GTP's Member of the week no.11 - Introducing Slicks

Do you fear the invasion of you country by America? Or will you accept your new conquerers with open arms?

Do you like maple syrup? Ive heard that it is very popular in Canada.

Your Favorite F1 driver?

Cigars or Pipes?

Ford or Chevy?

Ferrari or Lambo?

Pizza or Hamburger?

Sandals or tennis shoes?

Swiss or Cheddar?

Addidas or Nike?

Those questions will sufice for now. Till I think up some more.
What's your favorite style of music? Favorite Car? Best Sports saloon? Xbox 360, PS3 or Wii? Graffiti or Photography?
What happened to member of the week # 10, Brunetes or redheads, and have you finished the model T kit yet?
Would you bear chuck norris's Children?
Barbara Walters, Rosie O Donell, Or janet Reno (You have to pick...)
Would you want to go to Disney World?
... if so, which GTP member would you take?
Have you ever wondered what you would look like inside out?
Name one celebrity that you wouldnt mind fighting to the death.
Fishing or hunting?
running or jogging?
Breathing or walking???
drinking or eating?
Do you smoke?
Do ya drink?
Would you ever consider eating a cat?
Can you name a GTP user whos name starts with a metallic colour, and ends in another word for area?
d_v!? He's my favorite! Only obliterated 2.5 Travian accounts of mine. Ha. I don't know why, but it seems funny in perspective.
(What's this, you're sitting his account?) Could I have access so I could suicide his troops against his ally's? Pleeeeeze?
On a completely related note, how goes the travianeering?

I cannot allow this, he is in my alliance. Travian is boring, I think I will quit soon.

Here's another question for you.

Stephen Harper: Great Prime Minister or Greatest Prime Minister?
Wow... looks like another marathon reply is in short order.

What do you do to relax?
A few things. Go on GTP, play video games, read, watch TV, sleep.
Driving can infuriate me at times (There are a large amount of seniors that constantly do 10 under the limit in my area), but at others it can calm me down and is often a great way to relax. Find a nice curvy road, of which there is an abundance of here, and have a bit of fun.

Top 3 bands?

Favourite motorsport?

Are Greenday punk?

Top three bands...
1. Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble.
2. The Tragically Hip
3. The Guess Who/BTO.
Honorable mention goes to Clapton and his various groups, and ZZ Top.
Favorite motorsport? Speed GT and Touring championships. Followed by SCCA races, and Historic stuff like Monterey.
Greenday, IMHO, is emo-punkesque crap. September's over, so shut up.

El Gigante
Do you like eggs?
Sure. Scrambled w/ cheese, and omelettes being my favorites.

Why didn't you return any of my emails?
Look. I told you, it's over. It's been over for months, and honestly, it never really was much.


Do you fear the invasion of you country by America? Or will you accept your new conquerers with open arms?

Do you like maple syrup? Ive heard that it is very popular in Canada.

Your Favorite F1 driver?

Cigars or Pipes?

Ford or Chevy?

Ferrari or Lambo?

Pizza or Hamburger?

Sandals or tennis shoes?

Swiss or Cheddar?

Addidas or Nike?
I don't really fear invasion from the States. They've got their hands full in the middle east. Besides which, we can just torch your White House again.

Maple Syrup is OK, though I don't have it often.
My favorite F1 driver is Mario Andretti. Hey, you didn't say anything about it being current!
Cigars over pipes, though I've had only a few experiences with Cigars, and none with pipes.
Chevrolet, all the way (It helps that my dad used to sell them).
Ferrari over Lamborghini, but certainly not for any of their current cars.
I'll take a good burger over pizza, but a crappy pizza over a crappy burger.
I have little use for sandals, and don't think I've worn tennis shoes before. That said, closed-toe is more useful than open.
Cheddar cheese, please.
Adidas over Nike anytime. I've had a few pairs of Nike and they all fell apart much faster than my Adidas'.

What planet in our solar system has the coolest name?


tartar, rare, medium rare, medium, medium well, well, or cajun style? (blankened)
Medium rare to medium. Anywhere in there.

Integra Type R
What's your favorite style of music? Favorite Car? Best Sports saloon? Xbox 360, PS3 or Wii? Graffiti or Photography?

Classic Rock, and I'm not going to try and name a favorite car. Too many. To give you an idea, TR6's, MGB-GT's, Camaros of all years, C2 - C4 Corvettes, Datsun 510.
Best sports saloon... Well, honestly, I wouldn't buy anything current. Mabye an S4 or an S/RS6, or an E55 AMG.
PS3. Microsoft has a solid gold bank vault to play with, and I've always hated Nintendo.
Photography. You don't get arrested when you show it off.

What happened to member of the week # 10, Brunetes or redheads, and have you finished the model T kit yet?
#10 Died, don't ask.
Brunettes over redheads.
I haven't finished the T yet. Haven't glanced at the evil thing in a month. I will eventually.

Would you bear chuck norris's Children?
Barbara Walters, Rosie O Donell, Or janet Reno (You have to pick...)
Would you want to go to Disney World?
... if so, which GTP member would you take?
Have you ever wondered what you would look like inside out?
Name one celebrity that you wouldnt mind fighting to the death.
Fishing or hunting?
running or jogging?
Breathing or walking???
drinking or eating?
Do you smoke?
Do ya drink?
Would you ever consider eating a cat?

I don't have a choice. If Chuck Norris wants something, he'll make it happen.
Only heard Walters' name before, know who Rosie is, and never heard of Janet Reno. Therefore, I'm not picking.
I would go to Disney World, but not Land. I think I'd take Menglan, he seems pretty cool/similar to me.
I'd like to fight Chuck Norris to the death. It's be a quick death, at least.
Fishing, although truth be told I don't like either much.
Running. If I'm gonna run/jog, might as well do it right.
Drinking or eating... I would rather consume alcoholic beverages than eat, but I would rather eat than consume non-alcoholic beverages.
I have the occasional cigar, never smoked a cigarette.
Don't drink very often. I've had copious amounts a total of two times.
As much as I hate cats, I wouldn't eat one. It'd probably get hairs stuck in my teeth.
"Excuse me, sir, you appear to have food.... err... hair... in your teeth".

Can you name a GTP user whos name starts with a metallic colour, and ends in another word for area?
I believe he posted above you.

Oh Pirates or Ninjas?
They're both humbled by a Desert Eagle. Therefore, Luke Skywalker wins.

Stephen Harper: Great Prime Minister or Greatest Prime Minister?
Given the choice between Harper and a monkey, I would have to choose Luke Skywalker.
Then the monkey.
Then the miniscule one percent GST cut that the cheapass only delivered on to give him a fighting chance in the next election. Spineless wuss.
(For the record, I think Cretien was half decent in his last years, only because he stood up to Bush, and hit some random heckler (Don't know the whole story there... just part of it).

Bring it on!!!!
(The questions, I mean).
Spa or the Nurburgring?

Do you think Skylines are overated?

Evo or WRX STI?

Whats your favorite kind of cookie?

Favorite Kind of cake?

Favorite kind of Pie?

If you could only watch one TV show for the rest of your life what would it be?

Which is more important in a woman for you: looks or Personality?

If you said looks why are you so shallow?

If you said Personality why did you lie to me?

And Finally do you like long walks on the beach, or a vigorous mountain climb?

Oh wait do you watch Soccer? And If so do you belive that headbutting should be allowed or made mandatory?
Given the choice between Harper and a monkey, I would have to choose Luke Skywalker.
Then the monkey.
Then the miniscule one percent GST cut that the cheapass only delivered on to give him a fighting chance in the next election. Spineless wuss.
(For the record, I think Cretien was half decent in his last years, only because he stood up to Bush, and hit some random heckler (Don't know the whole story there... just part of it).

So I'll put you down for great then.

Do you agree that Toronto is the centre of the Universe? And if not, why?
Spa or the Nurburgring?

Do you think Skylines are overated?

Evo or WRX STI?

Whats your favorite kind of cookie?

Favorite Kind of cake?

Favorite kind of Pie?

If you could only watch one TV show for the rest of your life what would it be?

Which is more important in a woman for you: looks or Personality?

If you said looks why are you so shallow?

If you said Personality why did you lie to me?

And Finally do you like long walks on the beach, or a vigorous mountain climb?

Oh wait do you watch Soccer? And If so do you belive that headbutting should be allowed or made mandatory?

The Nurb. No other track in the world can match it, IMHO.
Skylines are very overrated, specifically the R33 and R34. While they can make great power, the hype around them is still to massive.
I'd take the Rex over an Evo, although a 2004 or 05 would be preferable to the B9-faced one we currently have.
My favorite store bought cookie is the Oreo, my favorite homemade is a chocolate/chocolate chip one.
Favorite cake is called Chocomania... It's a butter pecan cake with about a half dozen layers of this special icing interspersed through it.
Apple pie.
If I could only watch one TV show, it would be the something on Speedvision.
Personality is more important, although looks must also be within reason.
I lied to you to prove that I can lie sometimes.
But it's still personality.
Long walk on the beach. It's generally warmer there.
I don't watch soccer, but I believe a Zidane-style headbutt should happen at least once per match, for entertainment purposes.

Do you agree that Toronto is the centre of the Universe? And if not, why?
No, I don't agree. The center of the universe is constantly moving, as it is centered exactly half way between myself and Chuck Norris. Because we are both constantly moving, it is too.
You're money's where you left it, unless some dishonest jackal already found it and took it.

Why didn't I pick you?
For all I know, you're a 13-year old kid who's more annoying than those stupid Zwinky ads at the top of the page.
Then again, you might not be.
Ska or Punk?
Rock or Metal?
would you rather own a Pogo stick or a Hula Hoop?
Whats more appealing? Guitar, Bass, drums, Or the Triangle?
best vacation spot? Hawaii or the Caribean or other?
Nachos or Tacos?
Ice Cream or Frozen yogurt?
Favorite Forest creature?
Are Ewoks cool?
Can you make a weapon out of some chewing gum, a paper clip, some rubber bands, and a push pin?
I don't really fear invasion from the States. They've got their hands full in the middle east. Besides which, we can just torch your White House again.

Then we can come torch your parliament buildings like we did at York in April of 1813.

Everybody else is writing questions, so I guess I will too. How many times have you been to the US?
I think it's more accurate to say the Presidential residence, if I'm not mistaken (and I may be since I can't bother to research a bit before I write this) it wasn't until after the fire that the building was painted white and became known as the "White House".

Slicks, did you know there's a lot of money to be made working on the oil sand/pipeline in Alberta? Would you go there for a few years and come home $300,000 richer, or would you rather do something less dangerous/closer to home?
I think it's more accurate to say the Presidential residence, if I'm not mistaken (and I may be since I can't bother to research a bit before I write this) it wasn't until after the fire that the building was painted white and became known as the "White House".

Slicks, did you know there's a lot of money to be made working on the oil sand/pipeline in Alberta? Would you go there for a few years and come home $300,000 richer, or would you rather do something less dangerous/closer to home?

Nope, it was painted white in 1798 before it was used by any president. It was rebuilt in 1815, completed in 1830, and once again painted white.

It actually wasn't officially called the white house until 1901 when Teddy Roosevelt had "White House" put on his stationary.
Ska or Punk?
Rock or Metal?
would you rather own a Pogo stick or a Hula Hoop?
Whats more appealing? Guitar, Bass, drums, Or the Triangle?
best vacation spot? Hawaii or the Caribean or other?
Nachos or Tacos?
Ice Cream or Frozen yogurt?
Favorite Forest creature?
Are Ewoks cool?
Can you make a weapon out of some chewing gum, a paper clip, some rubber bands, and a push pin?
Ska and punk both suck monkey nuts.
Rock over metal, classic rock is my favorite music.
I'd take a pogo stick over a hoop.
Guitar is the most appealing out of the group, but I would like an acoustic, specifically.
Don't know the best vacation spot. Mexico could be good because, as I'm underage, the all-inclusive resorts can get you booze. Carribean, BVI's, Roratonga. Places like that.
Actually, scratch that all. My best vacation spot is Kootenay Lake, British Columbia. About 40 miles long, 500+ feet deep, beautiful beaches, surrounded by mountains. The water is extremely fresh (the lake replenishes itself three times per year), although fairly cool.
After that would be my relatives' islands in Florida (Yes, Islands. Plural. Palm Island, and Useppa Island).
Hidden option three: Burritos, over both tacos and nachos.
Ice cream.
Grizzly bear.
No, ewoks aren't cool. Darth Vader is.
I'm sure I could make a weapon out of some chewing gum, a paper clip, some rubber bands, and a push pin. But you'd have to give me a gun, first.

Can you do the Bartman?
Not quite sure what that is... Does it have to do with the Simpsons, by chance?

How many times have you been to the US?
Um... I believe twice. Neither more than a hundred miles or so south of the border.

Slicks, did you know there's a lot of money to be made working on the oil sand/pipeline in Alberta? Would you go there for a few years and come home $300,000 richer, or would you rather do something less dangerous/closer to home?
I did know that, as a matter of fact. A basic laborer for an oil company in Fort McMurray will get you $50-60K a year, and if you come with skills, you're set. I have thought about going there to make money, but haven't taken any action on it yet. I think it would be a good idea to get a truck drivers liscence here and then go there and make money, but I wouldn't stay there permanantly. The town is notorious for drug use, and high rent.
The entire cost of living has to be high. Labour is very expensive. Even the Timmy's is paying like $18/hr and people are quitting low-skill jobs all over the province to head north. From what I hear, some places are even paying for people from as far away as newfoundland to come in and work and even go home on weekends.

Oh and a question. What do you think is more impressive: going on a safari in Africa or hiking in Antarctica?
The Anti-Board
If you could go anywhere on earth, where would it be?
Honestly, at this point in time, right here. Granted, the setting would be slightly different (About 9 PM, with friends around, rather than almost eleven at the computer), but I'm fairly happy where I am now.

Do all these questions humiliate or embarass you?
Nope. Not yet, at least.
Yet another reason to keep 'em coming.

The entire cost of living has to be high. Labour is very expensive. Even the Timmy's is paying like $18/hr and people are quitting low-skill jobs all over the province to head north. From what I hear, some places are even paying for people from as far away as newfoundland to come in and work and even go home on weekends.

Oh and a question. What do you think is more impressive: going on a safari in Africa or hiking in Antarctica?
Yes, I realise that the cost of anything and everything in McMurray is high. I believe it's either Syncrude or Suncor will even give you a room/place to live similar to a dorm or apartment for free.
Hiking in Antarctica is more impressive. It requires more than a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, and a plane ticket to achieve.
fruit flavored water or normal water?
Bed or futon?
Shoes or sandals?
ATV's or Dirtbikes?
Do you find Larry the Cable Guy funny?
Windows or Mac?
PS2 or Xbox?
Favorite car make?
are you single?
have you ever attempted anything you were forbidden to attempt?