Gun attack on Mosque in Canada.

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Well, they are misguided Muslims. So yeah, you can call them "Radical".

They aren't devoted. Not at all
They are devoted to extremism and the destruction of everyone who isn't them and are using the Quran as a cover. Better?
Well regarding to what they do (in Islam) makes them Anti.

No, their interpretation of the book is just different. You can name it all you want, but they're still Muslim. They're a bunch of morons who have no place in this world in the first place, but they're still Muslims.


But we are very off-topic with this. We don't even know what the motive was and if IS is a factor in this.

They'll probably claim they are but we'll see.
Plot twist.

Khadir is now considered a witness and not a shooter.
Watch how this flies back into the trending part of the news!
Here's another plot twist:
Note: Police have not confirmed who is the witness and who is the suspect, only that 2 people were arrested and questioned, and now only one is considered the suspect. Reports that Bisonnette is the suspect come from other Quebec media outlets/Reuters.

According to TVA news, Alexandre Bisonnette is currently considered as the only suspect.

Provincial police (Sûreté due Québec) confirm only one of the apprehended individuals is considered as a suspect.

After questioning, other individual is considered a witness.
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LMAO what a :censored:ing ghoul.

At 0:45, WH Press Sec. cites the shooting as a reason to be "proactive" and not "reactive" in terms of national security.
LMAO what a :censored:ing ghoul.

At 0:45, WH Press Sec. cites the shooting as a reason to be "proactive" and not "reactive" in terms of national security.

Canada, you're going on the list.
If the attackers were Muslim then I fail to see how that would be a fact to hide? After all it would demonstrate that those who are radical are not representative of the larger community, after all if they were then they would have no reason to attack them.

It can be a fact to hide by those who either want calmer waters or those wanting to pretend things aren't what they actually are. It's a non issue for now though.

Is it fair to say this was Muslims attacking Muslims yet again?
It can be a fact to hide by those who either want calmer waters or those wanting to pretend things aren't what they actually are. It's a non issue for now though.

Is it fair to say this was Muslims attacking Muslims yet again?
Given what we know right now, it would not seem to be the case.
@xyloscissor Why are you so concerned with knowing everything the police know as soon as they know it? Canadian police departments work just as well as other 1st world departments, they just work in a different way to how you want them to. Public safety is an issue in these situations obviously but the public can be its own worst enemy too. What if all known information is released about a suspect and someone decides to take things into their own hands and goes out looking for the suspect and sees someone who just happens to look like the suspect? That would certainly cause more problens than it would solve. The world doesn't need any more George Zimmermans thank you very much.

The point is the public does not need up to the second updates until everything is known and any given case is solved.
@xyloscissor Why are you so concerned with knowing everything the police know as soon as they know it? Canadian police departments work just as well as other 1st world departments, they just work in a different way to how you want them to. Public safety is an issue in these situations obviously but the public can be its own worst enemy too. What if all known information is released about a suspect and someone decides to take things into their own hands and goes out looking for the suspect and sees someone who just happens to look like the suspect? That would certainly cause more problens than it would solve. The world doesn't need any more George Zimmermans thank you very much.

The point is the public does not need up to the second updates until everything is known and any given case is solved.

I understand all of that and I don't need to know right away, but I think the public should at some point be told the truth. That's all, if I sounded otherwise I didn't mean to.
Plot twist.

Khadir is now considered a witness and not a shooter.
Watch how this flies back into the trending part of the news!
There was 1 page that showed how this story originally made the headline of a German outlet, then went to bottom following the rumors it was possibly a Muslim (due to the "Allah Akbar" claim) & then went right back up as Bissonnet was guessed to be the lone shooter.

Regardless, it will be interesting to see how the "blame" plays out.
There was 1 page that showed how this story originally made the headline of a German outlet, then went to bottom following the rumors it was possibly a Muslim (due to the "Allah Akbar" claim) & then went right back up as Bissonnet was guessed to be the lone shooter.

Regardless, it will be interesting to see how the "blame" plays out.


Mainstream media. For the win.
There was 1 page that showed how this story originally made the headline of a German outlet, then went to bottom following the rumors it was possibly a Muslim (due to the "Allah Akbar" claim) & then went right back up as Bissonnet was guessed to be the lone shooter.

Regardless, it will be interesting to see how the "blame" plays out.
Here in the UK it's remained in pretty much the same spot.

The main dominant news being Boris Johnson's attempts to both suck up Trump while decrying him at the same time.
Here in the UK it's remained in pretty much the same spot.

The main dominant news being Boris Johnson's attempts to both suck up Trump while decrying him at the same time.
Wait just a second mister, do you mean to tell me this somehow has something to do with the POTUS? :lol:
There was 1 page that showed how this story originally made the headline of a German outlet, then went to bottom following the rumors it was possibly a Muslim (due to the "Allah Akbar" claim) & then went right back up as Bissonnet was guessed to be the lone shooter.

Sounds to me like responsible reporting. Why should they amplify unsubstantiated reports?

Without links to what you're referring to, I'm guessing it played out this way:

story originally made the headline of a German outlet

This first story dealt with facts: somebody shot up a mosque.

went to bottom following the rumors it was possibly a Muslim

This second story rightly treated the first unsubstantiated rumors with caution - reported on them but didn't scream about them. Good on them, if you ask me.

then went right back up as Bissonnet was guessed to be the lone shooter

This third story gets more prominence because more factual information has become available - namely a suspect has been apprehended, and the authorities have confirmed that they had all suspects in custody.

If this is way off, then please provide links to the articles in question so that we might all have a clearer understanding of the problem here.

Lacking that, though, I don't see any problem. You would have preferred, what exactly? A continuous flow of screaming headlines that treat everything as true by default, only to be replaced with conflicting information two minutes later?
Here in the UK it's remained in pretty much the same spot.

The main dominant news being Boris Johnson's attempts to both suck up Trump while decrying him at the same time.
Same in the US; not really "relevant". Media is still focused on the ban & Starbucks. Uber has even been mentioned a little more frequently (I believe due to something related to protests at airports?).

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