
  • Thread starter Talentless

Which position on firearms is closest to your own?

  • I support complete illegality of civilian ownership

    Votes: 120 15.5%
  • I support strict control.

    Votes: 244 31.5%
  • I support moderate control.

    Votes: 164 21.2%
  • I support loose control.

    Votes: 81 10.5%
  • I oppose control.

    Votes: 139 17.9%
  • I am undecided.

    Votes: 27 3.5%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by danoff
Not as effectively. There is safety in the element of surprise, it raises your odds. There is also safety in having an obvious weapon, it scares your opponent.

If you're talking about swords or axes or something, those are not nearly as effective at defense as guns are.

great point,

this happens at work alot

nothing will instill inferiority and obedience than the big fat sound of a tac-shotgun cocking back, 240G belt fed machine gun as well. but usually it only takes a really mean look. GGRRrrrrr! and nothing more.

god bless the United States Marines.

Originally posted by Ghost C
Anything concealable should be melted down? Why? That just means that the criminals will carry around shotguns and more powerful rifles.

emad, from what I've seen of you, all of your posts are pure ignorant opinionated garbage with no fact to back them up. Do you have any actual facts about the actual amount of gun-related deaths each year? Because if you think guns causing "random killings" is a major problem, you should protest to outlaw cars, since they cause more deaths each year than violence involving pistols (Actually, more than violence involving any type of firearms, but that's not the point).

I remember a few years back someone went into a restaurant with a shotgun, attempting to rob everyone inside. Two people were legally carrying their concealed handguns. One woman with a 9mm in her purse, and a man with a (I think) compact frame .44 revolver on his ankle. The criminal turned his back to them (I guess they were both at the same table), and he ended up getting shot twice. Once in the leg with the .44, and once in the torso region with the 9mm. Two things never happened after that day: The man never walked without the use of a cane, and he never tried to rob anyone again.

So, without these concealable weapons, that situation would've turned out ugly, and could've turned out with innocent people getting hurt, or killed.

I think it should be obvious I oppose any form of gun control other than the background check we have in place in WV right now.

Thats completely stupid, if the control of guns was more strict, the man woudlnt have walked into the resteraunt carrying a shotgun in the first place. Besides, I dont see how the man and woman were justified in shooting the criminal. Who says he was gonna shoot anyone? In the psat me and some mates have held up a corner store using BB guns, its more the look than anything else. If you seem to be armed and are angry enoughyou dont have to be willing to shoot someone.
Crayola, if you used that defense on any judge or jury not stoned out of their minds, you'd not only get several years for using a firearm in the commision of a crime, but the judge would chastice you for being ridiculous.

You contend that because you and your mate intended no harm that you speak for others who might attempt a criminal act? You speak with certainty that a man would not have walked into that restaurant armed if there had been strict gun restrictions? How can you possibly contend these things with a straight face?

It's one thing if you were to say it would be less likely for those things to have occured, but you imply your presumptions are certainties.

How can a store owner possibly know you aren't a sociopath?

Please explain it to us.
Clarification: I was referring to the US justice system. I don't know what's done in Au. I assume it's not a load of criminal coddling bs.
In American law, and this is for a reason, persons who think (not necessarily are) they are in grave danger of great bodily harm are allowed (under law) to act accordingly. Not only that, but the criminal is held responsible for the results.

Let me give you an example.

Suppose you are kidnapped by a man at gunpoint (but you don't know that it's really a BB gun). He forces you into a car and is driving down a highway. He slows to about 30 mph to take a turn and you decide that rather than wait to be murdered, you're going to take your chances by hopping out of the car (not a bad move). You open the door and fling yourself to freedom only to get killed by the pole of a roadsign.

The criminal is liable for murder and justifiably so. You would not have put yourself in a position where you could have been killed if you did not believe that your life were threatened.

That is exactly why the people in the restaurant were justified in killing the person with the gun. It's called self defense.

If you had held up a store with a BB gun in America, you just might have gotten killed and our laws would not have touched the person doing it. In fact, it just might have been our police that killed you.

That is exactly why gun control is a bad thing. When citizens are armed, they deter criminals (who will have guns regardless).
Originally posted by Crayola
Thats completely stupid, if the control of guns was more strict, the man woudlnt have walked into the resteraunt carrying a shotgun in the first place. Besides, I dont see how the man and woman were justified in shooting the criminal. Who says he was gonna shoot anyone? In the psat me and some mates have held up a corner store using BB guns, its more the look than anything else. If you seem to be armed and are angry enoughyou dont have to be willing to shoot someone.

Someone should shoot you for being so stupid.
Originally posted by Ghost C
Someone should shoot you for being so stupid.

Now now you really didn't mean that! You do know that guns kill, and we take all the guns away so everyone will love each other. If that doesn't work we need to take away everything that can kills so the world will be at peace. If it comes down to chopping off arms and legs to not kill and love each other so be it, because LOVE is all we need for peace on earth.

From the Happy Nice Person (Can't be gender specific we don't want to offend anyone)
Originally posted by frestkd
Now now you really didn't mean that! You do know that guns kill, and we take all the guns away so everyone will love each other. If that doesn't work we need to take away everything that can kills so the world will be at peace. If it comes down to chopping off arms and legs to not kill and love each other so be it, because LOVE is all we need for peace on earth.

From the Happy Nice Person (Can't be gender specific we don't want to offend anyone)

Originally posted by Ghost C
Someone should shoot you for being so stupid.
Originally posted by frestkd
Now now you really didn't mean that! You do know that guns kill, and we take all the guns away so everyone will love each other. If that doesn't work we need to take away everything that can kills so the world will be at peace. If it comes down to chopping off arms and legs to not kill and love each other so be it, because LOVE is all we need for peace on earth.

From the Happy Nice Person (Can't be gender specific we don't want to offend anyone)

:lol: :lol: :lol: Oh, brother! I can just see it now. All the body stumps rolling on the ground, rolling up to each other so they can bite the crotch of someone they hate! :lol: :lol:


Some "peace," chopping each others body parts off. :rolleyes:
i just picked up my new Para Ordnance P18.38S limited (.38 Super) a couple days ago and have fired abit over 350 rounds through it without any malfunctions (i am very happy with it)
I found my old 4x20 Tasco, and put it on my .22 a day or two ago. This gun is the AK-47 of .22's, it functions flawlessly under all conditions, like when I was outside plinking stuff in the back yard the other day when it was around 30 degrees outside.

I still need to zero in the scope, but I ran out of bullets. I might try to pick up some more at the gun show this weekend, since it's right down the road and they'll probably have better bullets for cheaper than the stores around here.

Here's a picture of me playing around with the .22 after I put the scope on, I was trying to find the optimum positioning on the mounts for comfort. I actually worked the buttons with my toes while I was taking this picture. Skillful, eh?


I'm such a badass (Note: That was sarcasm).
Originally posted by VIPERGTSR01
i just picked up my new Para Ordnance P18.38S limited (.38 Super) a couple days ago and have fired abit over 350 rounds through it without any malfunctions (i am very happy with it)

Cool, dude! 👍 Congrats!

Do you plan to turn it into a racing gun?
Here's a picture of me playing around with the .22 after I put the scope on, I was trying to find the optimum positioning on the mounts for comfort. I actually worked the buttons with my toes while I was taking this picture. Skillful, eh?

:eek: who took the picture? :eek:

edit: read your post :dunce:
your toes take the photos, nm
Originally posted by Solid Lifters
Cool, dude! 👍 Congrats!

Do you plan to turn it into a racing gun?

not this gun, but i do plan on building a race gun sometime
hmm...I hope someone here can help me 👍

I was mugged today in front of my own damn home - I would have fought back but 1) I was exhausted, 2) an hour in -20 degree weather made my entire body numb. I managed to keep up with the guy for 4 blocks before my knee completely crapped out on me and the pain was unbearable - I just needed 10 feet before I was in position to tackle the whoreson.

Before you say it's a ****ty neighborhood, consider that the officer told me that this was one of maybe 3 or 4 crimes committed in this town in the past month.

I need to take my laptop to school every damn day - no way around it but the mugger didn't know I had it (i'm DAMN lucky he didn't take it or I'd be ****ed for the entireity of this semester and most of next year. Not because of the data but because it's a leased laptop and not my property. So I'd have to pay for the replacement, try to restore my data, and pay another year's worth of lease :S.

Anyways, he made off with my mp3 player (completely concealed in my inside jacket pocket) :mad: and that sucker is my only and most valuable posession.

I'm in university right now and I don't plan on carrying a gun anytime this lifetime most likely...Any suggestions for pocketknives? Something small and easily concealed that would offer me a chance to fight back should such a situation arise again?

  • Reliable release mechanism
  • Quality blade
  • I'd avoid serations that might get stuck in clothing; at least don't go over board
  • Make sure you can easily tell which end your grabbing the moment you touch it.
  • You can opt to have a non conceilable (in the handle) blade also
  • Knives are for stabbing when used for defense. I believe being narrow and long can be as effective as a wide knife, such as a bowie
I'm partial to knives that pop out as appose to swing out. It's true that they can jam, but swinging a blade out can be tricky, as can pulling it out. It also uses more time. Fixed blade are probably the best.
Talentless has got the right idea. Think Boot Knife. It has a fixed blade and a clip sheath you can clip to anything. And the best thing about them is a lot of people make them, and they can be inexpensive.

You can find decent boot knives at military surplus stores for around $10, and they're not bad at all. I've got a couple of folding knives I got from military surplus stores that only costed $6 each, and they're damn good knives.

In other news, I picked up some ammo at the gun show today. 100 rounds of Aguila SSS for $6. Not bad for the heaviest .22 bullet in the world 👍.
thanks for the info - now to find a store that sells these things. The most I've found anywhere so far were swiss army knives and a few @ this store nearby that sells anything that has they've got 4 foot long swords down to kitchen utensils :P
Last night on 20/20 John Stossel did a peice on common myths. One of the was about gun control.

Here are the facts he gave:

According to the government, the Brady Bill (gun control signed into law by pres. clinton) has not deterred any crime at all.

Guns are 3 times more likely to be used for self defense than to commit a crime.

Guns kill less than 100 children in gun related accidents in the US each year.

then he visted some felons in jail and they said (and all agreed)..

I don't care if there's a background check or a waiting period at the store, I don't get my guns from the store, I buy my guns illegally on the street.

then one of them said (and the others agreed)...

I don't worry about the cops. I worry, when I'm robbing someone I don't know, about whether or not they're armed.
Haha, that's good stuff, I wonder if I can find a video of that piece somewhere on the web.

I haven't even got a chance to test out this new Aguila ammo, but I've read tests and stuff online and most of them praised it. One said that it shot through 24" of ballistic gelatin, compared to Federal 9mm +9's 12", that seems pretty damn good. Maybe once this damn snow melts I can get a chance to test how good it really shoots.

I wonder how boom's gun is treating him. Haven't seen him on AIM any time since he got it, so maybe he'll read this and tell us about it.
The gun is treating me good. Unfortunately I've only had a chance to shoot about 50 rounds from her. It's just too cold and snowy.
She shoots well and I feel very in control of the pistol while shooting. Overall, I'm very pleased, I just can't wait till warmer weather is upon me so that I can go out and shoot more often.

The girl that I'm seeing now is deathly afraid of guns, but since I've showed her mine and told her more about guns and how they are used for protection and just not to commit crimes, she has taken a better liking to them and actually wants to go shooting with me sometime. Very :cool:

Hey milefile. Have you had a chance to revisit this subject with you wife yet? If so, how did it go?
man it would suck having to limit your shooting because the weather
It sure does. I had thought about setting up a shooting trap indoors, but I don't think my idea would work with these new rounds I got.
Originally posted by neon_duke
I say moderate control, because I think there should be strict background checks and training/education requirements involved in getting a permit for gun ownership (excluding long guns). I'm less concerned about the types of guns it is legal to own than I am about the people who are allowed to own them.

I agree totally