 anytime in the future?

I, believe it or not, have never played Halo. I don't own an XBox, and from the few times I have played it, have learned to loathe the controls and their illogical layout.
Predictably, I have no plans to get a 360 or any of the Halo series. Not interested, thanks. Especially when I can have fun gaming on my computer.