GTP's Official FIFA 2006 World Cup Thread (Now with Results!)

  • Thread starter OZZYGT
Booo Holland lol

Good first half, but boring second. They played too cautiously for my tastes, but I expected that. At least I had fun.

Final: Holland 0 Argentina 0
I think both teams werent realy going for it anyway, I mean they were allready both through and they wanted to rest some players.
Race Idiot
I think both teams weren't realy going for it anyway, I mean they were allready both through and they wanted to rest some players.
Yeah, though I feel the second stringers did put on a good show, though. They gave it their all. I know it wasn't a must win for either team, which is why they played cautiously, but still the second stringers had something to prove. I'm sure they would have loved to have scored a goal in a WC game. Like I said, I still had fun.
I'll say one thing though, I wouldn't realy call allot of those players second stringers. I mean both Holland and Argentina produce lots of quality players so it's very difficult to pick just 11 of the best because you always end up leaving someone who is just as good out. I mean Messi, Tevez and Aimar are all bloody amazing players and the same goes for the Dutch guys.

Bah I ended up missing the 1st half anyway argh.
Portugal vs Holland

I hope a competitive game as both teams play ofensive football. I hope Portugal wins :) (like in Euro 2004: great game 👍)

U-S-A, U-S-A!!!!!!!!

Hey, ghana can go suck off! It's AMERICA TIME!

Watching Czech Republic-Italy.

The Czech are playing very agressively. Baros almost scored.
Nesta is out.

Materazzi scores!


Ghana-USA game:

Ghana leads with 1:0 as of this post's time.
If USA can pull it back and take the win, they will be through to the next round.

I am gonna be really suprised to see the Czechs go out already. COME ON YOU CZECHS!!
Well, it looks like bad officiating is going to molest our chance of a win. There's no way that was a penalty kick foul. So far, the officiating in the World Cup as been terrible. And no, I'm not just saying that because the American team have received the worst of it. Overall, they've made some horrible decisions.

I hope US can pull through for the second half, because it's all over if they don't win. Come on US! :nervous:
BWAHAHA! he should have hit it with his left much earlier!

That kick into the air was hilarious!
Italy and Ghana made it. And better yet, in less than two hours I'll be leaving work to watch Brazil's game. :D
great. I lost my entire post to a stupid phantom "back". Why does this crap only happen on GTP? I'm so put off, I'm not even going to retype everything...
so much for my prediction of Czech Republic being in the final..

Ghana play Brazil in the last 16 if the expected happens tonight..
Markus Merk needs to go back to scraping teeth and needs to be banned from refing (:P). I think the refs had it out for the states.

Anyway, Beasley is a lazy fatass, and a 4-5-1 only works if your midfield sprints their asses off toward goal.

Why does Stephen Appiah remind me of Mars Attacks? I hope Brazil destroy them. Like, 10-0.
U-S-A, U-S-A!!!!!!!!

Hey, ghana can go suck off! It's AMERICA TIME!


Pwned lol. ghana>usa !!!111!1one

ghana plays so much cleaner than the usa :P.
stop hating on ghana. they played like 10times cleaner than america. i saw very few dirty tactics and the ref gave crazy amount of calls to stop the pace whenever it was ghana on teh run
The US were sooooooo slow and lethargic the second half, I feel asleep. So, I'm glad I missed the end.

I think US played bad. I'm mean, really bad. I think the coach completely blew it. I couldn't stand Claudio Reyna. Who put this guy as our captain? Bruce Arena, the horrible US team coach. What's really embarrassing, he's America's most winning coach.

Why the US played the way they did, I'll never know. You don't go into a World Cup game NEEDING a win at all cost, and play the way they did. What was Bruce Arena's excuse? "Everybody played well; it was a good team. I would have liked a chance to win in the second half, but that bad call at the end of the first half put us behind and we had to play 'catch up.'" When he asked if he could do something over, he said nothing. He gave some excuse about his roster... then said nothing more. He has no clue, still, how he screwed up so badly. I'm not really sure he would admit if he did do something wrong. He's and idiot. Be responsible for how you messed up. I hate this guy. OK, he last said he should have positioned his team better, and should have put more men in the box. Who's fault was that? It wasnt' the players. It wasn't the fans. Still think you didn't do anything wrong, or would have changed anything, Bruce?

We had talent with this team. I think most of you will agree. We had the experience to win some games, at least our group. But, it's the failure of the coaching staff that gets all the blame, here. It was non existent. I never saw the coach get up to scream some orders to his team. I saw him yell at refs, and complain when a US player got hit. But that was it. We need to get rid of him, find some new talented players, and then well have a decent US World Cup team.
Woot!! I'm so happy for my country!!! I also hope Brazil wins this one too. 👍

I was working so I didn't get to see the morning games, but I'll update the resulsts when when the games are done.

BTW, of today's games, which has been the most exciting?

EDIT: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: , Did Japan just score against Brazil???

Holy crap! Goal for Japan! Against Brazil!

EDIT: Yellow card for Kaji? What a bunch of crap. More proof at the horrible officiating in this year's World Cup.

Japan 1-1 Brazil 👍

It was good...but it didn't last too long ;)
1 - 1

I'd hate to say this... But come on Japan!
I'm saying it, with not a single bit of hate. GO JAPAN!

I'm sick of Brazil.

EDIT: Oh my lord! How did that goalie miss that one? :dunce:

EDIT 2: OK. Japan needs to fire that goalie. Out of a cannon. lol