GTP's Worst 10 Movies... Ever!

  • Thread starter Famine
In no particular order: (There are others I can't remember the name of, and I'm sure I've switched off many movies that could easily make this list)

1. Matrix Reloaded/Revolutions - Both terrible, confusing and nonsensical.
2. Jurassic Park III - More superfluous than Scaramanga's extra nipple, unintentionally hilarious.
3. Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol - I'd grown out of it by the age of 12, unintentionally not hilarious.
4. Battlefield Earth - Horrendously awful movie, no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
5. Jaws: The Revenge - Laughable premise and poorly made.
6. Prospero's Books - Pretentious, overacted and totally, totally incomprehensible.
7. Species 2 - Boring, dull, not even a bit of eye candy.
8. Trail of the Pink Panther - Peter Sellers would have turned in his grave - utterly abysmal.
9. Red Dragon - Pointless and inferior remake of a very good film.
10. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex *But Were Afraid to Ask - Cringeworthy and sleazy, not Woody Allen's finest hour.

9. The Big Lebowski
Dude, you cannot be serious.
I am equally stunned... :eek:
I look forward to the backlash im going to get here.

1, LOTR 1
2, LOTR 2
3, LOTR 3
4, Star Wars: revenge of the sith
5, Star Wars: Empire strikes back
6, Star Wars: return of the jedi
7, Star Wars: Attack of the clones
8, Star Wars
9, Bourne Identity
10, De-Railed (not the Clive Owne film, the STV Van Damme flick)

You've really only nominated like 4 movies, you know that right?

And interestingly enough you have a Star Wars parody as your sig.:lol:
You've really only nominated like 4 movies, you know that right?

Correct - and those votes will be logged as The Fellowship of the Ring, The Return of the Sith, The Bourne Identity and Derailed.
The first post covers it ;).

* You may nominate film series (LOTR, Alien, Bourne, Matrix, Star Wars) or individual films from those series (TTT, Alien3, Bourne Supremacy, The Matrix Reloaded, Attack of the Clones), but you may not nominate multiple instances of films from the series (if your top 3 are The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded and The matrix Revolutions, then you will have 1 vote for The Matrix and whatever film you have in 4th will get your 2nd place vote).
OK, kinda dumb. I mean i like Episode 1 (go figure). Fine i'll revise it. IGNORE ABOVE POST.

1. Lord of the rings (all of them)
2. Star Wars (all except episode 1, but as they all count as 1)
3. Bourne Identity
4. Harry Potters (cant remember which ones)
5. Wedding Crashers
6. Bridget Jones: Edge Of Reason
7. The Postman
8. Syriana
9. Alone In The Dark
10. De-Railed (Van Damme, not Clive Owen film)
anything with Van Damme pretty much covers it, me thinks. Except for maybe Bloodsport and Timecop, which were only marginally bad.
01) Hostel series
- Excessively violent and disturbing. Eli Roth deserves to be locked up for this.

02) Saw series
- The first was an interesting concept, but the sequels destroyed it.

03) Cloverfield
- Because I felt physically ill coming out of it and the characters were the stupidest ever to (dis)grace the silver screen.

04) The Fast and the Furious series
- Now everybody thinks vomit-inducing candy-coloured kaledioscopes actually qualify as cars. The acting was terrible, as was the plot.

05) Meet the Spartans
- I didn't laugh. Not even once. I blame the incredibly lazy writing. Don't even know why I saw it.

06) Stealth
- Moronic in every sense of the word.

07) Star Wars series
- All six, but I am a Tragic Browncoat after all ...

08) Waterworld
- Not even script doctor Joss Whedon could save this piece of go-se (but he hated it and has since disowned it).

09) Armageddon
- The budget went to the special effects ... and not much else.

10) Die Another Day
- Cheap innuendo, gimmicky CGI and boring plot made this the bad film the James Bond franchise had to have. Without it we would never get the excelent Casino Royale, but that's no reason not to include it on this list.
1) Epic Movie

designed for 12-14 year old boys

2)Scary Movie 4

My eyebrows were in a constant state of "Huh?"

3)Date Movie

i don't quite remember what the point of the movie was but i hated it.

4)Matrix Reloaded

It was just horrible and made me wander around the house while watching it.

5)Shrek 3 or 2 which ever is the last one

The movie smelled of old cheese and even irritated my dog.

6)Harry Potter

The movies were Frankenstein monsters of the books

7)a series of unfortunate events

for the same reason as the harry potter movies + lack of similar plot to the books.

8)Police Academy

I wanted to laugh, all i thought was funny was the guy who made sounds.

9)That spanish movie about fairy books and the spanish rebellion

If it was supposed to follow a certain fairy tail i didn't get it and if it was supposed to make a new one i didn't like it.

10)Nacho Libre

Thought it was retarded to the greatest degree.
9)That spanish movie about fairy books and the spanish rebellion

If it was supposed to follow a certain fairy tail i didn't get it and if it was supposed to make a new one i didn't like it.

You mean Pan's Labyrinth?

It wasn't really a fairy tale of any discription. It's ment to be a film about how a little girl slips into imagining a fantasy scenario because the real world around her is so absolutely horrific. It's a fantasticly powerful film!!!
Pan's Labryinth is physically painful to watch. Some scenes made me want to throw up. The blood and gore were just way over the top. Great movie. Lose the upchuck-inducing scenes and it would be in my personal top ten.

And your ten are..?

Aww... c'mon... do I really have to decide?

*sigh* yes, mein fuhrmine...

1. White Chicks
2. Kazaam
3. Leprechaun (all movies)
4. House of 1000 Corpses
5. Star Wars (1 - 3)
6. Matrix ReLoaded
7. Epic Movie
8. Ultraviolet
9. 3 Ninjas (all movies)
10. Miss Congeniality II
Pan's Labyrinth was alright, although there was a big fuss about it being the best Spanish movie of all time... which it isn't. There's also an apparent lack of expertise regarding night shots in Spain, so unless you have a good enough TV/screen, you aren't going to see a lot of what goes on here. I liked it, but didn't really think that much of it.

The story is beautiful, though.
2 films that narrowly avoided my list too...
Well, Die Another Day nearly didn't get nominated because I honestly believe that it led to what made Casino Royale so damn good.

And then I realised I didn't actually have another film for the list. I tend to avoid bad films like the plague; most of the ones on my list I've seen with my college, like Meet the Spartans, which I think was for a charity bash.
01) Hostel series
- Excessively violent and disturbing. Eli Roth deserves to be locked up for this.

Just barely avoided my list. The director is a jerk if anything. I remember him specifically saying horror movie directors are slacking because their plots are just getting boring.

Still laugh my ass off to this day that Steven King's The Mist did just as well at the Box Office, and didn't rely on over-exaggerated gore.
I really can't come up with a decent list of terrible movies, because I tend to see the trailers or the commercials and think "wild horses couldn't drag me in to see that crap." So all of the movies I would put on my list are disqualified because I haven't actually seen them.

I do have to wonder about some of the selections, though: Blazing Saddles?! That's one of the 2 or 3 funniest movies of all time.
Ive never seen a film I hate apart from one...

The last Samurai

other than that I can watch anything and not hate it, I've even seen films listed here that I love :D
1. Tom Cruise

2. The only person to survive the war is a NON-Japanese... ? Give me a
Actually It wasn't TC that Killed it for me, I just found myself hating everything about the film really really hard to watch.
Well it was about one sorry fat ass emo that couldn't deal with his own nationality so he goes and
over his own country for what? He had to go call the Americans to save his ass because he was too chicken
to deal with it himself. His actions were what led to the downfall of Japanese culture. I hated everything about the film too.
Two words:

Tom. Cruise.
There's worse films with him in than that imo, besides that I think it's interesting that it's the only film he hates, not in a judgmental way mind. Personally I didn't mind that film or Tom Cruise that much though.
1. Superbad
2. Darkness Falls
3. Redline
4. Fast and Furious 3
5. Goodburger
6. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
7. The Matrix 2
8. Star Wars EP 1
9. The Village
10. 1408