GTP's Member of the week no.14 - Introducing Duck

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Who do you think should be member-of-the-week next?
Duke, Famine, or Jordan. It'd get really interesting.

Who is your favorite non-premium/non-moderator/non-admin member?
Don't have one.
Who (besides me or any banned people) is the most annoying person here at GTP?
Sorry, I'm not naming anyone. But I do talk to this certain person regularly (and if you think you're it, you're not).
Gatorade or Powerade?
Favorite kind of cheese?
American or Swiss.
Favorite kind of bread?[/QUOTE]
White or that Honey Oat bread from Subway.
They're the Ducks, of course! ;)
Ah. But still, no Oregon for me. :indiff:

...and if you go to Ohio State, we will have problems (this only applies during the basketball season, we can be friends before and after).
Favorite NFL Football Team?

Favorite NCAA Football Team?

Favorite NBA Basketball Team?

Favorite NCAA Basketball Team?

Favorite MLB Baseball Team?
What did you think of the Cardinals game tonight?

Do you think Alex Smith QB for the 49ers is overrated?

What did you feel on September 11 of 2001?

Would you ever join the armed forces?

What's your favorite smiley?

Honestly I think you should have the quality post badge just for doing all those set-ups for GT4...How do you feel about that?

If you were in the middle of the Pacific Ocean by yourself...what would you do? or what survival techniques would you use?

Have you ever had any regrets about posting a particular comment here on GTP?

Are you tired of being interviewd? :)

I knew you wouldn't ;)

Did you ever have a wish you were in regular school like most of the kids?

What's your favorite Actor?



Tell me in your opinion, what has been the best post from you..ever?

Would you give me your XboX by Christmas?

Do you ever give money to the poor?

What religion are you?

What did you think of the Cardinals game tonight?
Good, the Cardinals actually won.

Do you think Alex Smith QB for the 49ers is overrated?

What did you feel on September 11 of 2001?
Well, on that day, I knew it was big, but what happened didn't actually hit me until much later.

Would you ever join the armed forces?
No. The closest I'll get to it are video games.

What's your favorite smiley?
GTP smilie or general smilie? For GTP, it's :D, but otherwise it's

Honestly I think you should have the quality post badge just for doing all those set-ups for GT4...How do you feel about that?
I probably would if all the individual reps actually carried points. There's 24 reppings on it. But I would be honored and happy if I got it. :)

If you were in the middle of the Pacific Ocean by yourself...what would you do? or what survival techniques would you use?
Well, I'd find an island, use logs to "write" SOS on the beach, and I'd light a fire and scream my wits out and run naked.

Ok, I was joking when I would run naked, but I would still scream my wits out.

Have you ever had any regrets about posting a particular comment here on GTP?
Probably, but I don't remember.

Are you tired of being interviewd? :)
YES YES I AM. :sly:

I knew you wouldn't ;)
And that's one prediction I made false. :sly:

Carry on the questions. :crazy:

Did you ever have a wish you were in regular school like most of the kids?

What's your favorite Actor?
Hmm... I don't really have one. I'm not a big movie watcher.

See above.

Ah... Revenge of the Sith.

Tell me in your opinion, what has been the best post from you..ever?
I dunno. Does my Workshop count?

Would you give me your XboX by Christmas?
If Midnight Club 3 and Rallisport 2 were backward compatible, and you'd pay $50 for shipping, then sure.

Do you ever give money to the poor?
...Nope. >_<

What religion are you?
And this thread goes to the great big duck pond in the sky.
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